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Jim Fish the Zarks

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Everything posted by Jim Fish the Zarks

  1. Facc Dvz vvgx 85,,zrt xAyfgvgczssfyuiz fddd snff
  2. I also struggled a bit. I had one keeper, the rest were dinks!
  3. Around the 13 mile marker acros the main channel from four seasons.
  4. I went out last night for about an hour from 7:30-8:30ish. The fishing was great. I fished a few secondary points and a few docks further back in coves that stuck out further than others. Most around 15-20 feet. I used my standard shad colored medium sized fat body crank that dives 7-9 feet. In an hour I landed 3 keepers and 3-4 dinks. Every fish was released, as I only keep blue cats 2-5 pounds.
  5. I've caught them on cranks, but never a spinner. Except I have a hard time getting upset with any wally!
  6. Thanks! I will definately call Jack.
  7. I'm thinking about getting a fishing guide any recommendations?
  8. Thanks for the report.
  9. Fishinwrench - what size and color do you suggest? Just cast and real? Carolina or Texas rig? What size weight? Thanks in advance!
  10. Fishinwrench thanks for the detailed report!
  11. I had some luck at 6am-7am with top water off of secondary points near the 13mm. I fish off of a waverunner so hook sets tend to be tough, but I'm still managing to hook up. The bass are boiling the water...I cast past the boil and reel through it. Its tough to position and sneak on a waverunner, but a trolling motor rig should get you there.
  12. It seems like the cold front, or just the change in weather has affected the bass. My typical points and cranks are very slow. Any suggestions?
  13. I would be willing to cover gas, bait, etc...except tomorrow doesnt work. Let me know next time you go out.
  14. Can you throw a cast net? If so use cut shad, try heads, difference size body chunks, and fillets. Have Fun! If you want to learn to throw a cast net try watching a few U-Tube videos. I taught myself watching U-Tube vids. I can typically catch cats 10 to 1 on shad versus any other bait. The blue cats typically like shad and they are the best eaters IMO.
  15. Im at the 13MM and the water in my cove is so clear I can see shad colored baits at 5-6 feet deep! I'm fairly new to this part of the lake.....is this typical? In the past i have been able to see 2-3 feet.
  16. Im thinking about going tomorrow mid day. Maybe bring the cast net and blue cat gear and a few spoons or cranks. Anyone else going? Suggestions?
  17. Nice catch...looks like a few blues. How deep of water? She looks pretty happy! Cheers.
  18. This hog was released under my dock...hopefully he will take up residence.
  19. I caught a new PB last week on a smallish crank bait. 9-11 foot dive in approximately 20 feet of water secondary point 10 feet from a dock at the Lake of the Ozarks. Fun times!
  20. I've been catching bass and monster crappie on main lake points and secondary points on smallish crank baits that dive 9-11 feet. White and light blue in color.
  21. Hi all. I'm just seeing if any body needs a fishing buddy on the Lake of the Ozarks. Im fairly well versed in fishing for Blues. I have right equipment, cast net, etc. I also like crappie fishing. Im looking to learn more about bass and walleye, but I'm open to any type of fishing. I have a lot to teach and a lot to learn. I have a place at the 13MM. But have interests in all parts of the lake including tail waters. No fishing boat here, but hoping to buy one this winter. I'm open to pay for gas as well as beer, water, etc.
  22. I have a boat as well...not much of a fishing boat, but would work for trotlining and it handles waves like a champ.
  23. Sounds like a good time. Im at the 34.5 mm, and have caught blues with trot lines on my dock. Im at Sunset Palms on the dock closest to the Bridge. Like I said in my other post....if you ever need a tag along I can be a pretty decent 1st mate...and am willing to pay for gas, food, ice, equipment, beer, pop, etc. Im really getting into blue fishing...as my wife calls them "sharks of the zarks".
  24. I used the offset circle hook type with good results....or good results for an amatuer. If you ever need a fishing buddy Im game...Im still learning, but willing to pay for gas, ice, pop, lunch, water, beer etc.
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