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Rainbow McCloud

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Everything posted by Rainbow McCloud

  1. I don't like Dr. Pepper, so maybe I shouldn't comment. I love red Bull but could do without if I thought it was dangerous to go get one.
  2. I would just skip the trip to the convenience store if I had to face all that. Lives to short!
  3. Has anybdy been there recently? I'm thinking I need to get a Crane Creek fix!
  4. He's a cutie! Your starting him out right!
  5. Wow! You really shouted at an old man? You do know some times old people don't always filter what they say or talk real loud?
  6. That's how I see it. Live and let live!
  7. I've been learning to tie flies. The video was awesome!!
  8. Thanks for sharing that, Al! Any tips on the best technique for landing a canoe where you actually want to along a gravel bar?
  9. I don't have any websites to offer, but the basic differences in hackles are the length and stiffness of the fibers along the stem. Like Danoinark said, the stiffer ones are used to float dry flies, and the softer, webbier ones are used on wet flies. You can get some of both on a good neck, with the highest grade/most expensive having a broad range of dry fly hackles from very tiny to mid-sized. Saddles come from farther back on the rooster and don't have the short stiff hackles for dry flies but have lots of the softer ones for wets such as wooly buggers, etc. If you're looking to tie something specific let us know and we can help.
  10. Hi Amy, I'm Brit, and I'm new here too but welcome to the site. Seems like there's a lot of good folks and information here. Good luck at Roaring River!
  11. My dad is a BIG trout fisherman, and we've been down to Crane Creek a few times. I really like that place, and so the nickname!
  12. Hi Kim, I'm Brit. It's my first time posting here becuase I haven't seen any other girls, but I guess it's safe to come out now. I hope to learn more about fishing in places other than the trout hatcheries.
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