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Fishing Buddy
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About Troutn

  • Birthday 01/22/1979

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  • Location
    Springfield, MO

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Blue Catfish

Blue Catfish (9/89)



  1. Well, we ended up putting in at Cedar Ridge and the water was in good shape. It turns out that the water conditions where going to be the least of my concerns. When we went to get minnows, the 4 places we checked didn’t have any. We ended up calling it an early evening and headed to the house. We did fish a few bluffs on the way back with some Ned rigs and caught a handful of decent smallies. Also heard/saw a couple fellas pick up a few walleye trolling. Nathan
  2. I’m planning on taking the kids night fishing this evening and was hoping to get some insight from anyone that’s been on the water this evening. I would like to head towards the Greenfield or High Point areas but am concerned that the water will be like chocolate milk. Would anyone have any insight on where the water starts to clear up? Thank you. Nathan
  3. I am going to be fishing around the long creek area and have 2 little boys that would like to catch a few fish. I was hoping to get a few ideas of what kind of structure or bait I might need to lean towards to catch a few blue gill or anything else that might be willing to bite. We went out with a some worms this morning without any luck. Thanks for any advice you might be willing to share. Nathan p.s. Thanks BB for the advice you have already offered!
  4. Goose season isn't over???
  5. Well done indeed! I have had a good season as well. I haven't made it to Taney, but haven't had to venture far from my normal spots on Stockton, BS, and a couple of rivers. Green has been hard to come by for the most part for the guys I go with as well. Don't give up yet, there are a few days left!
  6. Thanks a ton for the helpful info!
  7. pm sent you way.
  8. I have been doing much of the same with great results as well. I hope everything is well with the family. Nathan
  9. The Crappie Magnets work also. In my opinion a company that only puts out quality products.
  10. Those magnets are amazing. The creator himself has also been on Taney and had a good time, from what I understand using the magnet exclusively. Good luck to you!
  11. I lost one some time ago . . . large Black C&F with a bunch of streamers!
  12. Well done indeed!
  13. I suppose I might have been better off posting this in the white river forum. The way the water has been running it is probably in the mighty Mississippi by now.
  14. I lost a black Scientific Anglers™ C&F Design™ M Series Fly Boxe last night and if found would greatly appreciate its return. If found I can tell all about what is inside. I was up at outlet one from about 11 - 2am and came out without it some how. The fishing was really good, but the loss of the box muted my success a great deal. Feel free to call me. Thanks Nathan 417-861-9029
  15. Just curious here, but do the underwater camera's float?
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