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Everything posted by NoLuck

  1. Hey All, I fished Tuesday all day. The stream to me seemed a little bit lower than it was two weeks ago. Fishing was mediocre at best. Early am a hatch of PMD's was a pretty good size hatch. I picked up 7 fish on that in the swift pockets just below the spring hole. They seemed to lose interest in the PMD so I switched to a size 16 crackleback in sulphur and picked up 6 more fish in the same location. By 9am the fish pretty much lost interest in top water so I switched up till I found they were ready to take a zebra midge size 18. I fished the midge under a Palsa float and on a dead drift. Let me tell you about the crowd that started rolling in about noon. I usually like to fish weekdays because of the lack of crowds. This was no normal weekday to say the least. People came in multiples. I tried to find a hole without people but, I gave up on that notion pretty quickly. I ate lunch and went back out around 1:30pm and it took a while to get back on the fish. The people around must have had an effect on the fish. Later in the afternoon I finally started catching good numbers of fish once again. The fish were rising to take something but, I just couldn't figure out what. So..I went to my old stand by. The crackleback size 12. I proceeded to catch about 2 dozen fish before a heavy fog rolled in on the surface of the stream. I couldn't hardly see the fish rising yet alone see my fly. So I headed back upstream towards the truck when I arrived at the spring I noticed nobody was there and I fished there till the whistle. I picked up 7 more fish there on a orange bodied stimulator. All in all it was a decent day on the water with the exception of the crowd. Also I saw about six deer while I was fishing. They were really moving around for some reason. If you are headed there be warned that was a pretty good sized crowd for a weekday. Take Care, Rich
  2. I think a lot of this CHEAP mentality can be attributed to the WAL-Martization of today's market.The sad thing though is that if it wasn't for a competitive market.... who would regulate the prices? Food for thought...........
  3. Hey gang, I'll be at Montauk probably Tuesday the 3rd but, maybe Wednesday the 4th. Just curious if anyone else was going. Cya, Rich
  4. Not exactly on the Niangua but, on hiway 64 on the way to Bennett Springs from Lebanon there is a B&B.I'm not sure about the name but I'm sure someone at Weavers probably knows. Hope that helps. Rich
  5. Hey Guys, Thanks for the compliments. But, really I didn't do it to be recognized. I felt it was my duty as a law abiding sportsman. In the past I have let things go that were questionable and regretted it later. I just had a feeling that they knew what the rules were and just didn't care. Take care all. Rich
  6. Wow!!! Glad to be back on. I thought I was going to go into convulsions!.LOL
  7. Hey all, I fished Tuesday all day with pretty good success.Early PT nymphs were the ticket in size 16 with a bead head.Mid-day a bedspread thread mini-jig worked very well.Evening 12 and 16 cracklebacks fished dry and swung and then stripped seemed to produce quite a few fish.Later towards 7pm or so a bead head 16 prince nymph just nailed em till close. All totaled probably caught close to 50 fish for the day. The crowd was a little bigger than a normal Tuesday for some reason. I also seen 2 Asian fellas fishing the fly only zone with bait and soft plastics keeping every fish they caught.I seen them keep at least 12 fish and they left and came back to fish again.So I went to the park office to turn them in and give the office the plate number of thier vehicle.They knew I was watching them and tried to hide what they were doing.The one fella even was using a fish basket and had all his fish in it and when he left to another spot he waited till I turned away and put them in a black plastic trash bag to carry them to the car. I just hate blatant disregard of the regulations. Later I seen the game warden with them and they didn't look very happy.I am glad that my reporting them was followed through with. Some times it never happens. Take care and good fishing, Rich
  8. I may be wrong but,I think during June it's 6:30am till 8:30pm. That is the hours at Montauk and Bennett so I think its the same there. Rich
  9. Rob, The hopper mentioned was a Rainy's Grand hopper in tan color,size 10.Feather craft and T.Hargrove both carry it.I figured that they hadn't seen one of those yet this year and decided ...What the heck!! My gamble worked to a "T". The two larger fish I caught were in the catch and release area in the park. The other large fish caught were in the regular stream above the spillway closer to the spring. Good luck if you are headed that way. Greg if you happen to be at Montauk or Bennett when I'm there look me up I'd be happy to let you cast my Z-Axis.I try to fish every other Tuesday. Take care, Rich
  10. Hey folks, I fished Tuesday with pretty good results.Seemed to be lots of fish for a weekday and with good size to boot.I fished mainly from the spring to about halfway to the spillway.PT nymphs under a foam indicator seemed to work well.Also a size 18 mosquito on top worked well mid morning. In the mid-day all they seemed to hit was a small mini-jig in white.Cracklebacks worked well in the afternoon.Brown and grizzly or blue and grizzly seemed to be the color of choice in size 12.I caught probably 5 fish over 16" and two fish in the catch and release area of nearly 4-5 pounds on a foam hopper. Wow what a day!! I gave the Z- axis a thumbs up performance. Fished all day and no fatigue at all.Sage did really well on this rod. Take care folks. Rich
  11. Hey Guys and gals, I can't wait till this happens!! Sounds like we'll have a bettter turn out this time. People, feel free to invite new people too. Thanks, Rich
  12. Greg, Thanks for the info.Yes, you do have it lucky that you have family that understand your passion. Larry, Thanks for the heads up as I am leaving about 4:30a.m. to go down for the day.I just bought a Z-Axis two weeks ago and I'm chompin at the bit.I've been workin my tail off and decided to reward myself with a nice new 5wt. Cya later... Rich
  13. Just curious if anyone knew who else gives a update on fishing at Montauk?Reeds cabins used to do it but, their website says the person who did it isn't doing it anymore.I may be headed that way Tuesday morning and I would like a little heads up. Thanks Rich
  14. HFD, The campground at Bennett Springs is pretty cool.It has a shower and most sites have electric.You may want to think about reservations but, during the week it usually isn't a problem.Just remember to not leave any food laying around where critters can get into it. (Been there done that Take care... Rich
  15. I think we pretty much decided on Bennett since its more centrally located for the guys coming from the KC area.I hope that don't change you decision to be there. Hope to see you there!! Rich
  16. Well all right then!!!! Looks like September 19th is a go.I put in for that day of vacation.Hope this will work out better than last year.I know that archery season will be underway then but, its too warm for me to sit in the woods.I'm thinking it should be pretty warm still. Hope to see you all there!!!! Rich
  17. Hey everyone, I just wanted to tell you I'll be at Bennett for a one day trip on Wednesday the 9th. You can find me usually fishing the hole below the bridge before the stone bluffs.I'll have a grey SAGE ballcap on if you happen to see me stop by and say hello.My truck is a white Ranger extended cab usually parked on the small road that leads back to the bluff hole. Hope to see somebody else there on a weekday getaway. Take care... Rich
  18. Mr.and Mrs. Ducky, Did you fish anywhere else other than where you mentioned??? I am curious about how it was from the spring down to the hole above the dam. Thanks. Rich
  19. How do you guys feel about Wednesday or Thursday? I don't have a particular preference I am just trying to decide the best day. My thinking is a Monday or Friday will have a pretty good size crowd from people trying to extend their weekends. Thanks again.... Rich
  20. OK People, I need your opinions..... Weekday or weekend????? I just changed job locations but I can still swing a weekday with no problem. Thanks Rich
  21. Hey Snow Fly, Is it going to be an all day affair? If so I'll probably stop by after 1 p.m. I need to pick up some odds and ends anyway.
  22. Thanks Phil, Looks to be working real good now.It was worth the downtime thats for sure.
  23. Hello people, I posted on the Bennett Springs forum about a get together for all of us on here. I don't know which park we are going to meet at yet.It all depends on where everyone agrees to. If you are interested please let me know. Thanks Rich
  24. OK John, Sounds good. I'll keep you in mind while trying to figure out the best day. Thanks again Rich
  25. Kansas Fly Fisher, Does your work schedule vary or do you have the same one week to week?I would like to make this so everyone can make it.I have plenty of vacation so all I need is a couple of week notice.It seems there is a few of the guys here that are retired also.Therefore they should be able to make a weekday if we chose to do so. Thanks again Rich
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