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Ryan Walker
Ryan Walker

James River, June 11

Floated from Hootentown to Marble grounds yesterday. Great trip, water is in great shape, and the fish were agreeable! I like this float because it's usually other fisherman you run in to, so the crowds are lighter.

Fished the flyrod only, and caught fish on Mohawk Sculpins, and a new favorite fly called the "Equalizer" ( pic below). Fish were aggressive and full of fight, colored up nicely and seemed eager to chase a fly. No need for a sink-tip on this trip, most of the smallies we caught were actively chasing baitfish, so the action was fast, with a majority of my strikes on a fast strip-strip-strip-pause-strip retrieve. 

I tied the Equalizer in olive/brown, olive/white, and white/tan, varying the head color from bright to dark, but the best combo seemed to be the olive/brown with a contrasting, lighter brown head.

Free. The. Fighter!!




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