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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Murdoc

  1. I heard there was a barracuda lurking somewhere behind the dam
  2. HOLY COW!!!!!!! That's not covered in mine!!!! I hope they were alright!!! Those wraps and the color of the blank looks like one of my rods!! EEEE!!!
  3. I hope this gets taken care of. I fished around Shell Knob for years and the Pizza Hut cove was a dumping ground for raw sewage. We complained for years and findly after 10 years of complaining we quit and I think someone did something then. Like they said Catch and Release!!
  4. I decited to get one last fishing trip in with my girls before school started. 6,8 and 10 years. I rolled them out at 5 am and we were off. We grabbed some donuts at wally world and made it to the river about 10 minutes to spare. We got spread and a quick adjustment because 2 foot between each of us was not going to be enough. And the whistle blew!! The fun was just beginning! After three failed attempts from three girls and untangling each one after the whistle blew I thought "now we can fish" Remember all this took place at 1 minute after 7:00. At approx 7:03 I hear "Daddy I need to go the bathroom"!! UGH!! After two counting to 10 and a small bead of sweat down my forehead. I said "OK let all go to the bathroom". We trooped it up and got everything taken care of and back we went to our spot. Man was it a beautiful morning I kept thinking!!! Two minutes passed and "Daddy my reel wouldn't reel". The little Zebco had let me down!! It was only 25 years old and I was praying for two more hours of good use but NOPE!! Well we loaded up again in the truck and went to the fish hatchery. That was a high light of the morning so far. We got done feeding the fish and discussed our options and they wanted to fish some more and my oldest said she wanted to try the fly rod out because we were down one reel. I worked with her for a while and she actually did pretty good!! Things were looking up, I thought. My second in command said hey Daddy I caught a dead fish!! Yes sir!! DeaD!! Guess who has to take it off!!! That's a smell I will not forget soon!!! At this moment I started to see my life pass before my eyes and decited it was time to go home. We made it home safe and you know what? I would not trade even one second of today with my girls for the whole world!!!! This was my day and I hope you all had one for the books also!! P.S. We did catch fish!!
  5. I just think they don't care. I was down by outlet 2 Tuesday afternoon and there at the bottom of the stairs was a guy using pink power bait. He knew and didn't care at all! He wasn't catching anything was the only good thing about it. I didn't say anything but I should have. Late last fall I was down and there were three guys fishing down by the big hole and I could see they were pretty nervious and when they would catch one they would walk to the weeds and do something with the fish. They were not keepers by any means. I kept my eye on them and in a little while a young man I know to be a guide came walking up and started talking to them. They picked up their fish and strolled off with their buddy the guide just lauphing it up and so was the guide. I'm not too impressed with the young man anymore if he lets his friends get away with this kind of actions.
  6. LMW, Good to see your mug again. I was wondering the other day also where you had went! Sorry to hear your doc couldn't figure it out!! That's a hard way to lose 60lbs!! There's a lot of us on this forum that need to listen to the "zipper club members" as Dano called them! Glad your back with us!!!
  7. I think on the forum would be the better location. It seams like it gets a ton of hits everyday by the counter.
  8. Phil, I would be intersted in the advertizing. Mark
  9. Murdoc


    Or they will draft a four year starting water boy!! HA!!! I'm not sure if CP knows it's football he's dealing with??
  10. smsbear15, Love the way you put it!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!
  11. Congrats!!!! Thrilling!! I would pass out at 15lbs and you would have to bury me at 25lbs!!! Congrats!! I need to go fishing!!! Your record is safe for now laker!!!
  12. My mini is a 5 foot 3 wt 2 piece and a lot of fun. Sevier came out with a 6 foot 4 piece 2 wt this year. Perfect for bikes and back packing. I didn't mention that it was a costly trip for me. A truck flipped a rock up and now I've got the north star in my windshield about 2inchs across. I only stayed an hour and a half. Catman, I was wondering if you might be around. I made it to the riffles above the dam pool about 5. Sorry to miss you! How were the drys doing?? I did see the ranger for the first time looking around the dam hole. I saw several people fishing with rubber curly tails!! Saw a jar of power bait on the bank also. I bet they could write 50 tickets a day if they would. Laker67, it was still good to get out and wet the line!!
  13. Took a quick trip down to see Tim today and decited to go on down a fish a little. The river flow looks great. Haven't seen the river in such great shape this time of year in many years. The river was a little cloudy because of the river work but you could still sight fish pretty well. It was a muggy hot couple hours. Caught several fish. Nothing very big. Took my mini fly rod and it worked me over trying to get to some of the fish on the other side of the river. The river looked like it's been fished pretty hard. Not a lot of fish down below in the fly area but you can find some pockets with some fish. Sweat a pound and caught some fish. I'll take it!!!
  14. All right you two!! Whats it going to be??? Leonard says "rainbow" and Dano says "brown" Either way that would be a blast!!!
  15. Where's the pictures?? I want to see that hog!!!!
  16. Thanks, It's just hard to have a bad thought when we are talking about trout fishing!! Laker67, I sent you a PM. Making lots of rods!!!
  17. Fox_76, Stop by Tim's Fly Shop at the top of the hill and you will have a much better time. He'll will steer you in the right direction!!
  18. The biggest thing to remember is don't let someone ruin your day at the river. Everywhere you go there is people like that, on the road, in stores, parking lots, just everywhere. I hate to not say something to them and sometimes I do let them get to me. I'm trying to learn to be thicker skinned. It hurts but you got to let it go and have a good day.
  19. Nice!!! VERY NICE!! Congrats!!!!!
  20. Chief, You stood up and said "Wait a second" If I'm not part of the solution I'm part of the problem!! Very well done!!!!!! My hat is off to you!!!!
  21. Hey, it's not the size of the rod that counts it's how much fun you have with it!! LOL!!
  22. The other day this subject came up with one of my friends and the best way we could put our finger on fly fishermen was that for the purist of fly fishermen it's a "gentleman's sport". The true fly fisherman that I've had the pleasure of meeting are the ones that love to tell you how many fish they have caught and then show you exactly what and how they are fishing and even give you a couple flys that they have tied. I used to guide on Table Rock and it gave me more pleasure to see someone catch fish and have a wonderful day than anything that I've ever done. Most of the guys on this forum are a perfect example.
  23. I'm hopeing that this weekend rains don't add to the pile of rain. It rained like crazy this morning here in Lawrence County. My waders are going to start looking for a new home. Miss you Taneycomo wading!! Feast or famine with rain!!!
  24. I don't frown on anyone if they are fishing legally no matter what they are fishing with. I don't see much frowning at all in the park. I use a spin cast if the water is real high sometimes. I have seen it and heard it at Bennett before.
  25. Fly-Guy, In the fly area you don't have to use a fly rod only. It's set up for using only fly types for bait. No soft plastics. No treble hooks. That's why Tim changes the Cleo to a single hook. I Love the fly area!!!
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