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Whit Warriors

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Whit Warriors's Achievements

Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Can we pick up rods Thursday in Spfld??
  2. Apologies for the duplicated pic. Trying learn this posting picture deal.
  3. QB Your report is spot on! We fished today and boated over 30 fish with 15 keepers. A real nice mean mouth!! Another decent one! The fishing was on fire! Best bait - wiggle wart!!!
  4. What color? Congrats that a BIG bass!!!
  5. I also fished both days this weekend. We had a little better results but no comparison to what won the Central Pro derby. Saturday put in at Shell Knob bridge. Caught 12 fish with 6 keepers. All fish caught on the ARig except 1 Ned rig fish. Fished out of Indian Point today and had better results. Caught 17 fish and had 9 keepers. Again all on the ARig. We tried Ned, stickbait, swimming grub and a football jig with no luck. We have been using the Graduate School ARig that Brian Thompson sells out of his store Outdoor Xperience in Spingfield. Great ARig! If you like throwing highly recommend the Graduate School! Whit
  6. My son-n-law and I fish the 13 area 12/27 and found the a-rig and sppon bite to be the best. Zoom has a new color out in their swimming fluke jr series, Pro Blue Red Pearl Belly. It caught some really nice K's in the trees by bluff ends. We were also successful in the same areas with a War Eagle white spoon. We stayed out on the main lake most of the day. Fishing was good even though the weather was horrible. Good fishing, Whit
  7. How many boats are registered? My partner and I are fishing again this year and super pumped about it! Can't wait to get my new rod as well!!
  8. There were 50+ boats fishing to raise $$$ for a great cause, Cystic Fibrosis. Thanks to all that put this event together. Especially Jack Stack and the SRC companies. The winners had 15+ lbs and it took 11.5 to draw a check. My good fishing buddies Les and Mike finished 4th with 12+ lbs. We had 9.86 lbs today and struggled to catch any fish with any size. Our best baits were split shot and Carolina rig with anything green pumpkin on the hook. I did catch my first top water fish of the year on a spook jr. Caught a couple on the wobble head and my partner caught a couple on a spinnerbait. All in all it was a great day on TR. Thanks again to all who fished and help put this great event together.
  9. Something green Something plastic Somewhere where bass like to spawn Top 3 tips I would tell someone. Oh 1 more - tie on a Red-Fin or a Spook. Good luck!
  10. Really? A $135 top water bait! No thanks, I'll throw a spook, wiggle diggle, and a popper.
  11. Spent the day chasing cotton tails. Kept telling the boys wish I was fishing. Had a great time at Fin&Feather annual fish fry yesterday. They do it right! The crappie, hush puppies, taters, and deserts were awesome! Thank you Fin & Feather Team! PS: the sales they are having are worth the trip to Springfield
  12. I went from a Nitro to a Ranger. Both boats 90's models. There is NO comparison. The Ranger is a MUCH better boat. Now u have heard that the newer Nitro's have caught up with the big boys. A good friend of mine bought a brand new Z7 last year and loves it. It rides, handles and fishes very well. I fish from a buddy's Champion often and it's a good bass boat. If your a die hard tourny guy look at the boat manufactures incentive program. It makes a difference. If not, my advice would be to stay with boat manufactures that will still be in business in 10 to 30 years. I feel the that OEM longevity means a lot. Not just in boats but a lot of things. PS: I love my Ranger!!!
  13. The wind definitely help my bite yesterday. Fished the same areas today with not has much success. Boated 8 bass with 1 keeper. We went slinging the Arig in other areas with little luck. However or only keeper today was on the Arig. Yesterday out best depth was 25 to 45 right on the bottom. I mean you needed to pound that spoon on the bottoming to get a bite. I forgot to mention that the areas we fished yesterday and today have quite a few dead shad floating. They are all really small, less than 1". The bass that were put in the boat were spitting those little shad up everywhere. I also had a crawdad in the boat. Had to of come from a bass. Kinda weird seeing a bass buffet in your boats floor. Might be a good thing?
  14. The boat was rocking on the rock today. Fished in the wind all day and boated 31 bass with 5 keepers. Measured several others just too short . All Kentuckys with two smallies. Jigging spoon the best bait all day. Great day on TR. Almost had the lake to ourselves.
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