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Everything posted by flyrodman

  1. Update. After reading further on their website, it says I need a Return Merchandise Authorization Code. The lady I talked to before never said anything about this. I called and asked about it. The person who answered the phone this time says I need to talk to the shop I bought it from. I call the shop and that think that I am not adjusting it right (I am) they suggested that I tighten it so it is almost too hard to close the jaws. Not only does this hurt my hands but it also nicks the soft metal jaws. If I send the jaws to the shop I bought it from, they dictate whether the jaws need to be replaced, not Dyna King. Very unimpressed so far with my Dyna King.
  2. it says $65 on the website.
  3. Just got off the phone with them. The lady I talked to said that sz 12's can be troublesome with the standard jaws. They said to send the jaws in and they will look into replacing them with new ones. She also suggested the midge jaws for smaller tying. I'll probably mail the jaws tomorrow.
  4. Just about to make the call. They havent responded to my email. Also a clarification, I don't own the midge jaws, I was just asking if you liked them, I'm considering buying some if I cant get this worked out.
  5. Dave, its was further back but slipped forward. Also, do you like the midge jaws? Ness, i just sent them an email to them about it, hopefully they will get back to me soon.
  6. This year's hot fly!
  7. I have a problem and am hoping to get some input. I received A Dyna King Trekker for Christmas. I had only tied streamers with hooks no smaller than size 4. The vise feels like a tank and I can bend a 1/0 B10s all the way around. When I started tying trout flies this weekend, I could not get a size 8 or smaller to stay put without slipping. No amount of adjustment allows for a firm hold. Anyone have this problem? Yes No
  8. It works for me as of now.
  9. Fish attractors also are a good idea.
  10. Brian and Justin, I would love to install the line receptacles. The only problem is that it is a bit of a drive from Springfield to your locations. I have camped at Sunburst and 11pt Canoe Rental with my scout troop. They were both wonderful places to stay. I also still need to catch a fish on the riverfront at Sunburst. I got skunked last time!
  11. Hi guys. I am not sure if this is the right place to post this. I am currently working toward my Eagle Scout rank and was wondering if you guys have any ideas for a community project. I would like to do something fishing related but I am at a loss at what to do. I was thinking of installing PVC line recycling bins at a popular fishing location. What do you think?
  12. I went today too! There were good deals on Shad Raps and DT's, 5 bucks a piece! All in all, I saved about $30. Still havent gotten everything I need yet.
  13. Has anyone downloaded the new tapatalk app? I tried to log on to OAF but it wouldn't let me. When I tried to visit as a guest, it gave me a loading screen and wouldn't load. I let it sit for about 10 minutes and it still wouldn't load. Has anyone else had this problem or is it just me?
  14. I see that there is some activity on the thread. Still not sure on what I am going to do. I now want a canoe but the prices are so dang high! I am thinking about going the solo canoe route because of portability to and from the stream. I have been looking on auction websites for used solo canoes, but the majority of them are 17 footers.
  15. Thanks for the advice Cullinby. I am a catch and release guy and have not and will not take fish from any of the waters I fish. No fish in the James?.........hmmmmmm
  16. I live about 2 minutes from the Joe Crighton Access. I have fished there a lot but have very little to show for it. I have only caught one dink smallmouth out of there. Is the fishing different at the other accesses?
  17. I'm already planning out what creeks and rivers I'm going to fish this summer. Are there any good smallmouth creeks and rivers close to the Springfield area? Thanks.
  18. I really like the Boogie Man!
  19. White is one of my favorite colors.
  20. I don't like using fluoro unless I have to. Always seems that the line tangles/kinks more when I use fluoro. Maybe thats just me...
  21. Razor blades, lighters, and pliers are my most effective methods.
  22. I am about to upgrade my Regal knock off to a Dyna King Trekker. The Dyna King vises look like they are built like tanks!
  23. Alright, I am having problems with fishing soft hackles. I read through the previous thread and "swinging" was mentioned. Is there a certain technique to swinging soft hackles besides casting and letting you line drift downstream? The reason I am asking this is because I have spent a couple of hours on the trout streams fishing soft hackles and have nothing to show for it. Not a single fish. Pretty frustrating stuff.
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