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The Kayak Kid

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About The Kayak Kid

  • Birthday 07/29/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Arnold, MO
  • Interests
    kayaking, river camping, fishing, hiking, birding

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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. You guys fish the Little Piney? When I'm in Rolla for work, I wade-fish a few spots downstream from Newburg. Some of my best smallies the last couple years. Couple spots off Hwy P to park the car. Never had any trouble.
  2. Great stuff. Really enjoy reading your notes regarding the history of the area/river. I try to include a little history lesson when I take trips with my son. Thanks!
  3. Thanks bud. Just looking to explore some new water. Smallie fishing upstream never seems to be too good (at least for me), and I'm interested in the scenery below Two Rivers. He's done the upper Current a few times. We usually take 2-3 day trips, but this would be a nice long trip away from everything. Thinking we could check out Rocky Falls and Peck Ranch at the end of our trip. Ever done the EPR below Hwy 142? That's been my lowest takeout (usually put in at Cane Bluff). Might be our 2nd option for this extended trip. Then I could show him Greer.
  4. Planning a 4-5 day canoe camping trip on the Current, with my son. All these years, and I've never been below Two Rivers. Any observations/comments regarding the smallie action, jet boat traffic (hopefully not too bad), and scenery would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi Jerry, Have you been to our stretch of the river, near the common ground? I'm on Mayberry Rd. Saw your note to the group a while back. Look forward to meeting you. I haven't been down to my cabin in a few months. Curious how the river looks. Couple nice spots just downstream from the pavilion, wondering if they have changed. All this talk about possible issues upstream certainly has me concerned. Such a beautiful section...and I've managed to catch-photo-release nice smallies since I bought the property. Nothing ever too big, but enough to keep me interested. A MDC-tagged one, 2 years back. Nolan
  6. Got a buddy tagging along on our kayak trip (Jacks Fork) next weekend. Perfect timing...I left my extra yak at the cabin down south. If you live in the St. Louis area (or on the way to the JF) and have a kayak we can borrow for the weekend, I will provide you with custom decals for your boat and/or vehicle. I have several colors of vinyl, and I can import most graphics/logos. Examples at my Etsy shop: slappyjoes.com (my clever redirect) Nolan in Fenton-MO
  7. I've parked a vehicle at Slabtown several times, and never had a problem. Including a trip about a month ago. Always seem to catch decent smallies. Does it get some abuse from locals...sure. Show me a river that doesn't. Definitely one of my more productive and consistent trips - both above and below Slabtown. I've never left a vehicle at Six Crossings, or other unofficial access areas. Holler if you need more info, Slew...
  8. Thanks fellas. Putting in at Slabtown this Friday...
  9. Glad to hear. Same for me this year - better smallie results than in previous years. I fish the stretch from about 5 miles upstream of K, down to K. More goggle-eye this year, too...at least for me. Overall, I've been pleased. Still really wanting to try the stretch below K.
  10. Planning a trip for later this month. Spending a couple nights on the river. What's your vote for better fishing? Boiling Spring to Slabtown <or> Slabtown to Ross Also, if anyone has floated from Boiling Spring to Slabtown recently, I'm curious if you did any dragging? Thanks!
  11. GloryDaze is one of my float buddies, and unofficial traveling secretary - photos, trip reports, etc. That's his Flickr page. We've taken plenty of trips on the Jacks, Buffalo, Eleven Point, Big Piney, etc... Next major take-out after Riverton is Hwy 142 bridge. I've taken out there before; however, my memory is hazy. It's another 8-9 river miles. Puts you only about 5 miles from the state line. Worth floating? If you have the time, and you're curious, sure. Nothing dramatic, as I recall, but a pretty stretch. The other guys on here could probably comment on the fishing in this stretch...
  12. Amen. We had a property owner get bit by a copperhead down near the Black, now everyone is exchanging emails filled with paranoia. It's a shame more people do not (1) take simple steps to reduce the likelihood of snake bites and (2) appreciate these beautiful creatures and the roles they play. Had the neat opportunity to view several snakes (copperheads, moc's, timber rattler, black rat, a few others) up close at the MDC Nature Center in Cape recently. Great staff there. They let me go in their work/storage area, and gave me a tour so I can better spot the differences between the species. Not sure if the other Nature Centers keep snakes or not. If you're in Cape, you might check it out.
  13. You'll definitely see a few, but I wouldn't let it scare you away from the EPR. With everything running low, you'd see a few on your other options also (Current, for example). Depends on your fishing emphasis, I suppose. When I put in at Cane, I go slow and camp my first night up from Greer...mostly because I'm targeting smallies much more than trout. Yes, if it's a Saturday, expect some jets. No real way to avoid 'em if you're out there on a Saturday....scooting through early would help, but certainly impacts your plans/mileage/pace. The stretch below Cane is great. Of course, I'm always in my kayak. Loaded canoes make it more work, if she's running slow. A few narrow sections in this stretch. Mighty nice for smallies - since most folks stay downstream. I almost always have productive fishing days up there. If you decide to take out at Riverton, enjoy Halls Bay Chute just before it. Cool rapid with rather big waves for an Ozark stream. Easy run, though. Have fun. Holler with questions. I've done that trip several times. http://www.flickr.com/photos/glorydaze/6047430608/in/photostream
  14. Selling a wood-burning stove. Craigslist link below tells the details, but feel free to PM with any questions. It's in Arnold-MO; would prefer someone picks it up. Good shape. Will last forever. Very heavy. http://stlouis.craigslist.org/app/3013331532.html $100
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