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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by BATCAB27

  1. no doubt Yadi is one of the best defensive catchers ever. But he is nowhere near the offensive player as those two. Heard an interesting debate on the radio about whether Yadi is a hall of famer or not. Offensively, no...but does 8+ gold gloves get you in? Cardinals fans undoubtedly will think so
  2. I thought it was kind of nice to not have to listen to some "politically correct" postgame speech. The ol' "they were the better team today" speech you hear all the time. Cam got his butt whipped and he wasn't happy about it, nor should he have been. Im no Cam Newton fan at all and he could have handled himself in a more professional way, but the dude was pissed off because he just lost the SUPERBOWL and I have no problem with him wearing his feelings on his sleeve.
  3. good lord that was awful. Kim won't be around long at this rate.
  4. BATCAB27


    Well, here we go again. It's been an unbelievable run the past couple of months, all of which will mean nothing without a win Saturday in Houston. Chiefs opened as a 3.5 point road favorite and are clearly the more talented team. I think the arguement could be made that they are the best all around team in the AFC. So many unanswered questions...Can Alex Smith put this team on his back and be the guy? Will Andy Reid screw something up? Can the Chiefs shake their playoff funk or will this be another post season let down?
  5. I hear Odom has decided to not keep Kuligowski on his staff. Sucks to see coach Kool go
  6. You're right, it was probably a lot more than 10k. Shoot, he stroked his mistress a check for 20k so she could get a new car.
  7. That's because Petrino had money on his games. I mean, I know it's difficult to believe that a class act like Bobby would do something like this. It use to be a joke with me and a friend. We'd be watching a Petrino coached game, they'd be 28 point favorites and be up by 24 with 5 min left. I'd say "think Petrino is gna run out the clock?" He'd say "hell no, he's got 10k on this game!" Sure enough, starters stayed in and the playbook was open. maybe he was just in with the mob.
  8. the "former alum with no D1 head coaching experience" experiment is happening on the hardwood. I don't know if I can handle it on the gridiron. We all knew the basketball program was in rebuild mode and were ok with giving Anderson the opportunity to do that. But I don't feel like the football program is rebuilding, I want to win football games now. Not that I think we should get him but Chip Kelly's name has been flying around today.
  9. The guy is 110-32 with a national championship in the last 10 years for god's sake.
  10. I'm sure those poor folks were made aware that christmas was the only day BPS was closed when they were hired and accepted it. And I would assume that they are getting time and a half holiday pay as well. Now if Santa has to work there on Thanksgiving thats messed up
  11. BATCAB27

    gary pinkel

    I don't think he stays at houston. He's only been there a year, they don't draw a crowd and the money will be just as good elsewhere. MU's obvious advantage is that AD Rhoades just hired him at houston before his move to mizzou. Fuente from Memphis will also be going somewhere. However, don't underestimate the pressure being felt from concernedstudent1950
  12. BATCAB27

    gary pinkel

    Tom Herman, coach at U of Houston is a name I keep hearing being thrown around.
  13. BATCAB27

    gary pinkel

    Sad to see him go. Hopefully he can beat the cancer. Nobody could have imagined where he took this program and I doubt we see it back there for quite some time. So, who's the best black coach available?
  14. Also, I believe it was Michigan ST in the final four last year, not NDame. Speaking of MI St, I believe this is the kind of program Al is referring to. Izzo doesn't get 1 and done players. Mainly 3-4 star recruits that become studs after a few years in his program. There's a reason they are always a tough out in the tournament. Hopefully MU will give Kim the time he deserves to see what he can build.
  15. And Wisconsin was led by Frank Kaminsky, national player of the year. 3 star recruit out of IL.
  16. keeping illegal fish is a conservation issue. Having too large of a motor attached to to your boat is a safety issue (i guess?) on these smaller lakes.
  17. There's just no ramp. But that never stopped a redneck with a 4x4 and a little ingenuity.
  18. Put your boat in there Sam! What's the worst that can happen? Get a ticket....big deal. There will be people on here that will people on here that will throw a fit about it. They will say they bought a boat just to use on this lake so why shouldn't everyone else have to as well. They just didn't have the huevos to "break the rules"! For you to get caught someone would have to call you in to the authorities. Then the authorities (sherriffs dept?) would have to come and sit at the ramp and wait for you to return. Surely they have better things to do.
  19. BATCAB27


    Should be interesting. Have a feeling the cards may be running into a buzzsaw....
  20. The fans that boo'd Mauk this weekend should have their season tickets revoked. I mean he only took us to the SEC championship game last year. I'm not saying it's been pretty so far this year, but we are 3-0. The most popular guy in town is always the backup QB. Mauk is not only our best QB, right now he's also our best running back. The guy has worked his tail off for the program and these jacknuts in the stands want to boo him? I 'd want to transfer too. And there would be many SEC teams lining up for his services. I haven't seen much of Lock, but the one drive I watched him in the last game they had 4th down around the 30 yd line. Something like 4th and 7. Pinkle decided to go for it and lock threw a pass out of the endzone to a guy that was double covered. I'll take my chances with Maty scrambling around rather than that. Looks like Mizzou is a 3 pt dog heading down to Kentucky. That's good,they usually play better as the underdog. I'm expecting the defense to do what they do, create a few turnovers. And I'm expecting Mauk to do what he usually does, find a way to win.
  21. KU isn't going to the SEC, then they'd have to play Mizzou again...
  22. BATCAB27

    Joe Kelly

    craig was never the same after the move to the outfield. As good as that trade was for the Cards, it's looking like the Shelby Miller trade is equally as bad so far.
  23. The Houston Chronicle reported Thursday that a third violation of the Houston Astros database by St. Louis Cardinals employees has been found during an ongoing FBI investigation. This news, along with the assertion by Astros general manager Jeff Luhnow that he didn't use stale passwords for the database, expands the scandal beyond what was initially thought. Starting to get juicy.....
  24. It is a big deal to some extent, but I doubt much will be done. The bigger deal I think is now the FBI is going thru ALL their stuff, no telling what they might find.
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