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Everything posted by tippet7

  1. I wouldnt exactly call the dam area kid friendly. There is not a whole lot of shore line, and what is there is pretty rocky. If there is water running, then there will be zero shoreline. And keep in mind that the water temp is around 50 degrees. Not something for a kid to "play" near by.
  2. I caught one on Sunday morning that went 20+ and very very fat. I was down by KOA
  3. "...plus PRODUCE review" what did you do.....go grocery shopping during your fishing trip?
  4. Chesters is now in the strip mall across from Wal Mart on Hwy 76.
  5. Isnt there a place in Ozark or Nixa area that has a pay to fish pond? An older gentleman I know is looking for the place and I cannot remember the name of it. HELP
  6. Stress relief. A way for me to keep in touch with my father. He died in 2002 and every time I am on the water I can hear him saying to me "Thats the wrong fly knucklehead, you wont catch fish with that knot, control your backcast better, mend the line, what the hell kind of cast was that?" 99.9 % of the time I couldnt care less if I catch a fish or not. My dad taught me to just enjoy being in or on the water. Listen to the sounds around you, see everything, smell everything. If you catch a fish....well, thats just a bonus.
  7. Was fishing this morning and I think I dropped the electronic door opener and alarm fob thing for my car. It is black and the key ring hole is broken. I was parked directly in front of the sign for the zebra mussles. If found please shoot me a PM PS-fishing was good. I will post a couple of pictures tomorrow
  8. i have used small mosquitos, black gnats and griffiths gnats with a lot of success
  9. Not sure if anyone has ever listened to these shows, but they are pretty informative and have good tips. I know some of us are heading out west this summer, so hopefully this will help someone out Tonight's show - Wild Rivers of Northern New Mexico Doc, a professional guide for 15 years, has been taking fly fishers to where the fish are in the wild rivers of northern New Mexico including the Rio Grande, Cimmaron and the Rio Castilla. Listen in to learn about these unique fisheries and how to fish them. Go to his 'ASK' page using the link below and ask him a question... http://www.askaboutflyfishing.com/speakers/doc-thompson'>http://www.askaboutflyfishing.com/speakers/doc-thompson Tune in tonight, Wednesday June 2nd to hear his answers... 6:00 PM Pacific 7:00 PM Mountain 8:00 PM Central 9:00 PM Eastern To access the show using the Internet just visit our home page at the time of the show and you'll see the red link 'Listen to the LIVE Show',just click on this link to launch our media player and listen to the broadcast. http://www.askaboutflyfishing.com One click and you're listening in LIVE. Thanks, we hope you enjoy the show! D. Roger Maves www.AskAboutFlyFishing.com Follow me on Twitter: www.Twitter.com/AskAboutFlyFish Ask About Fly Fishing - Internet Radio PO Box 7046 Broomfield, CO 80021 United States 303-430-4634
  10. NICE NICE fish! I am surprised that no has said anything about Ryan holding the trout by the lip.
  11. Got this from http://www.leadville.com/summer/fishing.asp There are several streams and rivers in the Vail area that you can camp, bait fish and spin fish. Eagle River is one. Take Hwy 24 from Minturn up to Leadville and there are a few small lakes (ponds) that you can stop at. Also along I 70 near Copper Mtn (Frisco) is the Blue River and Frisco Lake (i think that is name of it) has great trout fishing. There are several reservoirs in the valley where fishing from shore can be very good. Near Leadville, is Turquoise Lake. The state recreation area offers great fishing and views. It has trail or road completely around the lake, giving great fishing access. South of Leadville at Balltown is Twin Lakes Reservoir. This cold deep lake is at the base of Mt. Elbert. Finally, Clear Lake Reservoir is just south of Granite, small, but probably the best lake fishing in the valley
  12. LOL..i know what you mean Hope you did get out last night and caught a bunch!
  13. Yeah...what Greg said. I saw these in a flyer and got excited about the price, but being a bass pro brand, they are usually just crap. How do you like it, did you get the extras and lets see some pictures!
  14. She caught it. She should be the one holding it.
  15. Charted Waters will teach you how to catch fish, even if they have to bull their way in or plow other anglers out of the way to do so. You want knowledge AND ethics...see Phil Lilley. **This opinion is not endorsed by this website. This a personal opinion based on experience** Have a wonderful day
  16. darn sorry to hear about the family dog. Post a picture of her if you are able. Our shepherd is almost 12 and had a stroke last month. Her left eye is usually rolled up in her head, she walks crooked and veers left, and on occasion she will just lose her balance and fall over. We know the time is coming soon, but as long as the vet says she is still in decent health and not suffering, we wont put her down.
  17. Too bad they dont use these idiots as bait. I watch Whale Wars just to see how insanly stupid these people are.
  18. Unless they have changed the law in Colorado...the river bottom belongs to the landowner, not the water flowing over it. You can drift through private property and still fish the water, you just cannot get out of the boat.
  19. The Story of Edger Sawtell
  20. cool beans leonard. one of these days i am going to have to meet up with you and try this PMS for myself.
  21. Just got this from the KRZK website At Table Rock Dam today, three gates have been opened one foot. Table Rock Lake Manager Greg Oller with the Corps of Engineers says there's no cause for alarm...it's not only because the lake is up a bit after last weekend's rainfall, but also because a unit is offline for maintenance... Oller says the total discharge will be about 14-thousand cubic feet per second, which should not have an effect downstream. He says the gates will likely remain open for a day or so, but that will depend on how much rain we receive over the 24 hours.
  22. I will trade you my wife. I have pictures if you need them
  23. …I have fly fished much of the north in Montana and Wyoming and even did a summer as a guide in Estes park in Colorado.. . I did every moment without a single bit of electronics That is refreshing to know that a fly fishing guide is not using electronics. I cant stand seeing those guys carrying a battery on their back and a 12 foot cable floating downstream. Hmmm...on second thought, maybe that is how a certain guarantee to catch fish outfit does it. i'm just sayin.....
  24. Maybe the new hitting coach can prescribe something for their injuries??????? Go METS!
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