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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. Link to it doesn't work for me. But If the lakes are out East I can speculate it is because they already have tournaments for Stripers so the anglers and formats are more in place. I would say its a testing grounds for BPS to see if it can take off and if so it could spread. Based off experience though I doubt it, I have seen people try to start up these tournaments in the past but can never get them off the ground as the specialization in equipment and knowledge is not as well known for the average angler as BASS fishing is.
  2. Jeremy I was trying to find this on the AGFC website where is it?
  3. Texture of chicken... don't taste like it unless you spice it to taste like it lol.
  4. Wind blows Zooplankton and Phytoplankton over the points, That in turn concentrates the Bait fish that feed on it that in turn concentrates the Game fish that feed on the bait. It should in theory concentrate Anglers who feed on the Game fish. Anglers are the one predator that just doesn't get it and still beats the bank even though the point behind or in front of him is exploding with surface fish Its really no secret on Beaver Lake on a Windy day you find the right point and your day can go from bust to banner in a heart beat I have seen it so many times and its been talked about even more. Im guilty of not doing it as I might get fixed on something else or the fish should be here. Heck the trip earlier this week with Yak is proof of that, we started out in areas looking for bedding fish and then moved to an area the "should" have had fish. Got a call from a friend went to the spot and it was a wind swept point and we loaded up. Beaver I suppose you can say has rules and Rule #1 is fish the wind swept points. Rule #2 Fish open water bait schools Rule #3 Fish pinned shad ( threadfin ) or young Gizzards in creek arms Rule #4 Fish Mudlines Rule #5 In summer on a flat calm day throw a spook for Brownies Rule #6 If you don't have a keitech tied on your a fool.
  5. Texture is more like Chicken than fish and its flavor is very mild almost no detectable fish taste.
  6. It really needs to be a 4ft gar IMO to have enough meat on it to be worth the hassle of cleaning.
  7. You don't have to but it keeps it warm while the biscuits cook. In all seriousness I do it to soak in the sauce to the crust.
  8. Tin snips down the back, then just peeled off the armor and filleted out the meat. brought it in the house cleaned it up and filleted off the dark areas. easy easy
  9. 2 to 5lbs
  10. Larson to me its a very challenging lake but I'm probably a better word than Poor. But when you can figure out a sustained pattern she is awesome.
  11. They are on beds, Others are just off the beds. The same Pattern today that is so prevalent on the lake repeated itself again. Windy days go to the lee side of a point. Wind was East today I was on the West of a point and had no problem catching bass. 8 to 14 ft of water. I did not pound the bank which is what I saw most guys doing, I think most people who fish this lake know Wind = Points = Bass.
  12. This is Gar I use to do a lot of shark fishing and just been waiting to try it on Gar. Cut the Gar fillets in 3’’ wide chunks and place in a ziplock bag with 3 eggs, shake it up and let sit for 10 minutes rotating the bag after 5 minutes. While its setting in the eggs place 2 cups of Texas Toast Crotons in a food processor and turn them to dust, add half a bag of Saltine Crackers and turn them to dust. Place the Crotons and Saltines in a ziplock bag and add 2 cups of Bisquick pancake mix. Pull the fish out of the mix and place in the other bag and shake well. Let stand while you heat the oil in a pot. When the oil is hot drop in the Gar and let it brown, Place it on a trivet that is on a pan with aluminum foil under it. Mix up 1/4cup hot sauce and 1 squeezed lemon and baste on the gar. Bake at 350 for 17 minutes with Biscuits and rebaste the gar when you take them out.
  13. Jerry you would be amazed how many big bass actually get caught. I see a lot of pictures and fish in person but for the most part it is everyday Joe's who don't care about tournaments or the internet forums for posting. But they catch them pretty regularly and you want to see monsters you should see what eats a 10'' shad the striper guides get a lot of monster bass.... They are in the lake but they are offshore.
  14. Hush Puppys Terry, Gotta have the puppies... Im doing the gar up like I use to cook shark
  15. Oh compared to the other lakes its below average but not poor. We are starting to see the High Water 09 and 11 class fish now and it will get better each year for the next few, but we need more high water years simple as that. There is tons upon tons of Shad in the lake and plenty of crays but the biggest harm to the fishery is that Draw down every year, Ya Ya I know ACE don't manage for fishing. but look at the chart it will tell you all you need to know about what hurts the lake most.
  16. Always gotta blame it on anything but themselves.... Pssst I just posted a report I was out there today and had NO problem catching bass, but I was not beating the bank either and most of them from what I saw were.
  17. Murphy's Law If you go for 1 species you will catch everything else... I went for walleye today but ended up catching just about everything else. 17 Bass, 21 stripers ( mostly shorts ) 11 Catfish including a 26lb flathead (dinner tomorrow ) and a 4ft plus Gar ( Dinner tonight ). Key was wind swept point, wind was from the east so you wanted to set-up on the west side of the point in 8 to 14 ft. hit 22 and the rat stripers were all over you. 1/4oz head on a Keitech Swing impact accounted for the bass. Brooders for the cats and stripers fished dead slow just off the bottom.
  18. Murphy's Law If you go for 1 species you will catch everything else... I went for walleye today but ended up catching just about everything else. 17 Bass, 21 stripers ( mostly shorts ) 11 Catfish including a 26lb flathead (dinner tomorrow ) and a 4ft plus Gar ( Dinner tonight ). Key was wind swept point, wind was from the east so you wanted to set-up on the west side of the point in 8 to 14 ft. hit 22 and the rat stripers were all over you. 1/4oz head on a Keitech Swing impact accounted for the bass. Brooders for the cats and stripers fished dead slow just off the bottom. View attachment: 1.jpg View attachment: 2.jpg View attachment: 3.jpg View attachment: 4.jpg View attachment: 5.jpg View attachment: 6.jpg View attachment: 7.jpg View attachment: 8.jpg View attachment: 9.jpg View attachment: 10.jpg
  19. Nathan you could get a Motorguide wireless for around 550.00, the prices keep coming down and if that's out of the range just wait and save up for it. One of the best things I did was going wireless on the bow.
  20. Price range? HDS units are always going on sale and the downscan is a must have, My sidescan I have really been using lately to look under docks more and more both are great but I wouldn't go without down scan
  21. Actually not hard. Ever seen a TV Fishing show with a Host in the front, Guest in the back and a Cameraman in the middle with his million tons of equipment? As it stands now in FLW the only one allowed to fish the front of the boat is the Pro. Co angler must fish from Back or center area so not really impeding to put a official on a boat who sits in the middle of the boat.
  22. Wouldn't be that hard really, With the fan base for FLW all they would have to do is ask for FLW Members (non anglers during the tournament ) to be Officials 1 in each boat. The official would verify each fish is legal and that no culling took place along with updates to Social Media and tournament director/social media and media personal. I would bet there would be an incredible line of people volunteering to do it if for no other reason than to get to ride with a Pro and see how they fish.
  23. Revising what I Originally thought it would take to win 68lb bag I saw way to many fresh beds yesterday with nothing on it or near it which leads me to believe the three tournaments this last week plus average joe anglers picked the bedding fish that were on those. Though I'm sure more will bed this week I think they are getting hammered so hard that bite will only yield an average of 1.75 per male and 3.25 per female. I would bet anglers will be culling the males as they can but for the most part it will be a daily bag of around 16 to 18lbs per day for the top anglers. There is certainly some big girls running around but they will be much harder to come by with all the pressure. However if someone can locate them at least two days then 70lbs over the four days is possible.
  24. Yup, I cleaned it off more than once, My dad would have introduced my Butt to a belt for it. but that was when people watched their kids and actually told them the word NO and STOP
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