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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. Mudline is Hard at Monte Ne but stained to Blackburn as of today. Lake level will probably hit 1122.00 if this weeks rain is hard. Fishing SUCKED TODAY, Been a while since I had the black n white kitty on the boat but he crawled in and slept in it today.
  2. Guides ceramic inserts randy not the actual guide.
  3. Nathan, there is an old saying, you get what you pay for. In fishing I find this to be false though. When it comes to Rods you want to go with a one that will last many seasons and is comfortable. ( cork, squirrel-tail, foam etc ) so many handle options. Hit the bait n tackle shops find a couple you really like and feels well. The well built in the long run are cheaper than not well built you break or constantly have to keep repairing. Reels are fickle beast I have seen Calcuttas bust where a cheap Mitchell never did and vise verse. But I do believe in going for a name brand with a good warranty. Bottom bouncing I prefer to have a reel that holds 200yds of line for those striper moments but seldom do I let out more than 50ft of line out while bouncing. So in a long winded way what im saying is go feel a few rod and reel combos. I have been ready to pull the trigger on new rods for a while now but I keep rethinking myself. I am going to order everything from Mudhole im sure but its picking the rod that is driving me nuts. I want all the Baitcasting rods to be 7'6'' to 7'9'' all will have a rear grip of 12'' and foregrip of between 3.5'' and 5'' most importantly they will all be the Aftco lightweight roller guides. I am tired of guides popping out and or freezing. I have been looking for 2 years for just the right rod, when I find a blank on there I like I go find it someplace and play with it to be sure it does what I want and still aint found one.
  4. I use 7ft st croixe med/fast rods with Shimano Stradic spinning reels and never and issue. 1 to 2oz is max I use as well with the spinner on a 4 to 5ft leader. You are not trolling more than control drifting I try never to go over 1.5mph with target speed about .5 to .9
  5. Crappie is your crack cocaine, any chance to get one is never passed up.
  6. Yes sir, now I don't know if it is because they are knew or that people catch fish on them or the hype from the news but "they gone". Now if I was going to personally chase bass on Beaver Lake I would have a few jerk baits, but I would more than certainly have some Slug-O's, Spoons would be in the boat as wood a ned-rig and anyone without a wart on the lake is not really fishing for bass lol. One thing is for sure about the lake, She changes her mind often and frequently! But there are some baits that somewhere during the day will produce and those are what I want in the boat. Come June on a flat calm day a Spook will always be in the boat
  7. I cannot say what the fish were caught on but if I was a person wanting to catch some bass right now I would look at the local tackle store rack and notice the new Skirmish baits and Rapalas are kinda in need of restocking. Im just saying look at empty racks for what is catching the fish right now.
  8. Jason, your two best times are Nov/Dec and March/April for a shot at them on a fly. Right now they are in a funk and the lake is not being nice either. I have no issues giving you a lift out to try for them I know your good with a flystick but no promises on them. Load up with an 8wt sinking line and 15lb leader, Best fly is hands down the FOF so get some from Duckydoty if you can. Shoot me a PM when you will be down and I will see what I can arrange.
  9. All mine fits in a Tackle Box, I wont go out without it and I have plenty of TP on the boat and Me and Bears understand what the woods are for lol
  10. My Bet is on Ducky to get board with Bass and go after the crappie. RPS has heard rumors of walleye so count him out ( big walleye Randy ) and Bill will go in to full on Guide Mode and his partner will win it. Phil will get a text from Ducky and end up catching crappie and walleye on a fly.
  11. John im warped but I have gone there to just watch it a few times. I would love if they out a webcam at PC so I can sit at home and laugh. But if they did many a wife might bust their husbands fishing and not working.
  12. As I was putting together the fishing report this morning my reminder notice on the calendar went off reminding me to go through the first aid kit. I do this twice a year to ensure all the contents are current and not expired as well as open 1 package of everything else (band-aid, alcohol swabs etc) to make sure they are still good. I thought it would be a good time to discuss things we should all have in the boat, I get a little more carried away then some do but having been around fishing, hunting and construction all my life I have seen enough to be that way. I always carry the following in my first aid kit. Scissors Hemostats Tweezers Razor Blades Needle Thread Cu-tips Knife Sterile Gloves Tape Ace Bandage Tongue depressors ( for splints on fingers ) Epi-pin Sterile rubber tube Asprin Non-asprin Burn cream Bite cream Alcohol and alcohol wipes Peroxide Iodine Neosporin Gauze Cotton Balls Bandages of many different sizes CPR and First Aid manual Blood Clouting packs Tums Sharpie Ice packs ( type you shake to activate ) Hot Hands Super Glue So what do you carry in your kits?
  13. What it is today will not mean anything from the weather forecast it looks like tonight and tomorrow we will be getting 1.75'' of rain in Fayetteville area (KNWA) if that is true then the river will be mud. Currently the Mudline is right at Hickory creek and that much rain could put it to Monte Ne / Horseshoe bend easily.
  14. At least he is not driving around in a chicken suit and fishing in it. Joe your a nutcase.
  15. http://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Portals/50/docs/planningandenvironmental/Beaver%20Lake%20MPR/Beaver%20Fillable%20PDF%20Locked%20Clean%20and%20restricted.pdf
  16. Good to have you back on the water at that end of the lake. Congrats
  17. Chiming in for a minute here, Length limits on any species snagged is foolish IMO the fish most likely will perish after being released and IMO that is “Wanted Waste” which is a pure violation of game laws. With that in mind there should be NO length limit. Next per the regulation YOU not a DNR is who is in possession of a fish the fish includes everything inside it. I understand the reasoning for the not keeping Row but if they are so worried about it then have Agents out enforcing poaching and illegal sales. If a person likes the row wants to keep it then they should as the fish is in their possession. Or simply put a 2 fish per week limit on them and require they be checked in just like deer. Or hey how about paddlefish tags just like for deer with (X) number of tags per person only.
  18. Heavy Mud Hickory South, water temp COLD more rain for tomorrow and Friday will only add to the mud and debris. North of Hickory Creek warm and clear. Walleye have been 30 to 40ft of water no clue where the whites are. If today was any indication of how crowded it will be out there I will stay home. 20+ Boat trailers at Monte Ne alone. Stripers are in the area but heavy traffic scattered them bad. That said try bottom bouncers and brooder minnows from HSB to the Mudline and be watchful for debris if running on plane.
  19. I caught a bunch of Males yesterday 16 to 17.5 inches I know they are males as I had to wipe my boat down yesterday messy little teenagers lol.
  20. Really good discussion, For me I would love to see the Banks from twin bridges all the way to the end of the line at the start of the white river turned in to CRP / Riparian habitat. Loose the dam at Fayetteville and dredge up all the silts. I know it wont happen but sure would be a beautiful float trip and clean up the lake.
  21. A lot of innovation and influence in the industry because to the attention they paid to just like the gun line that has the same name it was in many peoples opinion one of the best rods made. I believe Smallie is right though so Basspro might have something.
  22. shhhhh don't tell or it will be the next tabelrock
  23. This is what I was thinking about talking to ACE about at the meeting.
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