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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Troutn

  1. I need to get down there one of these days.
  2. WOW! My Hero!
  3. Well done indeed!
  4. Is has been really slow around were I hunt as well!
  5. Thanks for the report. I am planning on getting down there about 11:00 this evening as well. Perhaps I will see you down there, i'll be driving a blue Ford Focus. Nathan
  6. That's about when I am going to leave Sprimo!
  7. Just seeing who might be going to Taney tonight to search for the all mighty brown? I am contemplating going on down and fighting the crowds. If I so, it will be really late. Nathan
  8. Great report. I cried wolf again. I got out of the ball game a lot later than I anticipated and had to do some church'n this morning so decided it was best to stay home. There's always next time I suppose! Nathan
  9. Well Duane, I will be down there for sure tonight. I have a Springfield Cardinals game to go to at 6:10 and as soon as it is over I am heading to Taney. I might have to bring some cool drinks down with me so you guys can take a refreshing break and give me a chance to get dressed. If you carry your phone with you while on the water i'll give you a holler when I get there, if your # is on your card. If not, pm me or i'll just catch up with you on the water. Nathan
  10. Well, I for one can not make it tonight like I thought I was. I have an yearly tradition of dove hunting tomarrow and think it best to have some sleep before handling a gun. I am REALLY going to TRY to make it Saturday night! Best of luck to everyone! Nathan
  11. I am planning on being there as well! What time are you planning on getting down there Mr. Doty? Nathan
  12. Just seeing if anyone was going to make it down to Taney tonight?
  13. Tee hee hee! ! ! ! !
  14. I strugled a little with my casting the other night but stil had a good time. I think I ended up with about 15 to hand. I was using the same flies as Duckydoty except changed to white later on in the night and did well with it as well. Between the fall brown run and archery season coming up, I can't hardly stand it. I am equally excited about both and would have never thought that I could get as wound up about anything like I do bowhunting. Thanks for showing me around a little bit the other night Duane. Nathan
  15. That's some serious running from one ond of the restricted area to the other!
  16. It was nice meeting you and chatting for a bit Old Stumbler. After you and Leonard went on down to outlet 1, we rigged up and fished 2 for a while. Like I was saying last night, I have never had any luck fishing outlet 2 at night. Last night I brought 7 to hand. The other guy (I can't remember his name at the moment) started it off by catching a few and when he broke off he ended up leaving. I moved in and was getting bitt pretty often, just couldn't get a hook in them. Anyways, it was a good time as I expected. Nathan
  17. I'm sure i'll see you down there. I'll be driving a blue Ford Focus.
  18. I have been working hard for the man for the last month or so and have not been able to get down to Taney. I have been trying to make time to go for a while now and it hasn't worked out until tonight. I see that they have been shutting down between 8-10 for the last few days. I hope to be down there between 9:00 and 10:00. It would be nice to get into them tonight, but either way, it will be time well spent i'm sure. Hope to see some of you on the water. Nathan
  19. Great looking fish indeed!
  20. Jeremy The casting is coming right along I think. I think I have gotten most of the abrupt stops out of my cast. I've noticed that I have been getting less tailing loops. It's amazing what some practice can do. My dad has recently invested in some gear and is well on his way to becoming a fly fisherman. I'm guessing he will be getting a hold of you one of these days to set up some casting lessons. Nathan
  21. That's a great looking fish for sure! Would you say that is one of the fish you have targeted during the day? Nathan
  22. So . . . . . . . . . . . . . who's going tonight?
  23. I was thinking about going tonight. If work doesn't threat'n to call me, i'll be down there SLOW stripp'n some leaches. Nathan
  24. I too had a good time last night. Thanks all for all the help, and patience. My dad had a good time as well. I think he'll make the plunge into fly fishing one of these days. Thanks again for all the help and tips. Eric, thanks for some on the water tips. I can add some of those spots to my list when other places aren't cutting it. Nathan
  25. Thanks for the tips last night Rat. Perhaps i'll see you on the water before you go on your great expedition out west. Oh, the "old pine squirrel" did me just fine last night! Nathan
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