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Everything posted by BassHunter132

  1. Montauk and the current river would be a good place where you would get wadable access everyday and you wouldn't have to fish the park you could just stay there and fish the blue ribbon section of the current.
  2. Nice fish gents.
  3. Very nice!
  4. Rusty Dun is my personal favorite. I tie in size 18 with a tungsten copper bead and small copper wire.
  5. Sounds good. If it's a weekend I usually go down at least one of the days.
  6. I did see you. I was heading back to my truck at that point. Always open for chatting or partnering up down there. I was in grey waders with a stocking cap and sunglasses. Talked to the other guy that was down there for a bit. He said that it was slow today as well. Maybe we will see each other again, always like to meet people that fish there on a regular basis.
  7. Fished from noon to 4 today. Finally caught a decent McCloud behind the ball fields. Wasn't huge but was a lot better than the smaller ones like the other one pictured. Creek looked really good too only saw one other angler past the railroad tracks. He said he had a couple follows but no hook ups.
  8. Yes. And it was an awesome day despite the rain.
  9. Getting flies tied for smallies. It's probably a little early but I can't help it.
  10. Anytime more than happy to pass along things that I have learned from the people who taught me. If it wasn't for them I would up a creek without a paddle.
  11. Check out wet tip express from scientific anglers. It recommended to me by Jim from Plateau Fly Shop for my 7 weight.
  12. It is a very simple but very effective fly and that is why I like it.
  13. No but you could add some dubbing or herl for an emerging pattern. As far as other species if you tie bigger ones it would be ok for sunfish and bluegill.
  14. I have had a lot of success with this pattern. It size 18 rusty dun thread copper wire wrap and 5/64 tungsten copper bead. The tungsten is very important so that it drops quickly.
  15. Well had an awesome day on the water today minus the rain. Started at Tan Vat around 7:30 and caught these four before the rain started. Then caught probably 12 more rainbows. Hot flies were midges and soft hackles. There were hatches almost all day long despite the rain. Wish I could have gotten more pictures but didn't want to get my phone out in the rain. Moved just below the park cable at about 1:00 and caught another 7 or 8 rainbows that were all decent size. All in all a pretty good day, definetley worthy of the 2 hour drive.
  16. They certainly are. I will take fish like that over stockers any day. I saw a few bigger ones today but they were in very slow water and very shy. Fished one school that had 3 over 15" today for an hour with no luck. I would go one way they would go the other. Back and forth for an hour.
  17. Went to Crane today from 12:30 to 3:30. It was wet and cold but they were active caught four smaller ones on SJW and midges. Got pictures of two then my phone died do to the cold.
  18. Thanks. It's kinda a bad example. It has been sitting in a container since last year. I use everything that a normal bugger uses but the hackle I tie with orange or natural and the the two rabbit strips. If you add a dubbing ball between the two strips it gives them nice action. I also add about 12-15 wraps of lead to get down on the bottom quickly.
  19. Looks awesome. I have a similar pattern I tie but I use two barred rabibit strips with craw colors for smallies. Here is a picture of an old one I dug up from last year.
  20. Heading to the blue ribbon section next weekend. Just looking for advice on flies that have been working lately. Any help would be much appreciated.
  21. Nice McCloud. Congrats on your first.
  22. Allen are a very good reel in cold weather. Took mine out last weekend. With ice all over my rod thought I was in for trouble with my reel but landed several with no drag issues at all. I would put them up against reels that cost three times a much. And they did just release the Kraken XLA reel you should give it a look.
  23. I can vouch for that one Ollie. Right after you left Buzz caught a few just down from where you left from.
  24. Good to meet you guys too. The fishing turned off about an hour after you left Buzz I think that was there feeding time like you had mentioned.
  25. That was fun today. Capps is an awesome place. Stayed after and fished a couple more hours and caught quite a few out of the hole where the older couple was when we got to the lower access
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