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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Troutn

  1. The fishing started out slow for me as well. I got there a little after 9:00 pm and had just a little light left. It just wasn't working out or me. I need a WHOLE LOT of practice. So I put the fly rod up for the evening. Soon after giving up I ran into Leonard. He offered to give me a few fly casting pointers and try to get me started in the right dierection. After watching him make a few cast I started flinging my rapala out there. It seemed to take awhile to figure out what they wanted, but after downsizing to a real small rapala in a brown trout pattern, it seemed to get pretty consistent. I was retrieving it extremely slow last night, maybe with a little twitch here and there. When the bite would slow on the brown trout pattern, I would go to a silver. I would get pick up a real quick fish or two, then nothing. I switched back and forth when ever then bite would slow on one color. It was a good night all in all, I cought about 20 fish and the biggest two being about 16 inch rainbows. No big browns last night for me. Leonard . . It was great meeting your dad and yourself. Thanks a ton for the helpful casting instructions. Before too long i'll be down there with fly rod. Here is a picture of one of your browns. Sorry about the picture quality, I messed it up when I tried to resize it. Nathan
  2. I was also thinking about going a bit earlier than normal. It has been some time since I have brought out the fly fishing gear. Figured on using a little bit of day light to get familiar with my set-up again. Depends on if they are running any water or not? Have Fun! Nathan
  3. Well, I didn't make it out last night. I am deffinantly going tonight with the same game plan, except trying my hand at winging it with my fly gear. Wish me luck.
  4. Yeah, What I think most people call Big Hole is the area that opens up quite a bit that is past the narrow stretch (the gauntlet) just down from Rebar.
  5. What a coincidence. The other night I took a buddy that had never been to Taney. We started at rebar and were working down towards the big hole. A little further than half way, by buddy hooks into a big one! He had it on for 5-10 min probably (seemed like forever), before it spit the hook back at him. This fish was peeling line like there was no tomarrow. It was a dandy for sure! We were using spinning gear: 6lb test, rapala's in several different colors and sizes (I believe he hooked this fish with an F5 Brown trout pattern). He is deffinantly hooked now. It never fails though. Whenever I take a newbie down with me, they almost always catch the big one. It's a Blast! Nathan
  6. Just curious as to see if anyone was going to go fishing tonight? I think I may have to give it a go. I may try starting aroung the boat ramp tonight since I haven't fished that area much lately. If nothing wants to bite there, i'll move on up towards rebar and fish down towards the big whole again. It seems eveyone had been doing really well in that area lately. The last several trips it seem I run into more and more people there. It's my three year olds b-day today so i'll have to get him a pic of a good'n. Wish me luck. Nathan
  7. This place won't be the same without Bill around! It has got to be frustrating putting all the time and effort into something just for it to be totaly disregarded. I also think that the explanation of the micro jig was very educational. There's a whole lot to know about something so small. As always, that post wasn't unlike any other he post, very helpful. I know that without Bill and his up to date info a lot of people will be catching a lot less fish. I think the idea of a meet and greet would be fantastic. I would really enjoy getting to meet some of the people I take advice from daily. I sure hope this all comes out alright in the wash! Nathan
  8. Thanks again for the info! I will deffinantly come by.
  9. Thanks everyone for the open invatations! I suppose will have to reluctantly take advantage of some of your help. Trying to learn how to fly fish has been very problematic for me it seems. I tend to get frustrated and just give up knowing that I can catch a ton more fish using my trusty spinning gear. Here's anouther question for you. What I have now is some very inexpensive fly fishing gear. From what research I have done, I think I have come to the conclusion that I need to invest my $ in line, flies, rod, and then a real (in that order). Does this sound correct? I have been into several shops and have been that customer "no thanks, i'm just looking". I feel a bit intimadated when asking questions about something i'm not really all that educated about. Thanks again for the open arms! Oh, i'm a Springfield, MO boy.
  10. Here is my delima. I have been fishing Taney for quite some time now and have done 99% of it with spinning gear. I am extremely interested in learning the intracate details of fly fishing. I can hardly call myself a novice fly fisherman. I am curious as to if it would be worth it to bite the bullet and take lessons? Or is there something to be said that you were self tought (wich might teach me more in the long run)? If lessons are recomended, I am wanting to learn how to cast of course, but also much more about flies, different cast, fly lines, leaders, tippets, etc. Anyways, thank you for any help you might have to offer.
  11. If you run into a spin fisherman from rebar on down towards the big hole, say hi. I will be there about the same times it sounds like. I have been doing really well in that area the past few weeks. Good luck to you. I hope you have a blast, I know I will!
  12. Wow! A whole lot of useful information about something so small. Oh the things we do to catch a fish.
  13. Thanks a ton for the information! I will have to come by and pick up a few of the new jigs as well. Thanks again for the tips.
  14. I just have a quick question. In the past I have done all my fishing in the Trophy Area. I will soon have access to a boat and would really like to explore the area around Cooper and Mr. Lilley's or other parts of the lake that might be recomended. Since I haven't been to this part of the lake, I was hoping for a little information. It seems that I have read that there is a channel and that the north/south? holds more fish. Info like that would be great, and of course hot lures to use. I will be using spinning gear and plan on using jig and float most of the time. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank You. Mr. Lilley - I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this forum. I visit daily and thank you for all the great information.
  15. I am curious as to how will this affect the fishing on Taney? Seems to me that there will be a whole lot more traffic on the lake when everything is said and done.
  16. It seems to me that the flat bottom river boats are the boats of choice so far. Not much has been said about the larger boats. So my question is, how far up would you be able to go with a Tracker Pro Guide V-16 with a 75 merc on it? This comming from a person who has spent no time on Taneycomo in a boat much past Forsythe. I do most of my fishing in waders. Any thought would be appreciated. Thanks a ton.
  17. I was wondering if you think it would be possible to get a Tracker Pro-V 16 up to fall creek. I have only waded the trophy area and have only launched at Forsythe. I was contemplating entering in one of the tourny's if this would work. Any thoughts would be great! Thanks
  18. I really appreciate the info. I will have to go down there and do some looking now before I invest in out of state tags. I'll let you know if I do any good once I get legall, and thanks again. Nathan
  19. I was hoping that you would be able to give me some information about the State Park area. I work for the rail road and am down there a good bit. I have been curious as to if it would be worth my time and effort to get out of state tags. license? I would be fishing the areas closest to the state park and no nothing of the area. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you might have. Thanks a ton! Nathan
  20. I cought the one mentioned in the post above. I have been fishing Taney regularly for a few years now and that was the fist one I have landed. It was a little unexpected.
  21. I would say it was probably 16-18 in long. I did put it back to catch anouther day!
  22. I cought it on spinning gear using a Rapala. I thought that it might not be that uncommon, but it was the first encounter I have had while fishing the trophy area. Are they sought after on Taneycomo or mostly cought by mistake? Anyway, thanks for the info!
  23. Email comming your way Mr Lilley! Walleye
  24. I cought this a few weeks ago while night fishing at rebar. First one ever for me! This isn't a regular occurance is it? I have been fishing down there for about 5 years now and this is the first one I have layed eyes on.
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