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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by upstream

  1. I can go to Herculanium and fish Joacham creek just the same as the Maramac State Park
  2. I have never been at Roaring River but what pictures l have seen looks like Bennett is turning into . Cabins close to the stream . Does JR have anything to do with it ?
  3. Let it snow !!!!!!! By the foot .
  4. What's going on down there for those of us that haven't been down there for a while ?
  5. Not a bad trip, although a bit hot it was cooler in the water fishing. Caught quite a few most were 6-8 inches but kept me busy . Most were caught on midges , infact all were of various colors . Thanks to all who showed up. When will we do it again ? Lets try for some time in October .
  6. All packed also . Be down there around noon . See you all there .
  7. Great see you there .
  8. It will be a good time of food , fishing , b/s , friends , and cold frosty ones . All the good things in life .
  9. Pat. I'll be bringing my fryer and oil. We will have fish to cook up . I'll bring a big bag of. Andy's and potatoes. Can't wait see you down there .
  10. Pictures do wonders . Why not release her for another day ! .
  11. He will be flippen something don't know if its corn though.
  12. Did you fish in the evening ? How was the hatch ? Did you try any little black jigs ?
  13. Alright brittsnbirds danny rcguy and anyone interested. The time for the annual get together is getting closer day by day . Now is the time to make plans . Only about 6 weeks away. A good time for fishing cooking and a couple cold ones and a lot of B/ S . Who is game ???.
  14. What was that?
  15. Pat, Wish I could go but sometimes family is more important. Grandmaw is 97 and can't get around much so I do here grocery shopping and banking. It's the least I can do.We'll hook up at a later time. Knock off a few cold ones for me. Enjoy the new camper. Keep Danny away from the fire. Save some fish for next time.
  16. Jerry , camp ground 1 by the big shade tree is a good one. Ask Pat he knows where it is .
  17. NoLuck and l made a trip down to BSSP over the weekend . Caughr only a few bssp lunkers ( dinks ) . Most were around 1.5 lbs. Could not believe it . Is something wrong ? When will is stop ? Hope not. Weather was great . Overall a great time . Wish you were there .
  18. I say put in a petting zoo and a ferris wheel and make it an amusment park. The clowns are already in place .
  19. Why don't we all suggest for a donation box by the rearing pools to buy extra feed for the hatchery fish ?
  20. Used to be fun at BSSP . Exciting just to be there. Parking lot across from old park store was always packed . People everywhere. Spillway to bridge packed. Both sides . Just to go down and see Susie Saunders was worth the trip from Stl . Now go down and see empty parking lots . No 2 lb avg fish size. Now have to see a fat. Wman in a field trying to teach fly fishing . Love the place myself . What the hell happened . Big money or greed . I have been going to bssp for close to 40 years now . Changes seem for the worse every year. What the hell.
  21. Paul's Bait n tackle on Chippewa in st louis
  22. What's up Pat , is it a secret or are you going to tell us. Can't wait to here a real report .
  23. Looks like good weather next week . Hope you make it.
  24. Been a long time for a fishig report from bennett. What's up .
  25. Was it a good time for you ? This was my second season for c/r . Over all caught a good number of fish and had several good day to fish. Hope regular season is just as good with bigger fish than last year
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