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My youngest kicked some bass in KC!

Fishing time: 9:00am (only about 45 minutes before 6 year old attention span lapses)


Rods: Shakespeare brand Disney Princess rods - pink - 2 feet 6 inches long (action: broomstick)


Line: 2 pound test? (Maybe 4)


Presentation: slow drag


I had to keep it simple; so we tied on Ned and I kept the boat on the existing shoreline; and had the girls cast into the flooded bushes. They love to practice casting at home; so they did well with that.


We caught lots of the 6" smallies seen in other posts. And as the attention span started to drift off; my youngest says "daddy, I'm hung up again"


So I said "no big deal, I'll turn the boat and get it"


As I make my way to her line next to a log; I spun the boat and was reeling in; then I notice the line..........moving?


At first I thought it was just a large stick kinda tumbling in the water towards me as I reeled in; but then I noticed the line moving with a purpose........it was trying to get away!


So I handed the reel back to my youngest and said, "you've got a fish! It's yours babe; start reeling it in.......I'll get the net!"


As both girls are now squealing with excitement; I get the net to go through the 'motions' for the girls of netting the fish for them.......completely convinced it was a 6" smallie.


Then I hear the pink Shakespeare's drag start peeling off line..........in that instant, my youngest said, "uh.......daddy........something's going on here!"


As I take a look at her line; I see it make a hard charge under the boat!


The youngest tells me she thinks she needs help and asks me to take over. And good thing she did; this fish was more than we bargained for. As I scrambled around the boat and the girls grabbed their nets, hot on my heels. After what seemed like minutes, chasing this fish around the boat, pulling drag; we get him in the net and in the boat.


Our girls squealing with excitement on the boat, like some crazy women on 'The Price Is Right' who just won a new car. Throwing their hands in the air and covering their mouths while yelling with excitement.


And did I mention, this is my youngests first bass? (She's ruined)


So I snap a quick pic on the boat before taking out the hook. (Perfectly hooked, just inside the mouth)


Then mom snaps a pic at the dock before letting this fish go. (Fish had a couple hook holes in its mouth. Glad it was still swimming when we caught it, so we could have this moment:-)


We didn't measure the fish; but weighed it on my digital scale and it was right at 3 pounds......... After a few quick pix; we let that fish go make memories for another young angler.:-)


I was just as excited over the moment, and shaking like a leaf.




We were fortunate enough to be staying next to Dave (dtrs) and his lovely family; so my youngest told me I had to text Dave the pic. And when we caught up with him later, she told Dave I was "shivering" with excitement. (My hands were shaking, not actually shivering:-P


The little ones had us extremely busy; so not as much time to socialize with Dave's clan as we would like; hopefully next time!:-)

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