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I always carry an ant pattern with me. If nothing else is producing I will at least try an ant. I cast across to the far side and let it quarter as if you were using a wet hackle fly. Then I slowly crawl or strip it back. You just never know. Ginger hackle is good as Jerry said, I also tie one all black with a red butt. Good luck. Oh yea, if your quartering or stripping it back, hang onto your rod. The strikes can be viscious!!
oneshot, I was actually thinking about staying down through that weekend but my buddy (straight) and I decided we didn't need to be subjected to that type of lifestyle so we headed back north. What made it tough was passing all the Travel Trailers headed south on the way home just wondering??? Especially when they were occuppied by 2 fella's (if you know what I mean?) Pat
Hoosier, In re: to the drys. When I was down the week of the 12th I had a little luck on drys. However they were mainly sipping which indicates to me they were getting them as pre-emergers. At one point I was up at the spring, standing on the down side but casting into it with a size 20 griffiths gnat. I allowed it to swing over towards the road side where it emptys and goes down stream. As it made the bend I would tug it under and allow it to swing like a soft hackle. Missed several on the savage strikes and landed a few. Also used a size 16 Crackleback with silver holographic body and dun hurl. Have fun!! Pat
New Waider Recommendations
brittsnbirds replied to brittsnbirds's topic in Bennett Springs State Park
FFM- your response almost cost me my keyboard as the coffee in mouth went spewing across my cubicle. PC- Practice what you preach!! Too old to suffer from Frostbite in the summer!! Now if my buddy Drew shows up I guarentee he will be commando in his basket ball shorts!! But then again he is a young, strapping tan young man with a solid 6-pack!! Unlike me old, flabby 12-pack and man boobs :0! -
New Waider Recommendations
brittsnbirds replied to brittsnbirds's topic in Bennett Springs State Park
Thanks for the reply will try to locate some L2's. I have to get busy and make a decision otherwise I will be wading commando like FFM's brother. -
PC, Roger that about the store. I met the young fellow, the part I don't understand was putting Hap upstairs. I know he wasn't pleased. Thank god they left Tim in the fly shop. Rich, and to you with two of the best fly shops around within 20 minutes I'm envious. Thank god for the internet! BTW heading down on the 11th(?). Have a newbe that I just got into fly fishing. I think I've created a monster. He will be with me. He works with me but on a different crew. Really had to do some manipulation of the schedule to make it happen. He is really stoked. Anyway we will be down! Pat
In the market to replace my old Simms (Freestones?). Any suggestions on a comparable pair? I spend alot of time during the year in my waiders. Need something that fits well, comfortable, breathable, boot foot, ability to roll down for shallow water wading. Money is an option however I don't mind spending a few extra $$ for quality. I have really liked my Simms but I know there are other company's out there that are competing with them.
Still kind of off Rich's original topic but what the heck, anyone notice that Cabela's fly shop in KCK basically sucks these days? I found one of their fly experts (Hap) up in the camping section this past fall. I accused him of being out of his area and he just laughed and said that was his new home. Being the curious type I asked him who he pissed off. He said no one that the flyshop was going through a change. I have noticed in the past year that they have moved some stuff around and don't have the stock that they once had. Plus taking back some broken and duplicate merchandise I have found that the return policy isn't what it use to be either. I know from experience that Hap and some of his fellow fly fishing experts have helped me several times with their recommendations. Putting Hap in the camping department was a huge mistake!! Cabela's is going to loose a ton of my business. Part of the reason I drove all the way from Northern Cass County to KCK (30 minutes) was to see the "guys" and talk some trout smack!!
rc- A kid next to me last week was hitting them pretty hard on this combo; FC CrackleBack #14 TMC 100 ( or equivalent) hook Red thread Red body (thread or vinyl stretch tube) Brown Furnace hackle The vinyl stretch tube makes a nice segmented body and for some reason they like the color?? I also tied some with grizzly and dun colored hackle. Hit me with an email (pkmckarnin@gmail.com) and I will give you more detailed info.
We ate there one evening and had ribs. They were right off the smoker. Pretty good eating . Was able to sample the briskit , no smoke ring and dry. Few days later tried their pulled pork frito bowl for lunch. If you like sweet it will be right up your alley. With the sweetness of the baked beans and sweet bbq sauce of the pork it was a little too much for me. The boss had a couple of ribs and fries. They cut their fries to order and are really good. Her ribs were warmed up and tasted like they were nuked to warm. Little tough and not nearly as good as the night before!! Guess thats the way it is in the BBQ business. One reason why I won't go into that line of work. They use KC Masterpiece sauce and have a vinegar based sauce that is to die for. Bought a couple of bottles to take home. You can get their sauce at www.bigwoodysauce.com. I will definately try the ribs again but that's about it. I would recommend that everyone at least give it a try, preferrably in the evening as the ribs are just coming off the smoker!! Much better than the other one on the hill!!
Yes sir it is!! But the big question, What did he use for the original body? Hint, what type of feather? Makes an awesome body, I have switched all of mine to that material, as it gives it a ribbed appearance.
Yep FC = Feathercraft. My understanding is Ed Story was the original "daddy" of the Crackleback. His original pattern is awesome! Rich, Sunday, we didn't get down until around 6. Stayed up in CG 4. I fished up by the gauge house Monday, then down at the dam. Sorry I missed you.
Rich, Hit the stream Sunday, the wife came this time. The FC Crackleback was my favorite above the dam with full sink. Didn't matter what color as long as you got it down into the moss. Slowly pull it through then yank it out and WHAM! Game on! The only day I didn't catch 30 plus was Wednesday when I fished it only for 1 hour. Played below Holland dam most of the morning trying to get some to rise. That was a bust for me!! 2nd week in July may be down for the week!! BTW did you ever get the pic of my big brown developed? Pat
So what is the ticket Rich? May be headed that way.
Try and make it early in August and I might be able to sneak off.
rc- Red San Juan worm with the gold tungsten bead in the middle of the hook. Bounce it off the bottom in slack water. Water was moving pretty fast. Try to stay out of the fast current and hit the pockets. Just below the spring in the middle the water is slower it is flowing real fast on the east bank. Also crawl a black wooly with sink tip line over towards the west side of the spring in the slower water as well. Good luck!! Pat
NoLuck is back? My cousin and I were down over spring break for a few days. Water was up, color was dark and the fishing sucked as there was a front coming in daily. Haven't had a chance to get back down. Neighbor is doing some cabinet work on the trout shack hopefully will get back down sometime in the next few weeks?? Dixie told me last night she needs to get out!! Welcome back to the real world Rich!
Spoonbill, Osceola Mo
brittsnbirds replied to kansasity's topic in Truman Tailwater/Upper Osage River
KC, Have you heard if they are moving yet? I've got a teacher friend trying to get me to go next weekend. We usually put in at Warsaw and go down river several miles, there are a couple good holes that hold them. Usually can find them on the graph. Snagging from the shore, are you guys using surf rods? Last time I saw that was in Miami OK on the Neosho (I think). The banks were lined with people due to the spoonies getting bottled up on the low water dam. Every once in a while you would hear a "crack" and people on the other side would duck. Never saw anyone get smacked but it was amusing to say the least. KCFF, hmm, You may have known my cousin (Bob McK). There's a plaque for him at 87th and 71 with several others. I work down south of you in Public Safety as well, but you are the good guys. We are the ones people don't like to see!! -
Wily, Is that the same Spring River that is just east of Miami Oklahoma? If so I have some very fond memories back when I was going to school down at NEO. In fact the white bass run in the spring almost caused me to flunk out. I remember fishing just up from the hiway 10 bridge on some gravel bars. Used a yellow head, green body with white marabou jig topped with either a white or yellow mister twister tail. One day I was catching them every cast and decided to go tandem. Then I started doubling up. That was 35 years ago. Awesome memories
ITGUY, Put it back to live, PLEASE????
ITGUY, Wi-Fi through out the entire park has my vote. Actually the wife's vote. She could stay up at the trailer and do her work rather than the need to go with me and take the truck to go over where she can get the wi-fi. As far as video's go. Have you ever done a search on youtube for Bennett Springs? You may find yourself in the background of someone's post?? There you go, you've been video taped and spread across the entire internet!!
For those of you that don't like to be watched, have you ever thought about the guy standing next to you? Could very well be an agent in "plain clothes". I have witnessed the agents at work, setting in their unmarked cars and trucks with their binoculars. Witnessed them get out, grab a rod and start fishing. Eventually working their way over to a violator. Then without drawying any attention, escort the violator to their car and sign them up. If they are working "under cover" you usually don't have a clue. Truth was known I think NoLuck is one of em. They sent him out to the west so that he can give his cover a break!!! (Just kidding) Keep an eye on the camera Rich around the last week of March, I'll be stripping just above the dam. If you can't see it I will be slinging my "special" Crackleback!!
oneshot, where is that store? Would like to check it out when I come down next time.
Nope PC, their trying to catch you using your secret weapon!! Personally I couldn't give a rats ^**. I like to pull it up on one of my monitors at work and let it run. It brings peace and tranquility to my day. Plus it makes me very jealous!! Come on 3 weeks and you guys can watch me stripping above the dam!!