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Friday report

Fished about 6 hours on Friday out of Cedar Ridge.  First point I stopped at I caught 2 large mouths, one on a jerk bait and one on a Rock Crawler.  Went down the bank past the point and connected with another black bass.  Fished 3 more spots without connecting with anything. Ran up the river past Highpoint and fished a few places but could only find one white bass.  Ran back down below Highpoint and hit a steeper bank and found a few more.  Caught 5 white bass and 3 more black bass.  Ended the day with 12.  Caught them on a Jerk bait, Rock Crawler, Bomber crank bait, and an A-rig.  I usually do well with the Ned rig and after reading some recent reports I was expecting to have some action with it.  I didn’t find any that wanted the Ned today.  Water was 48-53 degrees.


On a side note, the wife and I saw a large bird of prey that looked kind of like a hawk but was too big to be a hawk.  As we got closer, we got a better look at it and it was a Golden Eagle.  The wife had to Google it because I assured her that there weren’t any Golden Eagles in Missouri.  Based on Google, I was mistaken.  I know bald eagles (which we have seen several lately) do not have the white head as juveniles but this was a full grown bird and was way to big to be a juvenile bald eagle (and it wasn't a Turkey Vulture that are all over that area either).  Also saw a large otter on the water’s edge.  We have been seeing more and more otters lately.





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