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Everything posted by perchjerker

  1. What a great place to have such knoledgable fishermen helping the newbies. You dont see that happening at other Lakes or Rivers.I hope to be a noob on next Thursday the 12th at night.If you see a Fat Boy just watching dont think it's a terrorist cell here to hit where it would hurt us most. It's just the old perchjerker taking notes.I love this Forum !!!
  2. As a boater and a wader the lake is everyones and all are allowed to fish where they may. we have been blessed with a great fishery and even if someone steps on our toes out there we should remind ourselves how lucky we are,take a deep breath,smile, and get back to fishing as soon as possible.When on the water I hope I offend no one but if I do I apologize because I will never be perfect in manners or fishing. Thats what makes me Me.
  3. In June I was going to Gatlinburg Tenn. Anyone have any recommendations on where to Fly Fish or a local fly shopI can go to to get the Tenn. skinny on where,what & how to catch some of thier trout.
  4. That Fat boy fishing Fri.,Sat., & Sun. with the orange OAF hat was me.I stayed mostly around the top of the rebar hole,a little below it and just a little below outlet #1.My hands were cold so instead of doing a lot of tying I stayed with a possum colored scud with an Adam's Bug dropper(from Anglers & Archers).Caught alot of bo's and 1 brown all on the dropper.Nothing big nothing small just fun size.Has anyone fished Jolley Mills ? I'm coming down next month and going to Eureka Springs and thought I might try it.Everyone beware above the rebar hole there are about 8 3lb. rainbows that try and knock you down if you get in above you knees.
  5. Well I'm coming down in March and April guess a May trip would'nt get me in more trouble than I already am with Mrs. Perchjerker.Hope to put some Faces with these creative internet handles.I watch for more info. Thanks Guys
  6. Hey snag you forgot the most important detail. What color hat were you wearing?You can't call it a complete report without the most important item left out.But I sure enjoyed the story. I'll be down for three days on the 22nd. I have a killer Hula-Popper lure I use with a 4 oz. river wieght attached to the back treble hook.Might trade on for that thing-a-ma-bob of yours. God I love those lures forever.
  7. Now it's Sunday and 8 of the tuesday 14" are no the electric smoker.I'm using a new Brine from Bass Pro "Wild River Trout"with honey.Smells mighty good.I'llget one to the Brother Skip Smith and we'll give the results of our taste test soon.
  8. High on Sunday 55 Mon 62 Tue 76 We put our lucky OAF hats back on Tuesday and had a ball from 7a to 12 noon. Lost count but somewhere around 50 rainbows and still no browns. All bo's about 12-12 inchers. Kudos to Phil and gang for the OAF discount old #12 which overlooks Taney was a great way to wake up in the morning.Hope to be back soon.Perchjerker and Fat Boy Skip. BY That was 12-14 inchers sorry
  9. This is the old perchjerker.If any one sees two fat boys fishing Sun.,Mon.,& Tues.it's myself and big bro Skip Smith.We'll be stopping by Lilley's to see if any hats are left.Hopefully we will get wading and some boat fishing above Fall Creek.Just look for a green & gold Lund.It would be nice to meet some of you guys.Do'nt worry about us putting to big of a dent in the population,maybe a couple for a meal up at the Candles.Keep the big end of the waders out of the water. Say Bye...
  10. With no water to some running I've had good luck with a 1/16 and 1/8 split shot about 2ft above a #8 hook anchored on the flats just below Fall Creek boat dock in 5-6 ft of water.
  11. Sounds like I should'nt be waiting around for one of these shad kills to come down. Just keep the ice off the boat ramps and Skip Smith and I will be down to fish. We will let you know when then every one can avoid the two big perchjerkers flailing the water.
  12. I am now making crappie jigs by the dozens and getting faster all the time. Thanks for the half hitch lesson.
  13. Gosh I never caught one of these football trout in Taney. Do they fillet out like a bass ?? :-)
  14. To the Big Mouth Buffalo:it's Perchjerker, Caught some Smallies on a lake just south of Algoma Wis. Not from there,I just fish there and Whinthrop Harbor about twice a year.
  15. Just started tying my own jigs,and can't seem to work the tool for the hitch.I'll give this a try and let you know how it works for me...Perchjerker
  16. I just wanted to say hi to all of you. I've been on the sight for a while but never introduced myself.I have fished Taney for aboutevery other month since 1972.I still like to take friends on the lower part with ultralights but my real lvoe of the sport is fly fishing Taney.I'm amazed at how well I have done for a hacker of a fly fisherman. A lot of that has to do with the help of the folks at Angler's and Archer's. Hope to get to know a bunch of you and bend a rod on Taney with some.Your New Year meet<eat and fish looked like a hoot.Hope I might be able to attend the next one. I make a mean smoke salmon that I catch on Lake Michigan.Keep the open end of the waders out of the water. PERCHJERKER
  17. This is for Leonard. I'm Perchjerker up in Collinsville Il.I am fishing Taney about every other month. Night fishing sure sounds good but the only 2 times I was close to this was getting there early in the morning. Do you ever use these lite up strike indicators at night?I see some in use at dark in the morning.
  18. Thanks for the bevy of information on D.O. i was wandering it's effects has on Taney but did'nt know what numbers we good or bad.I can use all the education I can find because I fish there so much. Thanks Again Perchjerker...
  19. I have been fishing Taney for almost 35 years and was down there on the weekend of July 15th of 2006.I fish about every other month, and this time I went 2 days without catching a fish. From Fall Creek to the Downtown campgrounds I didn't even see a fish in the water. Was this because of full generation,temp of 49.5,low stocking, or an oxygen issue? 1 day I must of passed 30 boats without 1 fish on.I used flies,tolling,casting, anchoring,and the always productive inflated worm.I think I could have went to the throphy area and caugt fish , but just wondered why the lull.
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