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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by kwall

  1. how you fisin' for them? go to mutton creek for weigh in sat. at 3p for some pointers,should be fun and hope to meet some of you guys.
  2. YEPPER!!! NASTY OLD MUD HOLE,I would'nt recomend it either.LOL
  3. you aint' kiddin' may get out then, thanks for the report
  4. Speakin' of bass does anyone know do they taste better fried or baked?
  5. Bob,it won't be long and they will be off the water till next summer.Glad you caught some fish
  6. Thanks Bob for the info,may try when heat breaks
  7. Good to hear, Size? most of the ones I have caught this year are 13 to 14 3/4 .
  8. thanks professor jim, may have to get up there next summer,Been to Lake of the Woods a few times and had a good time,but long drive,caught alot of pike and a few short walleye each time I went.
  9. Yep! One of the best eating fish I have had. Well I haven't fished Beaver for eyes yet ,like to find a few. I have always fished below dam for trout.May need to try this weekend.Thanks for the help.
  10. I have used them quite often earlier,April thru late June, then I change to troll'in divers when it gets hot. When I use them I use half a crawler, never tried leeches however. I also use 1/8 and 1/4 oz. jigs like you would for crappie tipped with minner' or 1/3 crawler.
  11. Thanks , I think I'll go a little deeper next time out. Up North , sure would like to try it sometime , finding a place to catch Eyes that's not to overrun and in U.S. Would be nice.
  12. Did you say EYES? I usually fish Stockton for them but get lots of shorts.Good numbers,size on Beaver?
  13. I can usually get a few up untill it gets really hot then I have to go deep for them.I usually drag deep divers for hours and hours and come across one ever so often this time of year,but the heat got the best of me last weekend.Your right about Eyeman he has learned alot about walleyes the past few years.
  14. Fished for last 2 hours till dark on fri. Eve draging 800 reef runner in 18 to 22 fow caught 1 2lb flathead,1 1/4lb bass,1 1lb durm and got skunked on the eyes that I was after.hope some of you caught some this weekend.
  15. Thanks Mike, I'm going to Stockton this weekend,going to use some of the tactics you showed us a few weeks back on that lake.
  16. Mike,the Eyeman and I really enjoyed our trip with you last weekend.Thanks for showing us more tactics on putting more fish in the boat.
  17. Had a great time on BSL.Eyeman an I ended up getting to fish with Mike Worley this weekend,WOW!!! Ended up getting a nice mess of LMB 2 to 3 ponders , few crappie 4 or so and even were able to get what we were really after WALLYS not a limit ,but we did get a 24 and 26 incher .It was hot,hot, hot out there but got some pointers to help us put more Eyes in the boat.Mike Worley is well worth a trip ,Thanks agin Mike.
  18. Thanks guys, I have 2 older Penn level wind reels and 1 Cabelas line counter with lead core and enough lures to start a tackle shop. I have been doing my Eye fishin' at Stockton but thought I'd give BSL a try for bigger fish.Thanks agin for the help.
  19. Nice!!! Rangerman .I'm make'n a trip this weekend hope this weeks heat won't mess up the fishin'
  20. A friend of mine caught 2 over 20 by Lilley's when the water was on
  21. I think your right,the wife and I almost got threw out of the boat last weekend on upper Tanycomo and he either didn't have a clue or didn't care (White Mako Guide boat). when we got back to the dock the guy that owns the place was ticked off at him also. the waves were banging his investment of boats,dock and guests around. Stockton is a very nice lake and most of the folk are also,you should try it
  22. let's slow them horses down a little Duke,did think I hit a sore spot
  23. staw hat , thanks for bring'n this topic up maybe i can learn what the xxxx these yung'ens are talk'in bout' HA!HA!
  24. THANKS , We had a great time ,we stayed below fall creek caught plenty for a nice meal for two enjoyed the morning fog and cool water nice way to spend a hot weekend.
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