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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. I found this on Spirt river website. Since there is no photo, I cant tell for sure, but it sounds like the material used on this fly. I am planning on coming to the tying session this evening, I will make sure I have the fly with me. spirt river tying materials
  2. Phil, I bought it at Anglers&Archers, they said they have been using it, so I assumed it was fine to use. Someone told me that the material is called "D" back? does that sound right? I have one in my fly box if you want me to bring it by your shop today and have it checked out.
  3. "i'll take 2 please" I got an email yesterday from feathercraft and their special is "Free Extra Spool with the purchase of a Battenkill Large-Arbor or Battenkill Mid-Arbor fly reel" they couldnt send this email 5 days ago???
  4. I used this fly this past weekend on Taneycomo and was getting hit on almost every cast at the rebar hole. A few people on flyanglersonline.com seem to think that it is not a fly, but simply a plastic worm. My argument is, it is artificial, tied with thread. granted there are no feathers, but glo balls, san juan worms, some scuds, many "real" flies do not contain feathers. I really dont care if they do not consider this a "real" fly, it just flat out works and I will continue to use it. Just wanted to get some local feedback on the subject.
  5. Welcome Gator. Did I see you on Saturday morning at the rebar hole tearing em up on a wooly bugger? Is that you that was going to play golf and eat pizza while watching the Broncos beat up on the Pats? John
  6. Actually I opted for a new reel instead. I figured my little vise will be ok for now so I wound up getting the large arbor reel from BPS. I wound up spending a "little bit" more then I should have(dont tell mama please) but it was WELL worth it, i love those large arbor reels. dont know how i ever fished without one. I did make a decision on a vise though. It will be a Griffin Blackfoot Mongoose. White River Fly Shop™ 270° Fly Reels
  7. You dont have a problem with them twisting up?
  8. I had a great weekend of fishing! buggers worked(olive mostly) cracklebacks, zebra midges, and a funky looking 2 headed san juan worm i picked up from angerls & archers on saturday. i was fishing that at the rebar hole with a strike indicator about 2 ft above the fly. as soon as the fly entered into the deeper part of the hole, i was getting hit. on almost every cast i would get hit. didnt land all of them and most were in the 16 inch range. there wasnt too much action on scuds for us this weekend at all. there was one guy that landed a 25incher in the rebar hole on saturday. he wasnt fishing in the hole itself but was standing on the bank upriver and throwing a fly into the flats section. he said he was fishing a tournament, was that for your tourny Phil? Said he could only record 1 fish. we planned on fishing saturday night during the full moon. but we had one too many glasses of scotch and watched the broncos win!! YEAH!
  9. www.trashonthefly.com guy from texas i know fishes pretty much only for carp, and only on a fly roddave whitlock on carp
  10. MOCarp, have you ever used a fly rod for those beasts? Would love to hook up with you sometime and do some flying for big carp
  11. the phone at the corps of engineers isnt picking up to tell me if anything is running or not 2:29 branson time
  12. A buddy of mine is coming up from TX for some fly fishing on L/T. We are planning on doing some night fishing on Saturday since it will be a full moon. Has there been any pattern to the generators what time on and off? Also what pattern has been working best at night? I havent been out at night since early OCT. Thanks for any help.
  13. I dont know the name, but i have a couple in my bass fly box. Kansas fly fisher, i have a reciepe for it somewhere, I will try and find it and email it to you.
  14. Glad to hear it! Feel better soon. If you do use one of the cats hair for dubbing, and if you catch a catfish with that fly, would the catfish then be considered a cannibal?
  15. my favorite is a#16 gray, simple scud with red thread. its a killer pattern for me.
  16. You caught the grouper off a pier? Dang I have always thought those were in a little deeper waters. Man I am jealous. Those are some nice fish. did you son get to reel any of those bad boys in? or at least make an attempt.
  17. Bill, What size & color humpies are you using? I have several in my fly box that I have never even thought of using here on Taneycomo. I always used them in Colorado and Montana
  18. I was out there. I probably talked to one or two of you I was the only idiot in a pair of waders! I had no idea that you cannot wade at that place. I did catch several fish though, nothing over 17 inches, but they were all pretty healthy. I caught them on an olive scud, olive wolly jig, san juan worm, wd40, griffiths gnat and a blue wing olive. there was a nice hatch going on around 12:00 or so.
  19. What do you think about them? I have used them a couple of times and my thoughts are. PRO: They seem to cast a dry fly better. It seems they land "softer" (of course I know that may be in part to my good or bad casting ability) Easy to tie on due to the knoted ends. CON: They dont seem very durable. The ones I have are fraying a little bit after short useage. How does that affect the strength? Tying tippet to the leader. Is there an easy way to do this without binding the leader too much? It seems to get a good tight knot, I have to really cinch down on the tippet, which in turns "cuts" into the furled leader, and then it starts to fray. Anyone have an opinion on them or have any suggestions for me to help extend the life of my furled leaders?
  20. That did the trick!! Thanks Wayne
  21. I was just at your other web site looking for those maps of Taneycomo and how to fish them. I wasnt able to locate them, can you direct me please? Thanks
  22. Can anyone help me out with directions to Roaring River and the Lodge where we are supposed to meet on Sunday morning? I will be leaving from Hollister. Thanks
  23. The more the merrier. Anyone in the Branson/Hollister wants to carpool, let me know. I plan on leaving Hollister by 0630.
  24. Beautiful fish! Nice way to get the youngster started.
  25. I am going to buy a new vise in the very near future (like this weekend) and I have a couple of questions. 1) Does it make much of a difference if the vise has a base or if it is a "portable" such as the Griffin Spider Vise? 2) What is the little spring for? I have one on my vise at home and have no idea what the heck it is used for. 3) I have about $120 to spend on this vise. What are some suggestions in that range? Keeping in mind I will be tying everything from trout midges to large streamers. Thanks for any advice and suggestions John
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