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Everything posted by ThomHardy

  1. Very nice Chief!
  2. It looks low, cold, and clear.
  3. Not so much.
  4. Got some rain this evening. Will get out tomorrow evening or Saturday. Water looked great this afternoon.
  5. And on a fishing note, I waded below Taylor Saturdy morning. Froze in the wind and caught nothing. Will this ever start?
  6. Dog found! Thanks for the kind words of support.
  7. Thanks everyone. We have been getting some flyers out over the last few days.
  8. Hey fellow White Bass fishers, I live right by the 215 bridge on the little Sac, west of Morrisville. Three days ago our little Pug dog disappeared, last seen out by the highway. If any one saw it or has any info, please let me know. Thanks very much
  9. Do you fly fish for carp also? It can work well. Very exciting.
  10. Finally it's raining! I fished above Taylor yesterday afternoon, nothing at all. The water was so low you could wade almost everywhere. Talked to some nice folks. People are very friendly on that little river.
  11. By Sunday noon there was no really noticeable change. Still cold, low and clear.
  12. Fished at and below Taylor this morning at around 10. Very cold low water, no fish.
  13. I'll probably go tomorrow in the rain anyway. Just to get wet and cold and out of the house.
  14. It got cold again! Dang. I saw some folks there Saturday with exactly two small white bass. Super low water. It's close, but not yet.
  15. I plan to check it out this Saturday.
  16. Kind of dismal at Blunks tonight. Two fellow fly fishermen did ok across the river from the ramp, but I only had one bump, no fish. Other people had a few fish. A departing spin guy said there were thousands of fish showing two nights ago, but gone now. Wonder how the folks who walked up river to Taylor did?
  17. Thanks everyone. Nice folks here.
  18. Thanks man! I'll check it out.
  19. New guy here, and kind of new to Springfield area fishing. Yesterday I set out after work on a quest to find somewhere on the upper James to wade and fish for Smallmouth. Drove over to the 125 bridge, no parking allowed. Then I went on an exploring drive to see some of the other places where the roads crossed the river. I ended up pretty far up river, and found no access. Is this true? Is there no public access above Lake Springfield? Bummer.
  20. Was at Galena Monday evening and caught nothing. If there is some rain, will this so called run start up again, or is that it?
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