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dennis boatman

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by dennis boatman

  1. My wife caught 3 on Mothers Day in 6 to 8 feet of water...I caught on a little late and got skunked....
  2. If that's it, I fished that point last Sunday...I was drifting with a crawer rig for walleye and caught a few bass...did not go to far back up the cove, but looked good...
  3. I have fished Stockton since the day they started filling it up...I don't know what each cove is called...so, I am curious, where is Price Cove?
  4. Yep...that moss is a mess. I thought I could get out of it in deeper water, but it seems to be there too. That said, if you aren't getting moss, you aren't in the fish zone..
  5. I go down to the jetties near Ft. Walton ... lots of Mackaral there...and fun...be careful on the rocks...
  6. I'm not sure that's exactly the enhancement he was thinking about....
  7. Just missed on the Derby...had Bodemeister and Dullahan...so close.....
  8. Targa...I'd start in at least 15' of water with a 1/4 ounce jig with a night crawler...locate the bottom and lift and drop about a foot...move deeper and adjust jig weight as needed to keep in contactwith the bottom...trolling a spinner rig requires lots of "technique" and with the moss the way it is can be a real pain....you should catch one...as for location...I fish point B-4 and especially on the west side of it for about 1/4 mile..good luck...
  9. photography as an art form has always seemed a stretch to me...I could never paint like Monet, but with enough pictures taken, I can equal many of the so called great photographers...like they say about those infinite amount of monkeys...It can be done...
  10. I didn't answer the question of good or evil...I think the answer is honesty. I haven't looked at any images you may be referring to, but I would think an * or footnote should be applied if any manipulation was involved...
  11. Ansel Adams "photoshopped" all his pictures...not like we do it now of course, but manipulating photos has been ongoing since the invention of photography...that being said, I'd say a vast majority of, as they now call them, "images", are manipulated to some degree. I will admit, I too, use photoshop, but mostly to crop...In most cases, it isn't that hard to figure out which have "had work done"...I see people just taking pictures by the bucket full and just take care of them later...I'm somewhat old school on this and I never delete a picture I have taken, unless it is blurry or badly exposed. You never know when that picture you took may have relevance in your life...
  12. ...I'm anxious to see if there are any other sightings...my sister, like most other people, would not call the news people...or at least I hope she wouldn't...
  13. ...also check Academy Sports...
  14. ...more specific...Weaver Rd. 1 block west of Campbell...
  15. Last night my sister, who lives near Battlefield, saw a Mountain Lion cross Weaver Rd. I've known my sister all my life and I trust her...
  16. ...those bass make it hard to fish sometimes...
  17. Totally agree on that moss...I fished Wed. evening and caught 2 keepers in that same area...also found some crappie and they were deep also...headed out again tomorrow morning...
  18. I've seen some urban cougars with great teets...
  19. I like the least amount of added flavour to my fish...Cornmeal a little salt and that's it...especially on Crappie...and don't overcook.
  20. ...come through Morrisville next time..we need the money...
  21. I didn't know Mountain Lions were interested in Indian relics...
  22. B-4....BINGO!!!!!
  23. i found one about 10 years ago...
  24. I used to haul my 16' v-bottom aluminum boat on this trailer. I haven't used it in about 8 years, but the tires have air, and the hubs were new then. Would make a great canoe trailer. $100. I live near Bolivar. 417-298-0248
  25. ...That's what she said...
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