Well, it was a pretty good night. I arrived at about 11:00 last night and headed straight to big hole. I was really suprised to see that there wasn't anyone there. We didn't see a soul the whole night (rare on a weekend).
The moon was about 3/4 full and was shining through what little cloud cover there was. My game plan was to use a mohair leech in different colors, and that's what I ended up doing the rest of the night. I would get bites on one color and when the bite would slow down I would switch. It worked all night long. I started off stripping them really slow, and that worked for quite awhile. Bye the time I left, it seemed as though I was getting more bites bye changing it to short and quick. I was getting bites all night long. I think that a seasoned veteran was out there, they could have landed a whole lot more fish than I did. Over all I landed 15-20 fish with one of them being my biggest on fly fishing gear. I was suprised bye the size of the fish I was catching also. I cought only one brown and the rest of the rainbows were 14-16 inch fish, no real small ones. In the short time I have been fly fishing, this was the best night so far. I had a blast.
My buddy was using spinning gear and was using a rapala. He also had a lot of bites. For one reason or anouther, they would throw the hook shortly after getting hooked. It was a bitt frustrating for him I think.