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Everything posted by JCWolfe

  1. Check the water temp if you do fish, probably much warmer.
  2. I took a white water rafting trip when the water was at the perfect level for optimum rapids. A guide is a must for people who have never been there. Seeing that first rapid when I was on my smallmouth trip was scary. We went left of it and I videoed it. Im amazed we went threw that on the white water trip.
  3. They have had a lot of rain recently. If your still going in August the New will probably be fine. Elk, not sure on that. It might be low
  4. Im from there. I live in Oklahoma now but took a smallmouth float trip a few years back.That is a great smallmouth river but we hit it on an off day. You will only be a few hours away but you might consider hitting the Elk for trout while you are there.
  5. I recently ordered some stuff from steelheadstuff.com. Enough time has passed and I should have received my order. Emails as well as phone calls haven't been answered. The only thing that has happened is my credit card was charged and an order confirmation email was sent. If there is a positive resolution to my situation, I'll post an update. Till then I wouldn't order from them.
  6. You will still get stuff in the mail if you join, that doesn't bother me. They want you to upgrade your membership.
  7. I just happen to catch those at different times fly fishing. I wasnt targeting them. Don't have any idea on flies. Didnt mean to imply I got those on one trip.
  8. My big thing with this indicator would be will it slide. I havent been able to hit the water but figured I could do some casting on dry land to test for sliding. I use 5x most of the time so I tried it on that first. The wind was blowing so I had to put a little extra in the cast to get it out. 45' cast, it moved down on the tippet. I'm thinking shorter casts and it would be fine. My personal opinion is I don't care for it if it slides. Right now I use floatmaster, thingamabobbers and football type indicators and will stay with those. First pm with an address and I will send this to you for you to try out. Thanks Phil for letting me try these.
  9. I dont know for sure but you might be right about the spawning. I was there early last month sometime and there were Gar eggs everywhere. Carp always show up, maybe spawning or eating all those eggs. I've got a 24" carp on the flyrod and a couple other smaller ones. You'll know when you have one on.
  10. Yes, this is where the little piece of tubing gets stretched out. I was trying to see the maximun that would work in the tube. Pretty sure you should use just enough to float.
  11. You got a new fishing partner now. I fished saturday and had a good day. My buddy caught 3 buffalo carp on crankbaits with the biggest being 25". Also saw a guy get his flyrod broke from a buffalo, bad handling of the rod and fish got his rod broke.
  12. I havent been able to hit the water yet but did put some on a 5x tippet. The little pieces of tubing are said to be reusable, we will see. They definitely get stretched out when you use them the first time and are looser. Im curious to see if the indicator slides on the tippet after they are stretched out. The package did come with extra tubing.
  13. I also got mine in the mail today. I wish I got them on friday, because I hit my local trout waters on saturday. I'll try and hit a local pond to do some testing. Thanks Phil.
  14. Been watching here and TU's facebook page to see if anyone was lucky enough to fish. Glad you got to go. I just started a new job or I would have went wednesday.
  15. I believe I first saw these on NAFFF. I want to see how well they stay in place with smaller tippet. Should land softer I would think.
  16. I know this is a few months old but I can tell you, that if anything is wrong with their stuff, they WILL make it right.
  17. I have those, nothing wrong with them. Unless your dead set on goretex get these. The guide pants are goretex but more money.Buy what you want so you'll have no regrets. I really dont think you'll notice the difference between the two fabrics when it comes to pants.
  18. Started out using spinning gear and powerbait. After a couple months of that and seeing guys on the Lower Illinois fly fishing, I got interested from watching them. I bought a bass pro flyrod and reel thinking if flyfishing wasnt for me I wouldnt have too much invested in it. Well, like most, after catching a few trout, I was definitely hooked and have a lot invested in it. Upgrades to everything now and tie flies as well, working on that. Very enjoyable and have got both my daughter and son in law into fly fishing .
  19. Yes. You can have water with and without generation. They have been running water thru the conduit gates and thru the generators. They did quit generating today for awhile but they increased the water coming out of the conduit gates. Im betting when the lake gets to 632 the conduit gates will probably close, then water will come thru the generators when they generate for power. They did put in a sluice tube for water flow when they are not generating. 3 different things here. The sluice tube is what gives us water during non generation, wasnt much but was something. Anyone else care to add anything, thats what I've come to learn from others so I believe all of this to be correct.
  20. Temps still look good. I caught fish in the dirty water. Showing no generation on monday for awhile, but I'm leary of that. I hate to miss it but then again I hate to drive down for nothing. I've been there everytime they have shut the water off after extended periods of running water.
  21. We had around 17"of rain in a few days when we had the 6 month dirty water river. I was just wondering about the clarity of the water myself. Since 5 yesterday till 5 today it was up only a foot. Hoping for the best, only time will tell. Over 10000cfs now.
  22. Running over 6000 cfs now
  23. No. You can't always trust the hydropower release schedule. Based on lake levels I'm going to bet it runs at 4000cfs + for awhile.
  24. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ok/nwis/uv?site_no=07198000 This will show you what you need to know.
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