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Just another guy'd

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About Just another guy'd

  • Birthday September 15

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  • Location
    Indian Point
  • Interests
    Fishing,teaching people how to catch fish and goose hunting

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. I revamped the text on the homepage. Would like some feedback and still am looking to give some free listings.
  2. I've done a lot of research and there are a lot of good looking homemade baits out there that dont cost as much as what you pay for the brand named baits. If you could get a good quality bait for a dollar or two less then what your paying now,I think a lot of people would jump on that.This is just another platform for these people to get exposure for their product and when all is said and done are going to make some money.
  3. I appreciate all the feedback. Jerry, I thought about the commission thing but that would almost be impossible to monitor.Fish,I definitly can have subcatagories so that is very doable. I used to have a lot more catagories but narrowed it down for the SEO aspect although since then I have found ways around that. The url is definitly there for the seo part of this.It has all the key words for the most searched words for this catagory. I think $10 is pretty cheap for the basic package and $25 is cheap for all you get for the Silver package.There are a lot of sites out there that charge more for just linking to their site let alone get a whole page for your product.Also because this is brand new I am giving everyone who signs up now a 34 day month and a 400 day year and that will stay that way as long as they keep their account active and on the yearly you are actualy paying 11 months for that 400 day year. If you think about it most people will spend that kind of money each month on things they dont really need let alone on something they would take serious to try and earn them money. fish... I am offering a 90 day free listing if your interested. There is a package for rod builders.It's higher but so is the profit they make off of fishing rods.
  4. Hello all and Happy New Year I have recently started a website for lure makers.The concept is to have a place where fisherman can go and find some quality fishing lures without having to pay out the nose for them.There are so many fisherman who have small lure companies or just make a few lures and would like to sell their product. I do not sell their lures on the site.The site is just a platform for them to display their product.Any dealings they would have is between them and the buyers. I have started sending literature to hundreds of lure makers and am getting a lot of good feedback.The only thing is nobody wants to be the first to list.I'm trying to get some lure makers listed so I have product on the site before I start my mass mailing to get customers coming to the site and that is why I am here. I am offering 5 free 90 days listings for Ozark Angler members. I would like to have a few fo them who have websites with their product on it and make multiple lures.(spinners,jigs,leadheads etc..) If you make fishing lure this would be a good opportunity to get your product in front of a lot of fisherman. You can check out the site at http://fishinglurefactory.com So if you are a lure maker or know of someone who might be interestd in this please contact me at 417-230-6950 to set up their free listing. Please make sure to let me know you seen this on Ozark Anglers. Kind Regards Jamie Kowalsky
  5. Awesome RPS.You definatly are developing a knack for the big walleye.Do I see a future walleye guide on Table Rock?
  6. We put in at Bridgeport about 10:30.We ended up in the same cove as Lilly but I think after he left.We ended up keeping 19 Crappie and 1 nice White Bass.We also threw baits on a 1/16th oz head.We used more translutent colors with colored flake and I ended up throwing a (white) bass slider which I cut in half on a 1/8th oz head.We fished shallow keeping the boat in 18 ft of water and casting to the bank.Unlike Lilly we caught about 25 short crappie and a few small Bass.All in all it was a fun day and I get to eat Crappie tonight. Jamie
  7. Just read on facebook that our own Mr Bill Babler and Mr Bill Beck weighed in 26.82 lbs today.Great job guys.AWESOME catch. Jamie
  8. I've been running into it here and there for a couple weeks now.On the bottom and in the timber.I hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling its gonna get bad. Jamie
  9. If I where you and I was after a big fish,I would fish after dark.The next full moon is March 19th and the water temp ought to be high enough for the big fish to feed at night.I would throw a big jig or a black single blade spinnebait.I think I'm gonna try my hand at some night fishing this moon.The best nights ought to be the 3 nights before till the 3 nights after the full moon.Then around new moon can be awesome also. As far as where.I believe anywhere on the lake in the clear water has the potential for big fish. I agree with Foz as far as there are so many fish that spend most of their lives in deep water on these Ozark lakes and only come shallow to spawn.I also believe these fish spawn deeper and cannot be seen. Jamie
  10. Indian Point is ice covered.Thats all Iknow.
  11. The best I have found with the most contour lines is the Structue Graphics maps.
  12. I was too.I drove around Indian Point Circle and the only damage was on the southeast corner and it was major.Indian point resorts lost 3 docks.Rock Lane had 2 docks break loose and the Village of Indian Point's dock broke loose but had no damage.Thats why I said it jumped because there was no damage between the southeast corner of IP and IP Resorts dock.I live less then 1/4 mile from there and had no damage.I cant explain it but it is what it is.
  13. Just to let you all know.Indian Point Marina is just fine.It was Indian Point Resorts Marina that got hit.I also seen some pictures of dock damage in the big cove just west of point 5.The tonado? came across the water from point 5 and hit the southeast corner of indian point then hopped over to Ip Resorts dock
  14. This is my first post so please be gentle with me. Went out fishing yesterday with a buddy and started catching some nice smallmouth about 15-18 feet deep on a jig.I decided to go check out a stand of cedars back in a cove and while idleing back there I noticed about 20 gulls sitting on the water.After fishing the cedars with no success I told my buddy that those birds were back here for a reason.I started motoring over to them and as they all took off I started seeing some loons in the area.As I motored closer my depthfinder lit up with a huge school of shad.The school topped out at 10 ft and bottomed out at 55 ft.We were in 60 ft of water.We both tied on a half ounce white jigging spoon and dropped them to the bottom.In the next 45 minutes we caught the heck out of Kentuckies and whites.I love this time of year when the fish school up in the coves and creeks and you can absolutely hammer them.Just remember when your out there and see a bunch of birds in an area that they are there for a reason.
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