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Fishing Buddy
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About upstream

  • Birthday 01/20/1955

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  • Gender
  • Location
    st.louis mo.
  • Interests
    Trout fishing. Blues hockey relaxation

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upstream's Achievements

Brown Bullhead

Brown Bullhead (12/89)



  1. Thinking about opening a angler store for only serious trout fishermen. Only the finest baits around . Can corn , dough balls , shrimp, trout magnet , minnows and skulpins. Should be a good win for only the serious fisherman at Bennett.
  2. Who stands elbow to elbow? Just have to know where and when to fish .
  3. The time is fast coming for opening day . Who is game this year ?
  4. Hey rcguy how was the fishing during the week at Bennett. Was the crowd low . Hope you caught Alot of fish .
  5. Have a great menu planned .
  6. Well what's the story you coming bowl Hollween weekend or not ?
  7. About time you got out of the back yard and got your feet wet .
  8. For all of those who gripe about the size of fish being caught at BSSP need to get off the couch and make a trip down and see what size is really being caught. 8 out of 10 are running about 2 lbs or better .
  9. Cool, good to hear . This used to be a fun site, guess nobody fishes BENNETT anymore. Thanks for the report.
  10. It's hell but someone has to suffer .
  11. No reports since No Luck left town , anyone fishing lately ?
  12. Sorry to hear that Jerry our prayers are with you .
  13. I bought a culvert fire pit ( cheep) . It'll do the job . Have a small firewood pile left from the previous tenant.
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