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E Green

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by E Green

  1. Edit edit edit I'm willing to look at your descriptive info, detailed stories and pictures. I won't quote your points and create exaggerated snide remarks like you did to me. I just wanted to give an example with as much detail and proof as possible that supports my view. I have thousands of pictures and experience that gives me confidence on this topic. You simply posted sweeping generalizations without anything else, besides a smart butt remark regarding my info. I never said that was the only place I saw otters on this stream either. Nor is it the only stretch where I had success catching smallmouth. Out of 17 various Ozark streams, this one had by far the healthiest ecosystem-from the top of the food chain to the very bottom. This was also the stream where I saw the largest population on Otters.
  2. I use a pair if Simms wading socks that fold down over the wading boots ($35.00) frog troggs. The boots were cheap but they have lasted 3 years. I just threw them out after my last wading trip the other day. They worked great.... Esp considering the cheap price.
  3. I got very acclimated with this mature female over the last 4 years. I was able to view her about 50 times. Always in the same pool. I always had moderate to good success with smallies on " her stretch" of stream. I saw 5 otters one day while wading this stream. Almost no pressure ( besides me ), excellent ecosystem and IMO, great smallmouth fishing. I usually saw the otters feeding on green and longear sunfish fyi.
  4. Otters have nothing to do with it. I have spent many hours on 1 particular stream with an extremely healthy ecosystem.... Otters and smallies included.
  5. No problem. The east fork area of the black is close to Johnson's shut ins right? Love that area!
  6. Speckled king
  7. Cottonmouth from Lake Wapapelo ( spelling prob way off, sorry)
  8. I think this was a black ratsnake. It was a bit different though compared to all other black ratsnakes I have seen.
  9. Young diamondback water snake and 2 tiny broadband watersnakes
  10. I'm not sure. It was a very easy snake to handle but it released the stinky secretion as a defense and it worked. I wanted nothing to do with it after that.. Haha
  11. Western Mud snake.... amazing snakes IMO
  12. A few from my stream behind my home.
  13. They were there.... You were just making too much noise
  14. Man!!! Talk about an added perk!!!
  15. Perch are my favorite... And walleye Awesome catch!
  16. Nice pics stevePMo. Nice smallmouth in that one pic! ...continued
  17. Edit...trying to post a video for the first time.... Sorry
  18. Great report... Sounds like so much fun. Love the pics also. I get all the sunfish mixed up.
  19. I called and told them about it and gave them my number. The butler county agent is supposed to contact me.
  20. Not sure of brand or any details though... It was a few years ago when I saw it on an ad. I will search and see if I can find it. I think it was like a mini pontoon style though.
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