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Thunderin Gobbler

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Everything posted by Thunderin Gobbler

  1. The Ozark Greenway Thunderin' Gobblers chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is hosting our 1st annual Spring Buddy Bass Classic at the old state park on Stockton Lake March 26th, 2011. Proceeds will go toward funding our youth spring turkey hunts. Our chapter is unique in the fact that we don't just send kids out on their own to hunt, like so many other groups do, we match each youth hunter with their own guide and in many cases their own personal cameraman for these hunts. We contact area landowners and provide a safe place to hunt for these kids, that also give them the best opportunity to be successful. We also take 3 lucky hunters on a "trip of a lifetime" to turkey hunt in Kentucky each year too. Entry fee for the tournament is $100 per boat. The payout percentage is 60% to the top (3) places. There is also an optional $10 big bass pot as well. Those interested can contact me through this forum or at: Jason Bussard (417)761-1096 or Jon Poulson (417)838-3566
  2. The date is March 26th. Out of the old state park. Entry is $100 per boat, with an optional $10 big bass. The payback is 60% for the top 3 places, and 100% to big bass. I understand the percentage is a little lower than some tournaments, but the main reason for the tournament is to raise money for our youth events.
  3. very few, maybe 5 boats so far. You know of anyone else?
  4. I went to the weigh-ins for the KVD tournament last year on Table Rock, and I though it was really cool how they did them. Weigh-ins were every hour, but I don't think that would be as necessary on Stockton. Fewer people. Anytime would be good for me, just don't do it on the last Saturday of March. I've already got that weekend, haha.
  5. For those of you that are interested, you can get a registration form for our tournament my emailing jpoulson@mchsi.com Like most tournaments, entry order will determine starting order, so enter early.
  6. I'm working on getting everything prepared for our tournament in March, but I need a little help here. I've never put on a tournament myself, so I need to know where would be a good place to get some weigh-in bags, and small stuff like that. I think I have the scales taken care of, as long as that contact isn't tied up that day. The date, time, location, are all set. I just need those small things still. Oh, and more boats!!! If you guys know of places that might be able to help us out please let me know. Look forward to seeing some of you there. One more thing... if you are planning on fishing it please let me know as soon as you can. Take-off order will be determined by registration order. Thanks guys! Jason
  7. Glad to hear you are starting to feel somewhat better Bob. Hopefully the crappie will bite for ya. That's the best medicine. Good luck. I think I'll just stick to huntin' this time of year. I'm too much of a wimp to go out on the water when it's cold.
  8. Sure thing. It will be on March 26th at the Old State park (Hartley cove) ramp. Open Buddy bass tournament, so no memberships or anything. Entry is $100 per boat with an optional $10 big bass pot. Tournament will run from 7:00am to 3:00pm. If you go to the second page of the forum I have a post on there "bass tournament" that has a flier attached to it if anyone needs to see that. Thanks. Jason
  9. Speaking of the old state park. Don't forget about the bass tournament I am putting on up there in March. Hope to see some of ya guys there.
  10. Sorry to hear that Straw Hat. But there's still plenty of time to catch them big fish later. You don't have to worry about me catching any of them. It's deer season so my fishing is done for the year.
  11. Thanks Wtr dogs, will do. As far as the tournament goes, what we really need are people to fish it. I am expecting (hoping) for about 50 boats. That would make for some pretty good payouts, as well as helping us fund our Spring hunts.
  12. . tournament flyer with bluff background.doc
  13. I went out yesterday evening to CC and caught 4 nice keeper crappie. Only one short and a 5" channel cat. Everyone is congregating around the bridge area up there, and there are a tone of fish showing up at all depths. It seemed like as the air temp started dropping the bite slowed down. I doubt I'll make it back out anymore this year, it's deer season and I got a baby due about anytime. So good luck to you guys and keep me updated on how good they are biting.
  14. I think RPS stated it best. I am truly sorry for your loss Straw, but I am glad that our fish tales had at least a little impact on his happiness.
  15. Ok guys here is what I have so far on the tournament idea. We are planning to host it on March 26th, 2011 (mark your calendars) at the Old State Park ramp. It will be an open buddy bass tournament, no membership dues or anything. $100 entry per boat, with either a 60 or 70% payout, have not finalized that detail yet.Like most tournaments, there will be an optional big bass pot too. I will try to post a flier on here if I can figure out how. Once again, all proceeds will go toward helping us get youths out into the outdoors, primarily through turkey hunting. Sure beats sitting in front of the TV.
  16. I see what you mean about the crappie biting, Bob. Went to CC Saturday morning, and I've never seen so many boats in one place. Everyone was fishing right around the bridge, and catching a lot of crappie. Except for me of course. We had motor problems. Spark Plugs went out on us and we didn't have any tools. Got to fish a little right by the ramp and caught a few keepers, but nothing like them other guys.
  17. Thanks Straw Hat. I think it is going to depend on if I go by myself or not. Roark is a little easier for me when i have help.
  18. I'm thinking about trying to make it up to either CC or Roark Bluff to do some crappie fishing and maybe a little bass fishing Saturday. Has anyone been fishing these areas any? I haven't been to CC in about a month, and didn't know how they were biting. Had a guy tell me the other day that he caught limits of crappie and white bass, and 4 keeper walleye off the same spot up there, but something tells me he is kinda full of it.
  19. Bob, Thanks for the help. I would say that it will probably end up being in early Spring. I think that would about the best time to get enough of our chapter members together. I'd like to try and have it in March, right before the youth turkey season. That might help us get more people interested in it as well. If you(Bob) or any of you other guys have any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks Jason
  20. Congrats on getting to go to Lake Fork. That's been my dream fishing destination for a long time. Be sure to let us know how the fishing was for them "big boys". Good luck!
  21. Zarraspook- I would imagine it would be a bass tournament. That would probably give us the best turnout. But if there is enough interest, a crappie tournament might not be out of the question either.
  22. Thanks Gilly. Sent one back.
  23. I have a question for you guys on here. I am the Ozark Greenway Thunderin' Gobblers chapter (Willard, MO) president of the National Wild Turkey Federation, and we are trying to come up with some fundraising ideas. The main thing our chapter does is our annual youth turkey hunt. We take about 20 kids out, find private land, guides, gear, etc. for them. After the hunt we hold an awards banquet for all participants and their families. Of course this all takes money to put on. One idea I came up with was putting on a fishing tournament on Stockton Lake. It wouldn't be a huge or expensive thing, just something to help us raise a little money so we can continue getting these youths involved in the outdoors. Would any of you guys be interested in participating in a tournament like this to help us out? We don't have anything set in stone yet, just throwing around ideas right now. Obviously, there would be a payout, just like any other tournament. Let me know what you guys think of it. Thanks Jason Bussard
  24. Well I told you guys I'd post a report of how we did Friday night at the lake. It was definitely better than we'd been doing. We put in at Roark Bluff at about 5:00pm and took of toward Greaser creek. I was going to take Bob's advice and fish some of the MDC beds, but wouldn't you know it, Marty Thompson beat me to them. It looked like he had some clients with him so we didn't want to intrude on them. We went on back into Greaser a little bit We had some friends already fishing in there that had 9 keepers by the time we got there. We started fishing some of the standing timber and picked up 1 keeper. About 6:30 we moved back out to where our buddy was tied up, only to find him and his wife each 1 fish from their limits. Tied up with them and caught 10 keepers in about an hour. Not too bad considering I haven't caught a darn crappie all year! Once it got dark they shut off completely and the fog rolled in. We decided to head back towards the ramp and bass fish a little bit. Caught a few small ones (all 14").
  25. Son Sac Marine just north of Greenfield can help you out too.
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