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Gary Lange

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Everything posted by Gary Lange

  1. During the daylight hours is when they have the most activity. It is really neat to see them moving about and playing. They Monkey's were having a ball wrestling on the ground and in the trees. Wildebeast were grassing as were the Impala's. The Elephants stopped for a drink.
  2. This is really cool. You may need to visit often but I have seen Wildebeast, Impala's, Elephants,and Vervet Monkeys. I will also put up a South African Wildlife Identifier. http://www.wavelit.com/popup/playerAfricam.asp# Wildlife ID http://www.sa-venues.com/wildlife/default.htm I have it Bookmarked so I can visit it often. It gives the time of day but they are 7 hours ahead of us.
  3. Welcome to the site and welcome to Nixa, Mo. We sure got a few Nixa people on here. I moved here back about 18 months ago myself and love it and the whole area.
  4. Thje Brother has a Dish Network and gets the Football package for the season so we can watch the Chicago Bears. Him and I talked about how the Cable Companies are dropping the ball on this stuff. With all the available channels they could pipe in the various football games and use a pay per view system so guys could pay like $5.00 and get to set and watch there favorite teams each week. I think that would be a big money maker for them.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you also Ham and have a refreshing and enjoyable time with family and friends. Time with family and friends is never wasted. To all that visit this site have a great Thanksgiving.
  6. I think any time you can get away is a good time but I am with the rest that Early Spring would be a nice time to be down this way. I see that you are getting married soon so maybe it wil;l depend on when the little woman will let you off of the chores you will be doing around the house.
  7. If I don't know what it is it gets deleted and I don't go there. I get some e-mails with just a name and some stupid saying and I just delete all those right away. It is a ll nothing but trouble and that is something I don't need.
  8. Welcome LMW and you are right this is a great site with a lot of useful information.
  9. When I was in Illinois I was with the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance. They have a Bassbuggers group that meets about once a month or so at One-More-Cast Fly Shop and learn to tie Flies. They would generally get about 8-10 guys out for some good conversation and practice tying Flies. I don't see that around here or maybe I haven't looked. That would be a good deal for a Fly Shop to start as it brings people into the shop they tie Flies and learn from it and buy some materials and supplies from the host shop.
  10. When I was at the BPS Outlet in Springfield, Mo. earlier this month they had the Hobie Cat Fisherman on sale for about $1000.00 it has the little wings on the bottom that you can power it but foot pedals.
  11. I am sure you all have seen this view of Taneycomo but I thought it was beautiful with the fall colors.
  12. Love those Fall Colors. Going to take a drive next week out 14 to 125 to 160 to 95 to 76 and back to 160 and back to Nixa. Should be a nice trip with some good color.
  13. That is a great shot of a beautiful river. I hope you got into some nice fish
  14. I met a couple friends from Arkansas this morning about 8:30am at Table Rock State Park. This was a meeting Vietnam Veterans one of which was on my River Patrol Boat during my time in country in 69. We went out and looked around and bounced a jig along some 30 to 35 foot banks and around the Island. I scouting around some and the while on the way back found a big school of Baitfish and below and to the sides of this were a ton of fish being marked. This was ring off the boat launch and out in about 56' of water. I will be back to look this area over again and try for some more fish.
  15. This Alligator was sighted basking in the Sun along the Desplaines River in Illinois. I guess someones pet got to big to feed. http://www.nbc5.com/slideshow/10069401/det...l?qs=;s=4;w=400
  16. Just float along behind him about 2 miles and use my suggestions and pick all the Smallies he has missed.
  17. I would use a light action 6'6" or 7' Spinning rod and Quality Spinning reel spooled with 15/6 Power Pro Line and tie on a worm hook and slip a 3" BPS Stick O on it weightless. I would also have 1/16oz. Charlie Brewer Crappie Slider Jigs with me if I ran into deeper Pools. A White 1/2oz. Spinnerbait has been taking large numbers of Smallmouths from the Fox River in Illinois. It is worked along the edges of the fast water and left to flutter on the bottom. Also Producto 3" Twisters in Black, Crawfish, and Pearl are good River Smallie Baits. In Winter go to the 2" Pearl Twisters and 1/32oz. Jighead. Arkie Jigs has a 1/16oz and a 1/32oz. Slider type Jighead that works well.
  18. August 2, 2007
  19. Welcome Mark! I am new also so we can grow on this site together. Seems to be a lot of good people here.
  20. I know what you mean. I have been reading reports from back in Illinois on the Fox River where one of the guys is killing Smallies with a White 1/2oz. Spinnerbait fished at the edges of the fast water. I got to get me a Smallie before I go mad. Went to BPS today and got some jigs and some Dropshot hooks. Gonna give that ol college try Sunday.
  21. Thanks to Bill Babler for the information on the Smallie Fishing.
  22. I am going out Sunday with two guys one of which was on my River Patrol Boat with me in Vietnam the other is his friend. We will put in around the Dam are at the State Park and will be looking for Smallmouth. I understand this area is good for them. However, I have not fished this area and having moved here from Illinois where I spent the last maybe 10 years or so Wading the Streams for Smallies up that way this big body of water is giving me a lot of trouble. What would anyone suggest to use in this area. I have the map that this site offers for the area and it appears very helpful. Any other help would be appreciated. You can e-mail me at glange@cebridge.net if you would like PM me for my number. Like to put them and myself on some fish for a change.
  23. I saw this beautiful Bobcat while out fishing on Table Rock Lake yesterday. I was so surprised to see this animal in broad daylight when they are normally nocturnal. Hope you enjoy the photo.
  24. Good morning all. I am new here as I just found this sight a few days ago. I moved to Missouri in July of 2005 after retiring from the BNSF Railroad where I was a Senior Special Agent in Chicago. I have been fishing Table Rock Lake most of the time but have also been on Stockton and this Saturday will be on Pomme. I must say that this is a whole new ball game for me as I spent the last maybe 10 years wading the rivers of Northern Ill. for Smallmouths with great success. I am having trouble adjusting but I have the rest of my life. This site looks very nice and I think I will find some great advice here. If you see this Cobra Bass Boat on the water it's me stop and say hello.
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