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Bleeding Shiner

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  1. 336-5083
  2. There has been a new boat ramp put in toward the far end of the Bass Pro parking lot. Does anyone know anything about this? I assumed when I saw them pouring the concrete that it would be used for BP to launch their boats only, but noticed today that the barricades are removed and there is no gate, etc.
  3. Thanks for the update.
  4. Phil, Is the hunting site down? Cannot get to it the last 2 days. Thanks
  5. March 10, 2007
  6. Just a FYI. Taken from today's Branson Daily News: [i]"Officials with the Landing also confirmed they have signed a contract with area developer Justin Gage on ownership of a marina in the northern section of the retail center. Rick Huffman, CEO of HCW Development Company, said a contract was signed with Gage earlier this month. Gage was not ready to reveal too many details of the marina during a phone call on Wednesday, but did say it would include two large passenger boats. “We’ll have a 96-foot, $2.5 million motor yacht and the second boat will be an old-style-looking paddle boat,” Gage said. “Both are 149 passenger boats.” He said the yacht will be similar to the American Star passenger boat that his family owns on Table Rock Lake." Can a 96 foot yacht operate on Taney?
  7. The Lake Queen is "docked" in the Roark area. It has been there for a year or 2. Not sure who owns it now, or what they plan to do with it. Heard that it was bought with the intentions on running a "shuttle" from Branson to the casino, but that didn't pan out (at least not yet).
  8. Article On Rockaway
  9. Wouldn't put it past the "city fathers". I have only lived here for 22 months, but even I have learned that money seems to lead all decisions of the city aldermen.
  10. Don't worry. It can always become yet another piece of property owned by Herschend Family Entertainment. They could turn it into something that would go over.
  11. "And fortunatly while the MDC was coming after the guy who ignored the horn, no one needed them in a real life or death situation, I assume" The guy made a M-I-S-T-A-K-E. It is over, let it go. I would like to make a motion to lock this thread.
  12. Thank you Phil for allowing non-guests access to your docks for fishing. The public docks are often crowded with tourists and us locals struggle with finding a quiet place to go sometimes. Thanks. Also, do you offer boat rentals to non-guests?
  13. Yes, they are putting in at the ramp by Scotty's in the campground. Not sure how long they will last. The couple of times that I have seen them, there has only been between 2 and 6 passengers on board. I have not seen them go above the 65 bridge. Mostly hang around the Landing. Like we need more congestion there.
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