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Fly Fishing Pete

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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. How are the River Point condos and the River Point boat dock?
  2. I still have the LC9s Pro for sale!
  3. Hi Ed, thanks for the offer but I already have a fantastic turkey gun.
  4. Want to thin out my collection of carry guns. Selling my Ruger LC9s Pro. Mint condition with maybe 100 rounds through it. Comes with two holsters and two mags, original box and all paperwork. Asking $400. Located in Hollister.
  5. Never seen an Axiom in a shop, but TFO's website says the Axiom in 6wt is 5.3 ounces. Too heavy. You'll be worn out just from casting! I fly fish almost exclusively and rarely do I use anything bigger than a 5wt. I use a 4wt most often; a 5wt for windy conditions and tandem rigs. Also, I don't know if you're partial to TFO, but if you're looking in the $250-300 range, Cabelas has Sage Response rods on sale. I like the Response better than anything TFO, including the BVK, but that's just me.
  6. I do it all the time in my fiberglass bass boat. As long as the lake level is about 706' or higher, you have nothing to worry about, all the way to the dam. There are rocks around and above the first boat launch below the dam, but as long as you don't get too close to shore, you'll be fine. At 704-705', you can easily make it to the boat launch and you can make it to the dam, just be careful at the bar at outlet 3 as it's shallow at that level. For what it's worth, I've spent a little time correlating the lake level with the amount of FULL units running (I have called the dam to verify flow in CFS and lake level). Of course, this is absent flood conditions or a drawdown. 1 unit = roughly 704.5'; 2 units = roughly 707'; 3 units = roughly 708.7'; 4 units = 710'+.
  7. On the bright side, that thing is sure to hold fish!
  8. This is simple. Don't be an a$$. If it's foggy, slow it down and turn your lights on. Always manage your wake, but that being said, if you are one of us with a bass boat, remember that it's better to slow it down and throw a bigger wake than to be on plane and kill someone due to lack of visibility. Non-motorized craft always have the right of way over motorized craft. Pass on the left. Stay to the right when motoring up or down lake. Slow down when entering skinny water clogged with boats. Watch for fishermen. Upper Taneycomo is for fishermen, not pleasure boaters. In the summer, particularly on the weekend when the upper lake is crowded with boats, watch your speed. There is no need to go 40 MPH above Lilley's. In fact, I'd be fine with a 30 MPH speed limit above Lilley's from May to September. I, too, have seen certain guides engage in disrespectful behavior. Best solution I've found is to hook up a couple nice fish right in front of their clients while they express their displeasure toward you. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!
  9. The TFO is gone. Others are still available.
  10. We do. Midges. Year round.
  11. Selling 3 fly rods that I never use: Temple Fork Outfitters TiCr 9' 4wt - only used 3 times, mint condition with all warranty paperwork and rod sock - $180 Sage Flight 9' 5wt - used but excellent condition with case - $260 White River Classic 9' 6wt - this is the previous model of the Classic, better than the new version IMO, used and very good condition - $90 Located in Hollister. Offers welcome.
  12. I use Wright & McGill Plunge reels that I buy from Bass Pro Outlet dirt cheap. They work great.
  13. I picked one up in 4wt and the thing is a rocket launcher. Quite forgiving as well, which is a good thing for those of us who are not Lefty Kreh.
  14. Cabelas has Sage VXP rods clearanced out for $200 off. I picked one up. Couldn't be happier with it.
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