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Everything posted by CrappyKing

  1. Like Lancer said, leeches have always been the best bet for me at night. Especially for numbers but even then my biggest fish has been on those too actually. I throw big 4-9" flies with success when looking for bruisers but its not a numbers game. Good luck, the rainbows have been above average this year, for me at least. Numerous 16-20" fish at night If they shut the water off or maybe even if it's 35mw this weekend I may head down and looking for a partner if anyone wants to join. My normal buddy is out of town. I may even commit to throwing some monster flies hoping for staging Browns. Just shoot me a PM.
  2. I had similar thoughts and rushed down yesterday after work. The water was only slightly stained and not really up at all, but enough for the fish to let their guard down a little more than usual. I've been using the new 1 weight and it's perfect for that stream. I believe it was you that posted something up a while back about summer temps and careful fish handling and I think it was an excellent point. I would like to stress that again, if you catch a fish, land it quickly and release it even quicker . The low water and warm water temps are extremely tough on trout. Out west, they would have this creek shut down to night fishing only, so be mindful of that. The fish may not die right away from exhaustion but it will later if not released quickly. Tight lines.
  3. Fished around Chicken rock yest mostly targeting walleye. Only had one to show for it, 22". Lost one other near the boat. Couple crappie as well but the bite really shut off around 11 with the front. Fished in 25-35' water jigging mostly, tried BB's but only one crappie. We were fishing shad(the few we could find) for the most part. Really limited ourself to one spot all day to stay out of the wind. Couple older gents at the ramp had 19 crappie they also caught before the front in 15-30' of water jigging baby shad on brush. Hope this helps! Feel free to ask for specifics.
  4. If you get to close to the busting fish they will spook. Shad sometimes will continue to smack the surface though. This may not have been the case, but try to keep your distance as much as possible. I've found for this type of fishing, which I do a lot in the summer in the mornings and evenings, a jerkbait works great. You can get a fast retrieve or a slow erratic one. And I've found that usually the slow twitch works best since it simulates a dying shad that there looking for. Good luck hope this helps.
  5. I've seen quite a few otters at stockton. Mostly while duck hunting in the winter though. There usually running across the ice. As stated these things are fish catching and killing machines. There terrible for smaller streams, rivers, and ponds that cant sustain or repopulate in a short amount of time. Catching an otter while trapping is "cool". I've trapped myself and I would love to catch one. And I'm sure when elk season is opened in SE MO it will be "cool" for the hunters who are able to bag one.... But in the big picture of things it isnt "cool" for thousands of dollars and damage these things are going to cost the people who live near them. Otters unfortunately can travel long distances over land and can migrate through virtually the entire state via the stream and creek systems. Honestly there more of a problem then they are good. Ya there neat to see but somewhat of a step back in all the smallmouth, trout, and other fish populations that the state worked so hard to reestablish in so many areas.
  6. Finally some competition for BPS. Maybe they'll bring down there prices a little, especially on ammunition.... Now bring on the Cabelas and you'll see them both driven out of town.
  7. Ya I wasnt the first to break through, and glad of it. That 2" ice is tough on a prop and mine gets its fair share throughout duck season... So thanks JRay if that was in fact you. I did try to make some serious waves going through to further the process. Though, it will be locked up hard by mid week it looks like, wed forcast 2 degrees that night...
  8. I have an outboard and was able to make it past the river ice. Only got to fish for 2 hrs or so in the afternoon, but caught a 4 lber and a buck bass then broke off the spinnerbait that was getting all the bites on another 3-4lb fish. Lost a small one on a crank. Beautiful day out. My temp gauge is broke, but another guy said he found 61 degree water on the shallow windy side??? It felt warm, but had no idea it was that warm. Anyways, that was where I caught all my fish. Tight lines.
  9. Nice bass Gobbler
  10. No mistake there. I had 4-5 dozen minnows and caught maybe 2 crappie in 6 hrs of fishing on them. Could have been because today was a very light bite from what I noticed, so could have been they didnt like the resistance of the rod on the minnow. Who knows... Landed probably 40 fish, only 7 keeps though. Mostly 15' piles. Try piles closer to deep channels too. I've noticed some of MDC's are in less than stellar locations for crappie. Good luck and bring lots of water, like you said it was scorching out today with ZERO wind to cool you down.
  11. As Proffesor jim stated, find brush piles this time of year in 15-30' of water. And on top of that you can go to any of the MDC marked brush pile and at the very least catch a few short fish( I can never seem to catch any keepers off MDC piles???) I went today, and it was sweltering out. I was catching fish but couldnt stand it any longer and had to retreat to the shade for a few hours. But the crappie were biting pretty good even midday. Mostly on jigs today, minnow bite was too light and never could hookup on the few strikes I had... Only 7 keeps though out of probably 40 fish. My problem is all I'm catching is black crappie(which are always shorter and stockier from what I've seen). If I could find some white crappie maybe I wouldnt have to measure every stinking fish to see if its a 1/4" over ten for the cooler... anyone else catching any white crappie anywhere? Blacks sure are thick but always been hard to find keepers in my opinion.
  12. AM or PM?
  13. I also fished last saturday for eyes. To no avail. I fished quite a few different points and only came up with one short. I've caught a ton on these points in the weeks past so I know the method was right. Like Hunter said tho it was extremely hot that day. Maybe they've moved to a summer pattern, or maybe it was just the weather keeping there jaws locked tight. Did catch 12 keeper crappie throughout the day though. Anyone been catching any eyes on the points still since saturday? Just curious if the heat wave has moved these fish elsewhere.
  14. How far up the lake are you talking "main lake" Anywhere above Roark, mutton.. so on? Also is there anything you look for in particular when you pick a point? Say chunk rock, pea gravel, windy side of the lake? Thanks.
  15. I'll add to this report. Fished Turnback as well friday. Water above the bridge ranged from 60-62, below 58-60. As Jim said the white run is probably tapering down on this creek. Caught a few, mostly small males, and one sow who had already deposited her eggs. Only 4 keeps and action was very inconsistent. One keeper walleye and 2 throwbacks, surely they are done spawning on this arm as well, all 3 I caught were small males. Decided to spend the last few hours crappie fishing. Ended with 8 keeps, but had to throw back at least 30 9 inchers. Males are moving up into the shallows, the only two keeper females I caught(14+ inchers) were a little further out. Both had eggs but there still at LEAST a week out. Shouldnt be long though. Weather was nice, and looks good for the future. I hear sons creek arm is doing well on whites, crappie, and walleye but I havnt had time to make it over there. Tight lines.
  16. The USGS site is a good site to check for sure. Usually pretty up to date on rivers cresting and when there stabilizing. The corp site is another with the lake level and temp...though, I have noticed the Corp sites temp is usually + or - a few degrees. I think the "Post lake conditions" is a great idea, and possibly see if a moderator could make it a sticky thread at the top of the forum would be helpful as well.
  17. I was there tues after the snow, and it was muddy, running and slightly cooler. I dont know how much rain the lake got today, but I would guess quite a bit as well. I can only imagine muddier water and more current... tough fishing if you dont know the area. I'd head up the main channels if I were you. Good luck and let us know what you find.
  18. Agreed... I saw more people fishing sac arm last thursday, than I saw for the entire month of april last year.
  19. What colors do you guys tend to throw for eyes' this time of year? Do you go more towards shad colors or flashy, or does that all depend on the weather? I've had good luck with clown but wondering if I should throw more flashy colors. Thanks.
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