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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by flyrodman

  1. My brothers just found this in a golf course pond. No whiskers
  2. I'll be down on the 13th, hopefully this time I won't get skunked!
  3. Thanks!
  4. Sounds like a fun time!
  5. Thats actually decent looking. I dont know how well it would hold up to big fish but it could definitely catch some smaller ones.
  6. My goals: 1. Catch a McCloud Rainbow 2. Catch a Brown (preferably of the big size) 3. Grow fly tying material stash 4. Clean fly tying desk 5. Catch lunker Rainbow 6. Nymph WITHOUT indicators 7. Teach sister fly fishing 8. Have a 100 fish day 9. Keep severe sunburns to a minimum 10. Learn the ways of Tenkara
  7. A lot more fly-tying companies are making UV dubbings and people are adding Fluorescent hot spots to flies. As to their effectiveness I don't know. I am going to experiment with this stuff and incorporate it into some different patterns and see if this UV/Fluorescent/Flashy stuff is true. Tight Lines!
  8. My vote goes for Korkers, I love mine.
  9. Yes they are soft and can handle large fish, but I don't think it is a passing fad because more and more people are getting into it. It doesnt seem to be slowing down but it might lose its popularity...later.
  10. When I don't pinch down barbs or tie on barbless hooks, I find that in some cases that releasing fish takes longer than without a barb. I don't worry about losing fish on barbless hook because as long as you keep tension on the line, there shouldn't be many thrown hooks. With barbed hooks, you can usually get away with slack in the line while fighting fish. I think that in most cases you will be fine with barbless or barbed hooks. Hook removal is no doubt easier with barbless hooks though.
  11. yes, you hand-line the fish closer to land it
  12. You can check out the Fountainhead rods. here is the link http://tenkaraflyfish.webs.com/tenkararods.htm . Tenkara isnt limited to line the length of the rod. You can have line lengths up to thirty feet if you wanted to. Check this out.
  13. My first Tenkara rod arrived today. I ordered the TenkaraUSA 5:5 Ayu. I don't know of many people here that do Tenkara, does anyone have experience?
  14. I like the t-shirt idea
  15. My labradoodle is notorious for taking any item that smells good and fits in his mouth off my tying desk while I'm away. He usually just stockpiles stuff under the bed until I notice things are missing.
  16. The Korkers boots are great but the un-cleated soles are NOT-SAFE for moss covered bowling balls. Sorry for stating the obvious but sticky rubber gave me a false sense of security when wading slick rocks
  17. Ahhhhh, the Crane Creek snakes again!
  18. The fly can't be to big but not to small. Still not acceptable? All kidding aside, I would probably go with a size 12 or 14
  19. If I am understanding you right, you want to tie the hackle down in front of the post. Maybe I need some clarification
  20. I have seen it tied down both ways. You should probably try both ways to see which one you prefer. When wrapping the hackle, I work from the top to the bottom. The size of the fly really depends on the size of the bug that is hatching and not necessarily the river or creek size. Good luck!
  21. The action was the hottest in the weedbeds. There were a few that were taking the flies out in the current but not as many as the weedbed. Thanks for the identification of the flies!
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