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gone fishn

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gone fishn's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. No your not wrong. I was there sat and just when I thought I could put in a guy backed his trailer in and parked. I pulled up to him and told him that everyone couldn't park here, so he move so I could unload. No one is to park on the old parking lot when the water is this high,
  2. Started at bridgeport at about noon, water 66 alittle stain, went up flat creek water a little muddy caught a lot on wart . Fished up james to ashers only 3 bites. Worked back down with warts split shot and floating worm. ended with 70 bass 11 keepers but 2.5 was big bass so no big fish but was a bad day for big fish. Hope this helps.
  3. Painted Warts for one of the FL boys so I hope he does good. Crankbaits and stick baits should be big players.
  4. Saw you watching the DOC, we were in an older ranger by the bank crappie fishing. Couldn't belive how many they got in one net . Fishing wasn't very good for us also, we had 11 crappie and 2 whites.
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