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SD bass hunter

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Everything posted by SD bass hunter

  1. I think that it was right around 21-22 inches but I will post a picture ofit. I have been unable to upload it correctly.
  2. Well it has been a while since I have been able to post on this forum because I moved to Kentucky three years ago. However this weekend I was able to make it out to Table Rock for a great weekend of fishing. I hope that this report helpd because I gain so much helpful advise off of this site. 3/28-We arrive at Table Rock. We drive to the ramp, step out side and then decide to get back in the car and go sit in our warm hotel room. I never expected or packed clothes for snow and 30+ mph winds!! 3/29- We get out on the lake at day light in a chilling 34 degree air temp. Water temp is down to 49-50 degrees. I start off fishing a point in 20ft off water in Long Arm. I pull a 2lb spot off with a 1/2 ounce peanutbutter/Jelly football Jig in 22 ft of water. Gets my blood flowing. I then loose a fish on the jerkbait. We were only able to fish for two hours in the morning. We get back out in the afternoon. We run into bush creek and we started to get into the spots pretty good over trees in 20ft of water using jerkbaits. We found a large concetration of fish on secondary points. The fish were not totally commiting to my Lucky Craft 100 (table rock shad) but my partner was using a team diawa jerkbait (white w/ a yellow back) and they seemed to be committing to that better. We had a lot of missed swips that didn't hook up. We threw jigs, grubs, spinnerbaits, and wiggle warts but could only catch them on the jerk. 3/30- Start out on the same point that I fished earlier but didn't catch anything. We fish a cove back by the Ark. border and caught a lot of small largemouth on the jerkbait but couldn't get into anything with any size. Pulled up to a back with trees in twenty ft and caught a 14in walleye! Not what I was looking fir but still a nice surprize. Once again we could only fish a couple hrs in the morning. But came back out for the evening. I decided to run up towards the dam and I was glad that I did. All of the fish were much larger. I pulled up to a chunk rock bank and on my first cast with my green crawdad wiggle wart I felt a solid thump. The fish came out of about ten ft of water and ended up being a 6.5lb (unoffical) largemouth. I threw it back but am curious on what you guys think the size of this fish was. According to my Golden Rule it was 5.5 but it was one of the fattest fish that I have ever seen. I then started to fish a spinner bait and caught a nice 2-2.5 lb spot. Then we went to a windy bank and started to hammer the spotted/smallmouth bass. We must of caught close to 15 fish with many above 3lbs! It was some of the most fun that I have had in the while. We were catching these fish on a windy rock chunck bank. We had the boat in 20 ft of water and they were following us all the way up to the boat. This just taught us that we needed to slow down. That was the ticket. They smashed the jerkbait.
  3. I am looking for a 787 screen. I don't need the full unit just the screen.
  4. I have to disagree. While table Rock can have some of the toughest fishing on it. It can also have the most rewarding. When you find that pattern and start catching them their is no better feeling. I am originally from South Dakota and the things that I learned while I fished table Rock has helped me in every lake that I fish and it has given me an edge over the other guy fishing. (Table Rock is also starting to get their big fish back)
  5. Here are a couple baits that you will want to have with you. Plus down size your line. The fish get a lot more pressure down here. Jerkbaits (suspending) Double willow leaf spinnerbaits w/ clear skirt. Peanut butter and Jelly colored football jig crawfish colored wiggle wart Shaky head worm drop shot These baits will work for you all year long. I am going to guess that the fish will be on the points/ maybe start moving back into the creeks. Stay tuned. The people on this forum are awesome. They saved me many times from getting skunked while I lived down there. So this is a big thanks to those fisherman who a willing to help another out.
  6. I am currently a salesman at basspro shops in Louisville Ky. I lived in Springfield for about 6 months. This is where I a friendly guy who worked at a guide/bait shop in kimberling city (sorry I forgot the baitshop's name) teach me how to use my electronics. I currently had a Lowrance and was always a fan of it. But now I am getting ready to buy new graphs. I am looking between the hummingbird 787 c2 and lowrance lx-520 series. I love the lowrance's graph, but I dislike how it prefers its own software making it slow to read navionics maps. the hummingbird does not do this. I am reading what the preferences are between these two units. And if people can see the fish and their dropshot rig with the 787. Thanks for your advice.
  7. I think that you are trying to tune it in so you can see your bait/lure on the screen. not just the general humps/cover in the lake. I do not have this depth finder but I looked it up and do believe that you will be able to obtain this feature with your chart. Here are a few tips. Set the scroll speed as fast as it can go. Set grayline about 30-50% Set ping speed as high as it can go. Set your graph to manual Set depth range (ex: 10ft-60ft) turn your sensativity as high as it can go without interferance. (to help prevent interferance make sure that the depth finder is running off a different battery than the trolling motor, have the wires run on different sides of the boat if possible, and I have even heard of guys putting rubber between their trolling motor and transducer.) I run my sensativity about 80% but you will have to see what works best for you. **Make sure that the transducer points straight down** hope this helps
  8. I like to run my ping speed as high as it can go along with the graph speed of course. Make sure you do not have interferance from your trolling motor (you can check this out of the water by turning on your unit and hitting your pedel, you will see the static on the screen or it will black out). Thats all I can help you out with, for I am new to Table Rock for the fall season and am looking for some catchable fish.
  9. Bill you still using a purple zoom worm? What should i look for to find these fish? Are you on long points or something else? The fish that I am finding are in deeper water, but I am not having as much luck.
  10. Hey guys headed out on monday after school. I got out on the water at about 2 o'clock and fished around the joe bald area again. Pulled up to a main lake hump and caught a fish while I was tring to teach a guy how to drop shot on my first drop. We had five fish in the boat in the first half an hour. At this spot the fish were suspended at 40 ft. My boat was sitting in 70 ft of water. After the half an hour I could still see fish below but they quit taking our bait. We then pulled up to another hump and fished the deep side of it. Once again on my first drop I caught a nice spotted bass. After that we missed two bites and the action slowed. oh ya. I was using night crawlers because I wanted to catch fish while my buddy was with me. Made a world of difference. I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to fiqure the rock out or how to drop shot. total=5 keeper bass (with the biggest being about 3.5) and a nice sized bluegill.
  11. went out fishing on saturday. Fished some humps around joe bald launch area. Had about 7 bites, but only caught two. One was about 16.5in and the other was 14.5. Had trouble getting the hook set down. Do you guys set the hook right when you feel the first nible or do you wait? seemed like the fish were suspended in 60 ft of water at about 40ft. Caught mine on a purple drop shot worm.
  12. Turkey is classified as a big game animal.
  13. Man!! I got my electronics tuned in today and boy does that make a differance. The only problem I had is I would blow off the fish once I found them. Do you guys look for multiple fish, a single fish, or just baitfish?? I fished off of pt 16 today. Saw a lot of baitfish and larger fish, but the fish didn't want the drop shot or the spoon. Fished around that pt for a long time just trying to find some active fish. Moved over to a island and didn't do any good there. Finally at the end of my day I pulled up to a wooded cove. I got a couple bites fishing right above the wood in about 40 ft of water. Broke my line right at the boat on one that would have pushed 3.5-4 lbs.
  14. hey thanks for the info on the maps. That helps me out a lot. Bill how deep was the guide fishing his spinnerbait. Do you guys weight your spinnerbaits? Do you change the size of the blades blades? And what retrieve style do you use?
  15. In a previous forum someone was talking about structure maps vs hot spot maps for finding humps. What are the difference between these maps and where can I purchase them?
  16. check out "fished today" post about 3 below. Has a lot of good info. The fish are changing right now though. Keep reading posts.
  17. hey guys went fishing today with limited success. Spent more time trying to get my electronics tuned in like the pros have them, then I did actually fishing. Man that was neat to see the pros electronics this morning on bassmasters. Luckily I had a nice gentleman show me around my electronics, otherwise I would have never been able to fiqure it out. Now I'm Just having interferance by my trolling motor. I think I know how to fix that though. It was pretty windy today and kinda hard to drop shot. So I did very little of it. Seemed like to me the fish were not hitting the spoon anymore. I started to get a couple of bites on a football jig. And caught a couple on it. The fish I caught were on the windy, bluff banks. I was within casting distance of the bluff and just let it fall anlong side the trees. The fish would run out and grab it on the way down. It was a tough bite to feel since it was so windy. Hopefully the fishing starts to pick up a little with some more, cool weather. Seems like the fish don't know what to do right now (more like I don't know what to do). Hope you guys have better luck then I did.
  18. Hey I was wondering what this cold weather will do to the bass fishing on the rock.
  19. Hey if anybody is going to head out on saturday I would love to ride with you. I will help pay for gas. My boat is in the shop and this will be my first national BASS event. I am very interested in tournament fishing and the minor details that make the pros better than the rest of us. I would also like to see there time managment skills while they are on the water.
  20. Does anybody know the island that he hit or the name of the island it was by? I led canoe trips up there and snorkel a lot. (It is surprizing what one finds) a couple years back we found a purse with a 50 dollar bill in it. We return the money and the purse to the person and she had lost it 10 years before we found it. If any equipment fell out I would like to check the spot out and see if any would be in any condition to return it to him.
  21. Hey thank Bill for the advice. I have been reading the other posts, that is how I knew to try a spoon. the more and more I read the more I found out that I need to purchase a quality lake map and do a little homework. I plan to head to some of the beassmaster events this weekend. maybe I will see a few of you guys there. After that I might head out fishing and try the great advice that you guys have giving me. Thanks for everything
  22. sept 9th. started at Kimberling city, I drove no more than 100 yards to a point, dropped my spoon and caught a nice 2.5lb spotted bass sitten in about 33 ft on my first cast. This was the first fish I have ever caught on a jiggin spoon. Caught a couple small fish off of docks in 25 ft but nothing worth while. Other than that my day was pretty slow. Table Rock is new to me as with all the other lakes around this area so any advice is appreciated.
  23. Man these lakes down here are huge. I appreciate your guys comments on what they are biting on. It helps me out a lot. Fishing down here is totally new to me. In South Dakota the fish don't go deeper than 6-7 ft. So any help that I recieve is greatly appreciated. Anyways I am going to MSU in Springfield. I pulled my boat all the way down here. Does anyone know of any bass clubs that wouldn't hurt my money situation right now? P.S. If anyone knows of any duck hunting spots I would like to know thanks... Shawn
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