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Everything posted by jamesedward

  1. Guys we have now caught 3 big large mouths on Stockton over 10 lbs in the last month. A lot of Bass have already spawned but a lot more spawning over the next month with the lake cooling off so much. Yes I have pics and I can show any of you on my iPhone cause I can't download them online. But they are hawgs and full of eggs. My big 11-12 lb fish we catch every year is gone and off her bed. She spawned in about 4 foot of water under a tree we placed for her.
  2. I am on the sw side of spfd. Cape fair area. I'm going back down tomorrow in the evening to get another limit of pigs
  3. Huck I am catching crappie from 1/2 lb up to 2.5 lbs and yes crappie. You say when you wanna go. It has to be a weekday for me and Tues or Thursday man. They are calling for snow this coming weekend
  4. Huck when you wanna go to Table Rock? I'm getting my limit everyday out and I have caught 2 every day over 2 pounds. You say when, we meet, we split gas and go
  5. Well then if Bob wants to put it on I will be happy to fish at least 2 times a month. I don't have time or the money to fish the bigger tournaments but to fish on the weekdays evenings I'd be all for that. BOB, oh well art thou! I hope some of you would show up and fish his Thursday nights tournaments. Hell with a championship. Who needs that. Pay back 100% and lets get this rolling. Small tournaments need to pay back 3 spots period no matter if you have 15 boats or 50. Like the Bats tournaments on Pomm. He lost A LOT of guys cause he pays out to many places. I know I stopped as well as a bunch of others. You guys don't need to make these guys happy by paying more spots. Pay 3 and make them work harder to get a check. Just my opinion cause on Kentucky lake this worked very well every Wednesday night and we had 70 boats almost every Wednesday and we only paid 3 spots and NO ONE complained unless they took 4th but they all liked it. Why can't it work here? My guess is there is not a 100% pay back the guys act like it is to hard to run a circuit. Man its just for fun and like in Kentucky everyone pitched in to where they all felt part of the fun.....Just my thoughts again.
  6. Well then if Bob wants to put it on I will be happy to fish at least 2 times a month. I don't have time or the money to fish the bigger tournaments but to fish on the weekdays evenings I'd be all for that. BOB, oh well art thou! I hope some of you would show up and fish his Thursday nights tournaments. Hell with a championship. Who needs that. Pay back 100% and lets get this rolling. Small tournaments need to pay back 3 spots period no matter if you have 15 boats or 50. Like the Bats tournaments on Pomm. He lost A LOT of guys cause he pays out to many places. I know I stopped as well as a bunch of others. You guys don't need to make these guys happy by paying more spots. Pay 3 and make them work harder to get a check. Just my opinion cause on Kentucky lake this worked very well every Wednesday night and we had 70 boats almost every Wednesday and we only paid 3 spots and NO ONE complained unless they took 4th but they all liked it. Why can't it work here? My guess is there is not a 100% pay back the guys act like it is to hard to run a circuit. Man its just for fun and like in Kentucky everyone pitched in to where they all felt part of the fun.....Just my thoughts again.
  7. Well I myself would not be having that type of tournament. WE will seeing the fish and weighting them in. A monthly meeting, It will not be that type of tournament either. I will just put out flyers and put it on both fishing radio shows and also the word of mouth will get around. I think being 100% pay back is the way to go and I see no reason why there will not be at least 15 plus boats every tournament. There will be no meetings just show up, pay a yearly membership of $10 per person to go towards scales and do this thing. Don't need know water tanks or anything like that. You use your own bags, pour the fish in a basket and heavy weight wins 1st place. I'm not gonna pay a gigantic 1st place amount and 2nd and 3rd get nothing. It will be a 60-30-10 split with big bass 100 1st place only. No paying 1 place for every 5,6,or 7 places. I've also done this for years and I KNOW what I want cause this worked great for both my old bass clubs. I just wanna see how many would like this type of thing and I see we have 3 so far....you, my partner and myself
  8. I may be interested in buying a weight scale for tournament weight ins and I am also thinking about starting a new LOCAL bass club for tournaments on Stockton Lake only....It would be a 100% payback with a $10 membership per year per person to which that will pay for my scales and barrels and all. I'm thinking 1 tournament per month 10 months a year. Lets see how many would fish 1 time per month strictly on Stockton Lake and putting in a mid lake area like old state park as long as they have restrooms and lights. I wish to have 8 hour tournaments at night and 8 hour tournaments in the day time. Night tournaments will be from MAY,JUNE,JULY and August. is this a terrible idea? I.m just wanting to bring attention to Stockton Lake with-out bringing in all the big Studs who fish big tournaments. The big boys I don't think will fish a local 3 hour tournament during the weekday but once a month They may wanna fish a all night tournament on a saturday night 1 time per month in the summer. I'm just asking guys not saying I AM JUMPING IN THIS. I just think maybe to start a 3 or 4 hour tournament during the weekdays WILL WORK if advertised on the Fishing Radio show and with flyers posted every where.
  9. Ok folks if I may please help me out here. Is there any Bass tournaments during the weekday on Stockton lake like there is on the Rock and Lake Ozarks. I was told there is a Tuesday, Thursday and a friday night tournament on Stockton Lake but I can NOT find any listed. Maybe they don't list them since the tournaments may be so small but i would really like to fish a tournament on Stockton during the weeknight to avoid the bigger boats and I don't want to waste a lot of money to do this. Maybe a $50 or $60 tournament during the weekday would be nice. I think they have one on Lake of the Ozarks every Wednesday for $35 or $40 and they get from 50 to 80 boats every week. Maybe I need to drive there IDK. But would you guys be willing to fish them on Stockton Lake? Maybe place some flyers at all the marines and fishing shops. bass Pro will ALLOW them there. Any help would be app! Thanks and god bless us all
  10. I agree about Stockton yesterday. Water temps fell majorly and I had 1 bite and it was in a crank and she weight 4 lbs. But I just got home from Table rock (Bridgeport) and got a big fat limit of sows most around 13 inches ad all from the bank to 5 feet from bank in shallow water. Water temps was 55. Now I'm going tomorrow back to Stockton to try it again in the CC area and with hopes of water temps close to that magic # of 55 degree. I know this is a Stockton thread and I'm just posting what happened south of the rock. Guys the key water temp to turn them on is ad has ALWAYS been 55 up to 65 for the slabs. I hope you all throw down some good reports tomorrow. Anyone live in spfd wanna split gas and go up tomorrow with me. I'm just asking. $30 is all I ask for!
  11. Sir as you are idling out of State park cove and get past the last dock on the right, look to ALL THE BOATS....Thats the tire bed. No way Stevie Wonder could even miss it so I am sure sir you will be just fine!
  12. cid:DCB77DCE-7CFD-42D6-AB8C-21E92D712691/3-13-2011%2520Stockton%2520Lake%25209lbs.9oz..JPG I don't know if this pic showed up but here is a pic of a 9.9 caught Sunday on Stockton. This is why this guy is the best on Stockton lake period. If the pic does not show up and you live in or are coming to spfd go to fin and feather and ask John about the pic caught by Gary Wilkerson yesterday. 8-10 lb fish almost on an everyday occurrence for this guy. Everyone should feel lucky he doesn't tournament fish. Every pic has a date and time of the pic that he takes. Gary you sir are indeed the King. Ernie send me more pics man
  13. Well we fished a tournament and was feeling very nice about it. But nope. All the Pre-fishing a money spent was for nothing. Only thing biting was walleye and tons of 13 in fish. Threw red wort most of the day. Water temps was 52. On our way back we went to state park marina to check it out and almost every cast we caught a 12-14in bass in the 44 degree water. Crappie are biting on the tire bed everyone. So if you wanna have a good time, fish from the bank or a boat on the tire bed and catch crappie and I seen several over 13 inch being caught. Going to bed everyone and good luck to you all
  14. If I didn't have a tour Sunday I would tell you about big fish and baits I used to catch them. I do hear the BIG sac is great when my area is not great but a bunch of 3 lb fish and I know 5- 3lb fish will NOT even get a check. I'm just hoping for a few 5's an or maybe 6lb fish show up in this warmer water. The rogue guys can have all the 4lb fish cause the guys in the rivers may just have 5 at 30 plus lbs depending on the jig and crank bite. Not saying I am going to have a big sack no way. But I won't be surprised if there isn't a 25-30lb bag on jigs or cranks will show up. There was a lot of 7's an 8's caught where we are at but all changed with the water level and temp. I hear there is a tournament Out of the dam area to Sunday. We are out of Muttun creek and there will be 40 boats in ours. Plus CC area is having a 10-15 boat tournament Sunday. Plus there is a small club 15 boats Saturday out of Roark bluff west. Lots of boats this weekend I just wish I was taken out of the dam area to run to Aldrich up to the steel bridge in that area
  15. Water has came up 2 feet and the water temps have dropped off from 54 to 48.4 this afternoon. Bassing was ok I guess. Whites are none existent for us but I didn't really fish for them. No spinner bait fish today.
  16. If you want, you can tell me what boat you have for sale, size motor, year of each and what Is the trolling motor and I can tell you the best you will get for your boat and maybe it will be best to hear it from someone you don't know. I buy and sell boats every day. Go to an auction and you pay book value to 85 cents on the dollar. That's just stupid. Buy repo style and you should pay 30 - 40 cents on the dollar. I buy and I sell below book value. What do you have sir and I'll tell you what to expect from a 3rd party who you do not know. Will that work for you sir?
  17. Huck r u bass fishing or crappie fishing my friend
  18. I guess this is why we love America cause I find you catch a much better quality amount of fish on the lindley side. The Pomm side is twice as big but during tournament weight in's you can ask and you will hear I believe 65% of the time that the bigger fish always come out of the Lindly side. Just my believes after fishing Pomm for some 30 plus years
  19. Well the weather has gotten me DOWN with all the fishing i've been doing. I wish I could give you reports but everything would be a lie. I have no news at all. Big storms coming tomorrow afternoon should make some great fishing tomorrow in the AM. Then cold with 40 for the high Sat. Man this will set fishing back about a week or longer cause there is a day next week where the high is going to be 35 with the low 25. So hang in there everyone. By March 15th it will be on and start throwing the Wort cause it is going to be a great year for worts I do feel. Crappie guys, start pounding the banks in about 2 weeks as well. Your slabs will be in less that 6 foot of water especially the rivers. Good luck and I wish I could give a better post but I just can't. Good luck and god bless us all.
  20. I ran from Mutton creek today up past CC bridge where the water temps are 52 degree and found that area along with the whole twin bridges area is getting worse fishing wise than it was when the water temps was in the low 40's. I'm sorta confused but it's this dang transition I guess. Today caught a nice fat pig on a jig and had a fat pig on a spinner bait and that's really it that kept. Had fish on cranks, rogue in the clearer water, spinner bait and jigs. I hope you have a better time tomorrow sir and be careful
  21. If you go about 3 miles above the bridge you will see where ALL bass boats have to stop. That will be the riffles and there is a big sign 25 feet in the air on a tree saying the river begins here. We catch a lot of whites there every March on rogues and white rooster tails. There is places to fish for whites all over that river but most guys who hunt big whites run above the bridge before they start. Crappie fisherman crappie fish below the bridge and small mouth and bass fisherman catch a lot of spring bass above the bridge. With the river being so low all year I don't know what the river bite will be like. Like 95% of us, I have never seen Pomm so low and don't know what it will do to the bite or how long it will take for the river to come back now that the lake is back up. I just told you what it was like up till 2011. Good luck sir
  22. The best bass fisherman on Stockton lake is BY FAR Gary "Hickory Nut" Wilkerson and there is no one who can argue that fact. Maybe you should see the pictures of 8-10 lb fish he catches on an daily basis. You don't see fish spawn in March? Are you serious? 90% of the whole lake is done my April 20th EVERY YEAR.... I don't think you will have very many if any 9 lb plus fish brought to the scale in March. Late April You may and in Nov you may but before April or from May thru Oct you won't catch a hog that size I don't feel. Don't hate me for posting my feelings man. It has taken me 20 years to find just 2 coves that have big spawners in it like this. Like I said before I wouldn't fish for them on the bed and I will do what I can to make as much noise as possible to stop you big pro's from fishing in there in the 1st 2 weeks of April. Sorry just being honest. These big girls need to drop there eggs and go on with there life till the next year. I have seen the same fish for 3 str8 years cause I caught her 3 years ago off a bed to see how big she really was and Hutton and I tagged her and the tag is still behind her fin. I do hope to fish your tournament for big bass though and wish you the best of luck on your other tournaments as well.
  23. The dam is shut down until mid MAY and will be used only if the lake hits 655. This will make a great spawn and keep the river and upper Lindley muddy for awhile and like always the spinner bait will be the key bait....When the dam hits 45 degree it is ALMOST ALWAYS in the upper 50's to low 60's in the areas i touched on if you go up far enough. Problem is not everyone can run it to where a few of us can. If you think you can't go any further, try harder cause you most likely can if ya try. You don't really need to go past the river sign up the pomm cause 30 yards from that sign is HEAVEN on that little bluff on the left side before you get to that riffle.....yea, a few of you know right where I am talking about. The lindley side, go about 2 miles above the zig zag there by Pittsburg and you will hit a stump field that always holds BIG fish. You just have to have brass to go up that far and yes you can do it in a big boat. I have a 225 and I make it and it is worth it. Good luck and be careful. Oh and the stump field is NOT ON ANY MAP so be careful.....Go about 1 mile past what your map will.
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