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Big M today

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Launched at 0700 into a world of cold and fog, air temp was 34 warming to 74 by the time I pulled out at 3:00 PM.

Fishing was off and on depending where I was, almost all the fish I caught were very shallow, either on gravel or in front of the buck brush. Pea green water was the best, could not get them in the brown water.

Caught close to 20, 7-8 keepers, no bigguns, biggest was a mean just short of 3 lbs. Caught a half dozen smallies which is unusual for me on that part of the lake. Maybe 2 or 3 LM's, the rest were spots.

Water temps were 52-56. Saw 58 in the back of a cove.

Lots of bassers out there today.

View attachment: HPIM0832.JPG

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