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Everything posted by ruthead

  1. Caught this one New Years Day. Beautiful fish from Roaring River.
  2. Same router and computer that has worked fine for years.
  3. I haven't been able to got on since last upgrade or update. Maybe 30 days?
  4. Yes IT was and probably still IS a nice fish. Was landed very quickly quick pics and swam out of my grip quickly. I Watched IT swim off and saw It several times later that day. In over 20 yrs of fly fishing my family of 5 has Probably not harvested over 30 or 40 trout total. We excersise Great care almost exclusive barbless Hooks. You probAbly would of lost that bet and I would love to have taken your money on that bet.
  5. Using centurytel through my wireless router. Can get on ozark anglers website but can not get on forums.timed out error on both computer and phone through wireless. Tried google chrome internet explorer and firefox. All give timed out error. Turn off wireless on phone and can get on forums fine with phone. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hate to say it but we may not make the trip either. Lotsa rain comin sounds like. 8 plus hours trip is a long drive to fish in heavy rain.
  7. Don't think high and dry can be determined for another 3 or 4 years. Then we can look back and se the impact of Pinkles last classes. Lock made freshman mistakes compounded by bad O-line play. If we can not put him in bad situations and let him learn to play without ahving to bail most of the time I think we'll be happy with him. Somebody does have to catch the ball though.
  8. Did real good. Wife did super good with this one. For comparison the net is just over 23" tip to tip. Caught it on a woolie I tied. Took her 3 tries at him but she turned him and got to see the take. Our annual Black Friday Fly Fishin trip. Don't get better than that!
  9. We were down there Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. It pretty much rained the whole time there but never real hard. The muddy water hit the stream about 2 on Friday which was ok as fishing ends at 4. With just basically a constant sprinkle all night by 9 am saturday the water was lightly stained but not muddy. Actually cleared up better than I thought it would.
  10. Beautiful fish! How long was this fish and for future reference how long is your photo tank?
  11. Any ideas as to why??
  12. Beeeuuutiful Fish!!!!! Congrats....again!
  13. Good Luck dnj21. Be sure and let us know how it goes. I got 9 days to wait til we head down there. Gonna take forever!
  14. Good fish. Thanks for the pics and report.
  15. So did anyone get out this weekend? Been tyin up flies for our trip down in a couple weeks. Anybody got fly suggestions we should not be without? Day or night time.
  16. Good deal you guys are gettin out. Keep us all posted how it goes Thursday.
  17. Has anybody been doing any night fishing on Taney? Headed down there in 3 weeks and hope to get some after dark fishin in if the water release will let us wade. Figured surely somebodies been tryin for some of those "biguns" comin up for fall activity! Anyone?
  18. Yep. They'd probably have people fishing from a newly constructed sidewalk and the place run by someone we all have heard of.
  19. As mentioned above you can't throw a freshman QB into an offense where you have a questionable line at best, young receivers that continue to drop ball, AND a running game with your best running back out and doesn't seem to be working. Recipe for disaster for the future of Lock. All he learns is he has to rush decisions to receivers that may drop the ball. No chance to develope like you want. Then when it is his time to play full time you got another season of learning to not rush thing and play with confidence. Stay with Mauk for now and get Lock time when you can. Matty has a way with finding wins most of the time.
  20. We stayed at Rim Shoals was very happy. Good people and conveniently located. Haven't stayed anywhere else.
  21. some of my info may not be exactly correct so i wouldnt go to the bank on it. Thats why I inquired on here.
  22. Saw Tim said it was up 1.7 ft. Also had a buddy say they evacuated some campers.
  23. Heard they got a lot of rain. Hows it lookin for the weekend??
  24. This may not be a politically correct statement or popular and I do understand the respect angle in not mentioning the guides name BUT....... maybe just maybe if the guides name was known it just might keep someone from using that guide and prevent them from being seriously hurt or worse. AND just maybe if a guide knows he will be called out on public forums that may cost him clientele for dangerous practices he just might slow down and think twice. I have a lot of respect and appreciation for guides. I even have one son that is considering a guide school doing it. I just hope if he does he will respect the clients as well as the other people on the water and not do things like this. And he will (respect others that is)!
  25. That would be great JHK. Looks like the USGS #'s are goin down!
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