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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Cocry

  1. Let me know what I can do to make it better. I feel as if I'm going to get judge judy'd. Cory
  2. Cocry

    New Camera!

  3. I'm not very photogenic. That's my excuse for not having any pics. Glad I got to meet everyone as well. I'll be back down as soon as I'm able to so hopefully we'll meet again!
  4. Count me in. Had fun Friday... hopefully I can get back down soon!
  5. Cocry

    New Camera!

    appreciate the good words!
  6. Cocry

    New Camera!

    Just picked up a Nikon 5100 last night so hopefully I will be posting a lot in here in the near future. Any tips/tricks for a newab would be appreciate it. Thanks! Cory
  7. Sometimes you can't help phobias
  8. This is the one thing that makes me not enjoy my stream fishing to the fullest. Excuse my language, but I hate snakes.
  9. We did pretty well trollin chartreuse crankbaits about 10-15 feet down around the points last week. Got into smallies mainly. Good times
  10. With 4 generators and a boat, is it possible to successfully fly fish or do I have to resort to bringing my open-face. Who would you recommend for me to go to for a guide service to fly fish if they are pushing 4 generators? Thanks, thanks, thanks, Cory
  11. I'm coming down the week of june 18th. If weather continues the way it is, and i know this is completely a crapshoot, but do you think that wading might be possible? We family vacay there every year and I would have access to a boat, but I'm not to comfortable doing it myself. Last year I probably put in 30-35 hours on taney in 6 days with a 35 minute drive back and forth so i'm hoping it won't be a bust for me. Thanks in advance, Cory
  12. not sure if this was posted already but.... http://thelook.today.com/_news/2011/05/25/6714296-feather-hair-extensions-fly-off-salon-shelves
  13. hows it been lookin down there?
  14. Thanks for adding me. Brown/Gray Soft hackles will be my contribution. Looking forward to everyone's flies! Where should I be sending these to?? Thanks, -Cory
  15. I would be interested in the Cortland 333HT, Sinking fly line, Rocket taper, WF-6-S. I work in Creve Coeur at 270 and Olive. Thank you!!! -Cory
  16. Any more details? I'd be more than happy to participate!
  17. Thank you for the tips!
  18. I saw something was recently posted here and wanted to see if everyone thought the same. I never buy tapered leader. I have a spool of 4x monofilament which I nail knot to my fly line then use flourocarbon 5, 6x and use a surgeons knot from mono to flouro.
  19. Went out to the bar last night and saw 3 or 4 girls with this crap in their hair. I was kind of drunk and they were friends of a friend so I felt the urge to kindly bitch them out. Needless to say, they didn't talk to me for the rest of the night.
  20. Yea, that's a little costly for me. I've got a TFO 7.6 3wt which i really enjoy so I might have to look into that. Thanks for the suggestions! Cory
  21. Any suggestions on a rod from $125-$200 for throwing streamers for browns and/or bass? Thanks in advance, Cory
  22. Perfect. I do appreciate the help. Hopefully I'll have pictures to post!
  23. Thank you for the GL. I have them saved in my phone, but the last time I was down there, one of the numbers wouldn't work. I don't remember if it was the current or predicted. I saw a few posts here about that number being cut. Would there be another? If I ended up having to rent a boat, where should I rent from? My buddy and I would be fly fishing so that would be our main priority. Where is the best place to rent a boat that would be easy for us to FF from? Cory
  24. With all of rain we're supposed to get this week(end), is it likely that they will be running a lot of water? Planning on wade fishing Sat/Sun/Mon. I normally fish scuds/wd's/zebras. Would this be appropriate with all of the rain or would san juans be good to throw in the mix. Thank you in advance, Cory
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