Quil, I absolutely love the fall topwater bite and dont know if I can put my buzzbait down long enough to give it a chance! haha.
J-Doc, I have never fished with a live target before I will for sure have to try that out. I hate PERCH!
Jeb, I could definently see in the spring time where it would shine. Especially when the water is up!
Quick report....Fished the Hickory Creek jackpot last night with little success. Caught alot of short kentuckies and blacks. Had 2 for 3lb and some change and was only 1 place out of the money. It is really tough out there! I think 10lbs won....then 5lb....and 4lb something. We ran up war eagle and cranked some spots and threw spook and buzzbait. Our 2 keepers came after dark on a spinnerbait and a hair jig 10-12' of water.