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Everything posted by JCWolfe

  1. When they lake is over 632', it's harder to trust the schedule. That's was I've observed over the years.
  2. We had one planned but Russell got sick. I saw a post where he said he was working full time right now so I have no idea when and if another kayak trip is in the future.
  3. Mainly dead drift with an indicator GoDoe. You have to find the depth they like. Another good color of zebra midge is grey, blue dun and rusty dun with copper bead and copper rib. Those other colors are shades of grey.
  4. That's a stuffed rainbow in that last picture
  5. I want to fish after seeing that, been a couple weeks
  6. Its under fishing ethics on MDC website. I thought I had seen it on a sign somewhere once. I look for it next time im there.
  7. And that is why those fish gather around people feet. Im sure just walking stirs them up some but shuffling really gets them stirred up. I would never do that fishing but would for educational purposes only.
  8. I mainly fly fish anymore but will add gold and black rapala and firetiger pattern to the above mentioned crank baits. Brook trout pattern has caught me more fish but patterns vary at times.
  9. Did you try stripping the white jig or were you dead drifting only?
  10. Probably was a brook trout. Picture was posted on Oklahoma's TU facebook page of one that was caught.
  11. Dont lose that mink fly!
  12. We had planned on kayaking from marvals to gore landing on friday but Russell got sick. I wade fished instead and had a good day.
  13. We didnt start fishing till middle watts, around 5 hours, sun was just disappearing right before we got to marvals. Could have easily been a longer trip if water was off earlier and we stopped at some of the upper areas before watts
  14. We had 2 vehicles, started at the dam parking lot and floated to marvals. Fishing started in the watts area. Took one vehicle to marvals then drove bake up to get the other after we were done.
  15. This is the time of year where there seems to be a lot of march brown mayflies hatching. Thats my observation from fishing there over the years even though I see them pop up almost all year
  16. Got to take a float trip with a buddy and his new 2 man kayak http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iVRVaiTSyCY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DiVRVaiTSyCY
  17. I dont personally know him but appreciate reading his reports and his promotion of my favorite thing to do, fly fish.
  18. I have several types. The seal skinzs are snaggy but waterproof. I have the fingerless glacier gloves which are good till they get wet. I also have cold water scuba gloves which take getting use to but seem to work the best for me. I find I use more tippet because of the thickness of those gloves but I have been thinking about making them fingerless. They all have pluses and minuses, you just have to decide what works for you. I'd much rather go gloveless but wet hands and cold wind make for miserable fishing. I also have fingerless wool.
  19. It was posted under Taneycomo not too long after it happened. What a fish.
  20. I bought a taneypack from riverrun last time I was there to get a hands on sampling. Pictures arent very good online. The p&p looks different actually seeing it. Im sure you would have found a fly, but its nice to have a variety. Glad you had a good day with family
  21. I caught a nice brown on a size 18 olive flash midge
  22. The lake has turned over, dissolved oxygen is up and water has cleared. Tulsa fly fishers had an outing this past saturday, dgames is president of the local Tu chapter and was there. I wasnt,but always check the stream gauges and Tulsa TU facebook page. They caught fish. Lake started changing on the 10th, I was there the 11th and the water was still dirty. Watching D.o. numbers all week you could see them go up daily then the report on the Facebook page water has cleared. Good luck and go fishing.
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