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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Troutn

  1. Just seeing if anyone was going to try to make it to Taney tonight. I got a new outfit from Michael at Backcountry Outfitters and am itching to give it a go tonight. I recomend stopping by his shop to anyone. I learn something new everytime I go in. Anywho, i'll report back with how the night goes. Nathan
  2. I was thinking about it, but don't know how the roads are going to hold up?
  3. I hope I will be in town for this one!
  4. I sure wish I could have made it. It sounds like a good time was had by all!
  5. I wish I could have made it. I sure could learn a thing or two about fly fishing Taney. Hopefully I will make it next go around! Nathan
  6. I'll be there if at all possible.
  7. I was thinking about going tonight, but got in late from work and need to spend a little quality time with the wife and kids before heading out to work again tomarrow. Good Luck Nathan
  8. I have only been able to go a handful of times in the last couple of weeks. It has definitely slowed down for me that last few trips. I know that the other night when I went they had just stopped generating and generaly is slower after generation. I don't know what the deal is here lately. I just keep telling myself fall is just around the corner, and when the fall gets here, the big browns are not far behind. Nathan
  9. Those are some dandies!
  10. Well, it was a pretty good night. I arrived at about 11:00 last night and headed straight to big hole. I was really suprised to see that there wasn't anyone there. We didn't see a soul the whole night (rare on a weekend). The moon was about 3/4 full and was shining through what little cloud cover there was. My game plan was to use a mohair leech in different colors, and that's what I ended up doing the rest of the night. I would get bites on one color and when the bite would slow down I would switch. It worked all night long. I started off stripping them really slow, and that worked for quite awhile. Bye the time I left, it seemed as though I was getting more bites bye changing it to short and quick. I was getting bites all night long. I think that a seasoned veteran was out there, they could have landed a whole lot more fish than I did. Over all I landed 15-20 fish with one of them being my biggest on fly fishing gear. I was suprised bye the size of the fish I was catching also. I cought only one brown and the rest of the rainbows were 14-16 inch fish, no real small ones. In the short time I have been fly fishing, this was the best night so far. I had a blast. My buddy was using spinning gear and was using a rapala. He also had a lot of bites. For one reason or anouther, they would throw the hook shortly after getting hooked. It was a bitt frustrating for him I think.
  11. Is anyone going to make it fishing tonight? I'm going to give the fly fishing gear anouther valiant effort I think. The buddy i'm going with will be sticking to the spinning gear though. It seems like it has been quite awhile since i've been able to get down there. I might even try to start further up towards outlet one or two. It's been a long time since i've been up that far at night. Good luck to everyone going tonight, catch a big one! Nathan
  12. I would have to say 'ol Taney! I can't get enough of her!
  13. I have a picture of a brown that a buddy of mine recently cought that has fairly big white rings around the red spots on its side. I can't get the picture to post on here but I sent you a PM with my eamil and would be happy to send you the picture. Nathan
  14. I think a night fishing forum would be great! You can count me in. Nathan
  15. Nice fish! It looks like he is happy with it!
  16. What better way to spend a day with your children. I can't wait until mine get old enough to fish with me. Good luck to you guys tomarrow. Nathan
  17. I usually wait to leave the house until I go through our bed time routine with the kids and don't make it down there until 10pm or so. For me, some nights start off a little slower than others, but that could be becouse I don't figure out what they want until later. Just my experiance anyway. Nathan
  18. Well, looks like i'll be going tonight. I think i'm going to give the fly fishing gear a solid effort tonight, and try not to get frustrated with it and quite. Is anyone else planning on doing a little night fishing? Thanks Mr Lilley, i'll have to wright that down or I will forget again. Thanks again for all the information the other day. All I can think about here lately is getting out again, with the fly rod, and use all the magic flies that catch fish. Nathan
  19. Here's a pic of my buddy one foggy morning on Taney.
  20. Wow! That's a big'n for sure.
  21. Well, didn't make it to the lake tonight. There's always tomarrow I suppose.
  22. I was just seeing if anyone was going to make it to the lake this fine evening. I went early this morning with my fly fishing gear and had a blast only catching two fish. My buddy and I were not equiped with the right flies, it might have been a bit better if we had a few more scuds and zebra midges. I was really trying to concentrating on good technique and form (from what I have read). I got my confidence up and am going to give it a go at night now. I also went by lilley's after fishing and met Mr. Lilley and anouther great guy (sorry I forgot his name already, i'm terrible at that). Great people! They gave us some good advice and preffered flies (some of which we stocked up on). I should be ready to go next time I go durring daylight hours. Nathan
  23. Wow, there is so much to know about so many things. I am knee deep in the archery scene and put a ton of effort and thought into things many people don't even think about. I can see that this is going to be the same way. My wife is going to shoot me. Nathan
  24. I made it out again last night with a budy of mine that I work with. We made it down to the lake about 11:30. We started between Rebar and the Big Hole. The moon was as bright as could be, even through the thick fog. I started off using a little silver rapala (about 1" long) and my budy was using a rapala in the brown trout pattern (old faithful). Right off the batt my buddy hooks into a good brown, and get's it to his feet and it gets off. He claims it was an 18-20 incher (i guess we'll never know =). After that one, I switch to a darker color and hook into a dandy. Just after I turn my head light on to get a look at it, it takes off again throwing the hook. I cought a quick look at him, and he was a real Dandy! Anyway, after that it would come and go. All in all we did fairly well catching about 30-40 fish between us. Here lately I have had to really slow down my retrieve. They haven't been nearly as agressive as I have seen them in the past. Here is a pic of one of the prettiest browns I have seen in awhile. My budy cought this one last night Nathan
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