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dennis boatman

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by dennis boatman

  1. Shoulda thrown it in the bank...better contrast!!!!!
  2. Hmmmm...My favorite is Bongos Bistro in Stockton...
  3. 670 Acres @(enter amount here) is alot of cash...
  4. I may miss fish going bobberless, but it's just a personal choice. Tried a bobber once for about 15 minutes, and couldn't keep the trout from hitting the it...found it annoying. I guess to me, it isn't so much about catching, but the satisfaction of tying my own flies and just being out there. I really enjoy fishing. Have fun.
  5. Get rid of the Bobber (indicator), and as mentioned, shorten your leader, be stealthy, and fish closer to your position keeping your rod high, and focus. Works for me...
  6. WOW! Just read all 83 comments. Yea, I need a life....
  7. I fish Stockton Lake...What color would anyone suggest? I would like to give one a try...
  8. Was there over New Years and did great...mostly crackle back streamer I tie...they were slammin!!!!
  9. obvious joke on this one....or is it just me? Punchline starts with V and ends in iagra...
  10. How did the river look? May give it a try Thursday....
  11. Is it really a good idea for those guys to be on that spillway/dam? Looks kinda dicey to me, but would make fishing interesting!! One slip and it's good bye!
  12. Make that a week. It's higher right now than anytime last week and still rising.
  13. I would think at least 3 or 4 days till its fishable. I was there on Wed and it was at about 600 cfs and thats about all i could handle. Fishing was fair, caught 3 in about 2 hours.
  14. Spearfish creek SD, Upper Owens River Bishop, CA,
  15. caught 3 trout on the Niangua today....may hit fellows tomorrow just for grins...
  16. 3 trout today at bennett access. Water was up some and made wading a little dicey at times. Thought water was to high to go down to the island, so fished between the first access and boat ramp. Waded down the first time and caught nothing, and the second time through caught 3. All caught on what I call a Guinea Jig, 1/100 ounce i believe. Fun day.
  17. I'd wait...It's February and the fish aren't biting...anywhere...ITS FEBRUARY!!!!!! However, i may head up to the Niangua today and see if the trout are biting....
  18. I'm yet to catch my first Niangua Brown...Do pretty good on the rainbows...took a few trips to figure some of that out. Im due for a Brown.
  19. will be there wednesday and report back
  20. First of May till October. 15-25 foot of water along bluffs and off points. Harness rig with nightcrawler bouncing off the bottom. You'll catch plenty.
  21. First of May till October. 15-25 foot of water along bluffs and off points. Harness rig with nightcrawler bouncing off the bottom. You'll catch plenty.
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