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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Hey, the drunker the competition, the better, far as I'm concerned. I'll take every edge I can get Blow over .08 on this lake though and the winner will have to cover your bail.
  2. Are the TK rods real soft? You'd probably be surprised how much pressure you could put on a big fish with 4-5x if the rod was soft enought to cushion all the sudden burst of energy. Ever tried hooking a fly to a solid object and flexing the rod slowly until the tippet breaks? Then again, if its too soft he'll just run you out until your rod is pointed straight at him and it'll be game over. Not sure I'd be down with all the decent fish in Crane and Mill wearing mouth jewelry from past Tenkara encounters. Naa, I'm with Brian S. it's a passing fad at best, I kinda hope.
  3. True enough, best scenario would probably be a draw format with 50/50 control of the boat, similar to the old BASS federation qualifier events.
  4. Sweet, Ive secured a partner?
  5. I could host one, and will, here on LO if there's enough interest. Speak up and I'll get a regatta permit applied for and work up some rules.
  6. Actually no, not at all. Airheads are constructed of all non-absorbent material, whereas Deadheads are all absorbant material. To get really technical, Airheads glide forward and to one side or the other on pauses like a fluke or sluggo does, but Deadheads just stop dead on a pause with only the collapsing pressure behind them causing a brief moment of tail movement. Deadheads are more suited to deeper presentations with sink-tip or sinking lines....Airheads are for surface waking or slightly sub-surface visual presentations. Pretty confusing until you actually spend some time catching fish on them, then it all comes together.
  7. A new record? Not even close, yet. LOL Your contribution to the nanny-boo helps get it there though.
  8. Ok, good point. I guess I just assumed that since the only people I have talk to that are aware of the impending ban are river fishermen. Coon hunters, snaggers, giggers, bass tourney guys, casual boaters ect. have had no idea so far... until I mentioned it to them. Our local newspaper even published their annual "Upcoming trout fishing opener" article the other day, and failed to mention the new pourus sole ban. I assume because the writer of the piece either doesnt actually fish, or just changed the dates on last years stock article. Plenty of folks aren't gonna know until they see the new signs at the Parks on their first trip of the year. Not all fishernen eat, live, and breath this stuff 24/365 like we do.
  9. When you refer to the "forum thugs" in your future podcasts, dont forget to realize that it is not the advertisers but the "frequent contributers" who form the community here. Nobody ever hears anything from You until You have somethng that You wanna promote. The rest of us are here making noise, offering different viewpoints, answering questions, and creating entertainment every dam day.
  10. Somewhere within the "navigable" determination are the words "used for commerce". By definition that includes any stream that is or has been mined for minerals or gravel...... and that opens up just about every single stream in the state, as I understand it. Can a person not file an appeal without an attorney? And if so, is there a "fee" for filing one? The tributary's of our impoundments pose what I consider a valid question, even with gray law. At which point are you no longer sure of being on a public waterway when navigating up a tributary arm?
  11. Yep, those flip-flop wearing heathens prolly haven't heard the podcast. Somebody should go spam their facebook pages to inform them. Naw, not really.... they are only gonna hassle you if you have a fishing rod in your hand. Otherwise they'd be informing EVERYONE of the ban, instead of just the fishermen. Trappers and waterfowl hunters havent a clue either I'm guessing, unless they also fish.
  12. Opportunity knocks, go get ya some. I doubt anyone would mind.
  13. I know, right? It's all those darn people who think independantly, they always ruin everything.
  14. I actually did learn a few new things new from the podcast. 1. that MVP wasn't even aware that spinning/casting gear existed until he was in high school. 2. that Liv2flyfish offered a guide service. 3. that as long as it looks like you attempted to put something on your soles, you won't get a ticket. 4. that didymo is native to North America, and NZ's didy came from HERE on a pair of waders. ( yet when it comes back it is considered invasive and deadly). The snot thickens.
  15. Absolutely! Dying hair, feathers, and fur is an adventure you'll most likely wish you hadn't dabbled in.
  16. Yeah well, everybody needs a hobby. He prolly thinks fishing is disgusting. LOL
  17. Guess you gotta tune in to hear what VanPatten has to say that hasn't already been pounded home. Didy...it isn't here. Didy...it might get here. Didy...let's try (within reason) to keep it away. Van Patten....defines "within reason".
  18. If a person with a multiple personality disorder commits suicide is it considered a mass murder?
  19. It's a Summertime big crappie hotspot, and the local serious trotliners seem to like that area alot.
  20. I ain't scared of that 8wt. and your B10S's, bring it on, Slugger!
  21. I'm not afraid of barbless hooks, but all my flies have barbs. I prefer smaller barbs like TMC's have vs. the outrageous ones on most Mustad fly hooks..... but Mustads are a bargain, so I deal with it and haven't suffered noticeably. Almost hate to burn bread on myself by saying this but; I'm pretty good (or lucky) about keeping hooks out of my own body.
  22. That's Lowe's factory mount? Ug! I hate it. I think you could fabricate something way better than that, even if you had to use a piece of 2X8 treated lumber.
  23. LOL, I caught that earlier, but I was gonna wait until he fired back to set him straight. See how I roll?
  24. I understand the situation, but if you mount it canted towards the bow center then it'll be hanging out over the port gunnel when its in the stowed position. Knowhatimean? Some people just live with that, but it would drive me crazy.
  25. One of my customers has a 17' Mako flats skiff that I've been trying to finaggle him out of for several years, he never uses it and that just drives me crazy..... I NEED that boat!
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