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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Sprint21fter

  1. That is toad no matter what species of bass it is. That is awesome. Better have taken some pictures of that one.
  2. Did you catch some crappie after you left from Natural Dam. I was one of the Berryville boys that was down there. We'll have to do some fishing together sometime.
  3. What are the water temperatures running in these areas: Kings river past sweetwater-deer bluff. Long Creek-enid-cricket. Just wondering.
  4. A couple of seasons ago on the Elite tour, Mark Menendez won on Dardenelle fishing out of an alluminum boat with a 90hp on it so he could slide through a hole underneath a small bridge to fish some backwater areas. He made the longest run in the tournament as well to get to his spot.
  5. Tough wouldn't describe what I have been doing. I am finding plenty of fish on my graph hanging around bait and I work the area over with a fine tooth comb to try and get a bite. I have been a handful of time in two weeks and have two fish. The fish don't have to eat for a few days if they don't want to in the winter time from what I hear with the metabolism hitting rock bottom. Sometimes I try to imagine if I was the fish and ask myself if I would want to eat after it has been well below zero a few days and then the temperatures jacks up to the sixties. Sounds like a hangover to me. Like champ said about the deep bite there is always one somewhere. Good Luck fellows who are fishing the BFL.
  6. They way all of the writers are talking about with the warmer weather coming in down there the classic might be shootout. If that happens that opens the classic up to all of those guys. The fish will become more aggressive. I will predict 18lbs a day will win. Gary Klein is due, but I am going with the biggest underdog Mr. Palitunik. I'm not sure his name is spelled right but he represents the Federation. It will be another classic to remember.
  7. Tried throwing the jerkbait for 45minutes. Saw that the fish were holding on a dropoff on a bluffend at 60ft so I grabbed the spoon. Im sure I had some fish see the jerkbait but they didn't want to mess with it.
  8. One fish was 16 inches and the others were around 14 1/2-14/3/4, all were blacks.
  9. Fished Shell Knob on some bluff ends and caught four on a 1/2 oz spoon. Water temperature was 37 degrees. The ramp was cleared out on one side. The parking sides wasn't clear at all but I was the only idiot out there. Had enough of cabin fever.
  10. Here are some pictures from New Years Eve around Campbell Point area. These photos help me forget about how cold it is and keep me coming back for more action on the best lake in the country.
  11. Fished out of Viola and headed towards Shell Knob. There were thousands of Gulls around sitting on the water. Figured we would nail a few on a jerkbait. Stopped at our first spot on a bluff end and didn't get a bite. Started looking in the water a would see several shad stunned just fluttering under the surface. Couldn't believe I couldn't get bit on a jerkbait. Fished a longbilled Smithwick Rougue. Nothing touched it. Picked up the old trusty jig in PBJ and fished into the pocket where some brush piles were dropped. First cast, hooked a solid keeper largemouth. Next cast was slowly pulling it over the brush and WHACK! Set the hook and it didn't move. A few seconds later he ran towards the boat I reeled and reeled and all of a sudden he surged back towards the brushpile. Pulled him back out two more times and the third time he surfaced and bulldogged his way down into the brush again and broke me off, he looked liked a 7lber. However, he knew what he what he was doing. Was suprised how hard he fought in that cold water. The rest of the day was like sitting in the bath tub. Nice weather though. Water temp was 41.7 at 8am. Jumped a couple of degrees when the air temp hit 76.
  12. Haven't heard any problems with the pro side but it was a little frustrating trying to get through to the customer service to try and register. Everyone must have wanted to try and fish our great lake in April. Can't wait to see what the pro's pull out of the lake.
  13. Have been wanting to fish the BASS Central Open for a while if they would come back to Table Rock and just recieved notification that me and my dad will get the opportunity to fish with the pros and can't wait until April to see how these guys go about their business. Maybe get the chance to catch some fish and win a little bit of money on the Co-Angler side.
  14. Fished out of Big Indian down H-Hwy Saturday. Put in at 9am and fished til 2pm. Thought I had a few things figured out but I was wrong to stay confident on Table Rock. Between me and my dad we had two bites all day and we didn't even get to put those two bites in the boat. Fished the mouth of Little Indian Creek on some secondary points and ledges and didn't get a bite. Went to Baxter and fished the bluff ends and graphed a bunch of fish hanging around bait. Dropped a spoon down and didn't get bit. Through a scrounger through the fish and didn't get a bit. Threw a jerkbait didn't get a bite. Moved to a big deep cove with boat rails and sawed off ceders in twenty feet and had our two bites on jigs but didn't hook em. Was looking forward to the day and the fish might have been a little active but they do what they want down their. Finally quit at 2pm and decided they had lockjaw.
  15. Went out Saturday at 8:45am and fished the mouth of Big Creek. Boated two keeper Kentuckies on a 3/4 oz spoon. Cheated and snagged the second one in the tail. There a bunch of fish at 70ft to 40ft. Couldn't get them fired up. I'll go after them again this Saturday hopefully with the weather becoming warmer.
  16. Their isn't blade on the scrounger. You maybe looking at the Fishead Spin made by Swarming Hornet Lure CO.
  17. A scrounger is a swim jig with a plastic guard in front of the hook instead of a weed guard. so they won't hang up in brush and trees very easily. I use it as a swim bait in deeper water. When you pull it through the water it swims like a regular swimbait and the plastic guard helps with the action as well. I use the 1/2 oz so if you do get snagged just let the bait fall back down and slowly yo-yo the bait back over and it normally will roll over.
  18. I was using smokin shad with my scrounger.
  19. Water temps was 49 degrees on Dec. 30. The air temp was 65. Jan. 1 the temp dropped to 47 degrees.
  20. Fished Campbell Point area Dec. 30 on Thursday as the front was moving in and had an unbelievable day. Started fishing at 9:00 am. A caught a 6lbder at 9:30. After that the fish that I caught were all keepers except for a handful of shorts mixed in. There was one dock in the back of this cove that I was fishing that extended out into 35ft of water and I was parralleling the dock with a scrounger with a fluke as a trailer and was catching fish every cast for 15 minutes. It was unbelievable. It was one of those days where everything was going right for me. I am sure that it was the similiar for the other boats that I saw on the lake since the wind was blowing and the pressure was dropping. I would count the scrounger down and slowly swim it back on a slightly bowed line so it would fall through the zone the fish were holding in. I caught my big fish on the inside of the point with some standing timber in 25ft of water. My best fish for the day would have gone for 22lbs of bass. Wish I was in a tournament. Caught 4 good limits throughout the day. Most of fish were kentuckies in the 3-3.5lb range. Caught the TBK slam also with the smallmouth being 2.5lbs. I will send some pictures in a few days. Fished Shell Knob area after the front came through on Jan 1. Fished 1 hour and half with my wife and managed one good kentucky on a bluff. Caught it on the scrounger in 60ft but the fish hit the bait half-way down. Like to know how other people did Dec. 30-31.
  21. There is no confusion, when someone is accusing another person of taking the same picture different times throughout the day of the same fish they need to be talked to. The guy showing the pictures is showing us the hard work that is paying off for him. He doesn't have to show us those pictures but he wanted to.
  22. Sounds like Channel Catfish is mad becasue he can't catch good fish. Each fish is different looking. Go catch your own fish and take a picture with a camera phone and see what they look like. Lastly, grow up.
  23. Fished Shell Knob to mouth of King River. Started up the Kings and thougth I could get a few crankbait fish but managed one dink. Moved back towards shell knob and hit some deeper transition banks with laydowns and standing timber. Pitched a football jig around the laydowns and worked them off some of the ledges and started catching them. Pitched four times in a row and caught a fish. Last spot of the evening was across from the Shell Knob ramp on the bluff and caught several more. Fished from 3-6. Caught 15 total and 14 were tail stretching from measuring 15inches. Caught all four species of black bass. Black, smallmouth, meanmouth, and Kentucky. The bite was real soft. If the fish didn't hit the jig on the fall I wasn't getting a bite. Purely a reaction bite. The jig was falling so fast through the water they were just reacting to it. All the bites were hooked in the center of the head. Fun day, wished to have gotten a bigger bite.
  24. Did you win the weekend series event shallow or deep?
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