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Branson Landing


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I don't live in Branson ,but fish Taney alot 2-3 times a month. Will the landing bring bigger boats to the lake?There putting a new marina in, some weekends your boat to boat as it is getting though different areas of the lake.What does everyone really think what will happen to the lake when the Landing is is done. Help the fishing or hurt the fishing ?

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I dont think it will bring bigger boats. The lake just isnt big enough for bigger boats. I would have to assume the landing will increase boat traffic, just because of what and where it is. I am not sure about huring the fishing, but I know that when some of jon boats or pontoons are anchored there is going to be quite a bit of jostling for position going on.

Imagine the popular hole near the bridge downtown. Usually there are a few boats drifting through there during the day. Now, imagine a 90 degree July afternoon, the idiots at BPS are letting test drives on bass boats, people are hurrying to get to the landing for lunch or just to look around. Where the hell is all the boat traffic going to go? We are going to need stop lights on the lake!!

Like I said in another post on this subject. Hopefully the increased traffic on Taneycomo will make the water patrol actually patrol the lake more then once or twice a year.

Thats my .02 cents.

You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.

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  • Root Admin

We've talked about this on another thread... but I have alittle new info on the BP marina.

They are not going to test drive big boats... only bass boats and pontoons (they are big enough). As of right now, they aren't going to let them go up past Cooper Creek with them (test drive). Don't know about rentals.

I think they are still trying to figure out exactly what they are going to do. I know they bought the floating building and are going to make it a eatery for lake and land traffic.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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My opinion. The people who are putting Branson Landing up are simply exploiting a natural resourse that we, the fishermen and taxpayers have paid to build and maintain. They will do more to harm the fish and fishing on Taney than all the illegal fishermen put together. The difference is they will make money, and the state will make money - so its ok.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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I still think the test drive plan is ridicules. A riverine environment with people prone to anchor and drift to fish is no place to test a bass boat with a 225 Opitmax, or any other for that matter.

I don't understand the commercial plan that BPS has. I have heard that the store is going to be primarily a fly fishing store, which I don't understand. I would think they would concentrate on the Bassing side, given the fact that there are already a good assortment of high quality fly shops, and virtually no stores serving the Table Rock fishermen.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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Thats the exact reason not to go in to BPS on the landing and support them by buying rods, flies etc... and all the more reason to go to the quality shops we have and support them. BPS isnt going to have a problem making money but the shops might. BPS will make a killing off of the ignorant tourists anyway.

There are two types of people. Those who dream dreams and wish, then there are the do'ers. I am a do'er!

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Thats the exact reason not to go in to BPS on the landing and support them by buying rods, flies etc... and all the more reason to go to the quality shops we have and support them. BPS isnt going to have a problem making money but the shops might. BPS will make a killing off of the ignorant tourists anyway.

AMEN to that.

BPS is not going to have a problem selling CRAP to ignorant tourists or telling someone that is new to fly fishing that they have to simms guide series waders, and matching simms wading boots, an orvis large arbor(with extra spool of course) $98 net, 24 sets of leaders, 3 different types of weights and strike indicators, a simms vest, dry fly floatant, gink, forceps, 12 different fly boxes, 3 hats, 2 styles of sunglasses, gloves, tippets...have i misses anything? anyone got a price for all that crap? then the guy decides he doesnt really like fly fishing and is now stuck with $$$ gear that he will sell at a garage sale.

You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.

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Branson Landing....

makes me want to hurl just thinking about that monstrosity.

I wish they'd keep the "testers" below the bridges.

Then...it would interfere in our world.

Remember forum users...

keep supporting the little guys with your money.

"Cause I GUARANTEE that BPS won't have a forum for us.

Rich Looten

Springfield, Missouri

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads,

you're doing something wrong."- John Gierach

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