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Everything posted by Dkman

  1. Dkman

    new boat

    Nice Rig!
  2. Dkman


    Great Fish! Like liphunter, I have only heard stories of smallies that big. I have not caught anything close
  3. I was up there Friday as well. Plenty of water to take a boat up then.
  4. The Greenfield Access area. Shallow pea gravel points
  5. Got into them a little Friday afternoon. Got 11. Largest was 2lbs. Caught them on the main lake on a pea gravel bank with the wind blowing hard straight into the bank
  6. Very nice bonus walleye!
  7. Dkman


    Very Nice! What did you catch them on? I need to get out there, I have cabin fever!
  8. I used sand yesterday. Worked well!
  9. Nice job, Great report!
  10. Dkman


    Ended up putting in at CC. Caught a few short crappie very deep on jigs. Did not last long. Too cold. The only place I will be this weekend is by the fire.
  11. Dkman


    Thanks for the input guys. Will try it.
  12. Dkman


    Thanks Dan, I need to work on my winter crappie skills
  13. Dkman


    I had planned to head up to fish this Friday and Saturday. Before I make the 90 minute drive does anyone know the ice situation? I had planned to put in at either Greenfield or Ruark. Thanks for any info you may have.
  14. I have never fished this tail water but am itching to give it a try....Great fish!
  15. Great Pics! Thanks for sharing. Looks like a great time!
  16. Nice pic. Not good seeing the otters though. I did not catch many a few weeks ago when I went but black buggers was the trick then as well
  17. Hope you had good luck. Should be nice down there right now.
  18. Thanks for the pics. I was up there Friday afternoon fishing from the bank. Did not catch much but you are right, it was beautiful with all of the trees turning
  19. Thank you very much for the info. I appreciate it. Hopefully after Friday I can report some success.
  20. Very nice success and pics. Can I ask what you caught them on and depth? I am heading up there this Friday. Thanks
  21. Dkman

    Creek Level

    Thanks for the input. I ended up going down and fishing Friday. Did not see another fisherman. Fished the lower section and it had good water. Caught a few but need to work on my stealth. I spook too many
  22. Dkman

    Creek Level

    Thanks again for the tips Trythis, I am still learning the area and find something new every time I go. When you are referring to from the trestle down, are you referring to the trestle on the west side of town or the one east of the ball fields? Thanks
  23. Dkman

    Creek Level

    Thanks for the tips. I hope to head down within a few days
  24. Dkman

    Creek Level

    Curious if anyone has driven by the creek lately to see what the levels/flow are. We have not had much rain at home and creeks are low. May try to hit it over the next week or so. Thanks for any news.
  25. Thanks for the cricket pic! Looks great!
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