fished sunday with the water off color, up, and fast, sight fishing was basically out of the question unless you were real close to the bank on fast moving water-i fished for about 3 hours and landed 18 to 2 dozen. i did not use anything with an indicator. i tried a few things: t and a rainbow-caught 3 smaller fish on it. olive leech-caught several on it. black leech-only a few looks. so i went back to olive with a olive zonker and that was key. i got a ton of hits and a couple bruisers to follow-one commited and i missed and the other just followed it. anyway, it was a better than expected day considering the water clarity. fish sizes varied from around 10 inches up to around 16 inches. and were all caught in zone 1 below the spillover dam and the stretch from the bridge down to the hatchery outlet